
Heritage (2)

7 Advanced chapters on Patreon: Fiction Haven


While Lily and Bella were frantically thinking about what they could do to save him, Harry found himself in an empty white place. As far as Harry could see was an endless white path. Harry wondered briefly if this was limbo before walking forward. He wished for a mirror and it appeared in front of him. He looked into it and found himself looking like a more handsome Harry Potter. In other words, he didn't look any different.

While Harry was admiring himself, a tall man walked to him. His raven hair was trimmed immaculately and slicked back elegantly. His bearing was the embodiment of power and nobility. Anyone who was in his presence would instinctively bow their head. That was not the case for Harry.

"Who are you, old man?" Harry remarked as he looked at the taller older man standing behind him through the mirror.

"Your penchant for admiring your appearance in the mirror reminds me greatly of Cadmus." This remark made Harry turn around. "Your quick wit and keen observation remind me greatly of Ignotus." Harry held his wand and looked at the man vigilantly. "And finally your powerful gaze reminds me of myself. Hello, Harry, my name is Antioch Peverell."

Harry stared at the offered hand in stunned silence before shaking it, "Harry…Potter, sir."

"You are a Peverell before you are a Potter," Antioch corrected. "You are the promised child whom Death mentioned, the one who will free us from her hands."

"What do you mean?"

Harry was rightfully confused. He had never heard about the promised child mentioned in the Harry Potter book. The book even implied that The Tale of the Three Brothers was only fiction. Although he knew he had been thrown into an alternate universe, he didn't know what to make of the situation.

"Our ambitions led us to make a deal with Death. Death granted our wish in exchange for our souls. We asked for things that could keep us from Death. We thought we were smart, but Death was wittier. I was drunk with power and died because of my stupidity. Ignotus died in despair when what he asked was not what he thought. Cadmus…he was tired of living. He was the smartest of us all."

Antioch caressed his beard nostalgically. A fond smile grazed his lips before a regretful look marred his face.

"In the end, we realised we had fallen for Death's scheme. She wanted our souls and got them." Antioch looked at Harry solemnly. "She promised to let us go if we return the Deathly Hallows. We can't do that as we are already dead."

"Which is why you want me to do that," Harry concluded.

"Not as simple as that," Antioch shook his head regrettably. "You are to become her spokesperson, the Master of Death, the one who ensures no one is defying Death."

Quest: Defeat He-Who-Defies!

Reward: Master of Death (Authority)

"So, I just have to kill Voldemort and unite the Deathly Hallows. That's easily doable," Harry shrugged nonchalantly.

"I am very pleased by your confidence, but please, do not make light of it, Harry. He-Who-Defies is a formidable opponent," Antioch said seriously, putting his hand on Harry's shoulder. "You will need every aid you can get."

Aid: Arch Mage (Authority)

Prerequisite: Unite the Deathly Hallows

Harry couldn't hold back a disbelieving laugh. Kowalski had always given him rewards and aids with weird names. However, this quest's reward and aid had proper names. The quest was also an ambiguous one. Harry had thought He-Who-Defies was Voldemort, but Antioch's comment told him it was not.

Who is this bastard?

The warning from one of the most powerful wizards to ever live made him worry about the quest. Here he thought Kowalski was giving him things for free. It turns out Kowalski was just preparing him for something big. He-Who-Defies was strong enough to harm Harry. That fact made his priority change. Although he would still kill Voldemort, he would look out for He-Who-Defies.

"It looks like you have made your choice. I am sorry that you have to become the Promised Child, the descendent we promise to give to Death to fix our wrongdoings." Antioch looked at Harry sorrowfully, grasping his shoulder apologetically. "Our blessings shall accompany you throughout your journey. Don't lose, Harry."

Harry looked into Antioch's eyes neutrally. He hated the man for roping him into their mess but didn't complain. After all, it might be his payback for living the second time. Even if he wasn't the Promised Child, Harry would still have to fight He-Who-Defies as he would endanger the world. Therefore, his situation was better as he would be rewarded.


"Yeah, I would have also reacted that way."

"Fuck you and your antics!"


Harry sighed and shook his head. He accepted his fate and decided to move forward. He had no time to wallow woefully. Antioch looked at Harry's distancing back with a soft smile. He was sure the young man could do it. After all, he could already feel Death's grip loosening around his soul.

Harry's encounter felt like a lifetime, but it was just fifteen seconds to Lily and Bella. After fifteen seconds, they watched the raging fire calmed down and the flame turned blue. The flame seeped into Harry's body. They noted Harry had grown taller and his muscles were bigger and more defined. When Harry opened his eyes, they saw a pair of blue eyes that shone as bright as the flame. His mesmerizing emeralds were nowhere to be seen.

"What happened, Harry?" Lily asked cautiously.

"Harry is dead," Harry said with a hint of sneer.

"I knew it! The ritual…." Lily lost her strength and fell to the ground.

When Lily cried, Harry immediately rushed to her side. "Oh, shite! I was just messing with you, sweetheart. Why do you take everything so seriously?" He rattled wryly.

"You!" Lily punched Harry's chest in relief before hugging him, still crying.

Bella slapped Harry's head before hugging him. She and Lily noted how considerably warmer Harry had become. His body aroused them, but they pushed their arousal down. They needed to know what happened.

"Tell us, Harry. What was that?" Lily voiced the question.

"I was awakening my dormant bloodline," Harry explained.

"Did it work?" Bella asked.

Aid acquired!

Wakey-Wakey Lazy has taken effect!

The Noble Blood of Peverell and the Blood of the Dragon Conqueror run strongly in you!

"I met my ancestors, so I guess so," Harry answered offhandedly. "I am no longer a Potter or an Evans. I need to reregister my family at the Ministry and the Gringotts to build a vault."

"Huh?" Lily and Bella said in unison. "What do you mean you are no longer a Potter?"

"Well, technically, I am still a Potter. But before a Potter, I am a Peverell. My name is Harry Ignotus James Peverell…I think. Meh, who cares about names anyway?"

Harry's dismissive wave amazed Lily and Bella as much as it annoyed them. Knowing Harry's penchant for pranks, they immediately took him to the Minister. They were a bit worried when James didn't laugh at their explanation. Then, they took the ancestry test. When the result came out, Harry turned out to be 90% Peverell and 10% Pendragon.

"How in Merlin's pants are you related to King Arthur?" James voiced everyone's bewilderment.

"Don't ask me. I don't have an answer to that," Harry shrugged. "Given that I am the only alive male Peverell, I guess I can claim the Family Head status."

"B- But you are my son!" James whined.

"Put your yapping hole to rest, James! Just do your darn job!" Harry snapped.

"How is this possible…?" James mumbled.

"If it's any consolation, the Potters are part Peverell, although it is very diluted. We are still related, but we are a very distant family," Harry informed.

"Ah, right…. I will register you as the Head of the Noble and Ancient House Peverell."

Seeing that James was finally doing his job, Harry turned to the gobsmacked women. He smiled at them and then asked them to follow him to Gringotts. Griphook snorted when Harry told him he wanted to establish a family vault under the name of Peverell. Using Goblin Magic, Griphook checked Harry's legitimacy. The result made his jaw drop.

"Great Ragnuk! You are the rightful heir of the Peverell. Here I thought you were trying to steal. Come with me."

The Goblin motioned for Harry to follow him, not even waiting for Harry as he scurried away. Harry followed after him with a shrug. Lily and Bella silently trailed behind. A cart ride later, they arrived in front of a nondescript vault deep inside the mine. There was a small bowl hanging on the door.

Griphook handed Harry a dagger and told him to cut his palm. "Put your blood in the bowl and let Magic do the rest."

As Harry did as told, he asked, "So what is this?"

"It's the Peverell family vault. It has been here since the establishment of Gringotts, waiting for its rightful owner to claim it."

Harry's blood caused the bowl to retreat into the door. The door rattled before producing a key. Harry took the key and inserted it into the keyhole. The door opened, revealing the content inside.

"It's empty," Harry remarked, amused.

"We have been locating the Peverell's possessions for centuries. We have marked them with our Magic and can be summoned by the rightful heir." Griphook pointed at the Magic Circle on the ground ahead. "Stand there and your possessions should fill the vault soon."

Harry walked to the Magic Circle and summoned his Magic. His Magic seeped into the Magic Circle and he felt his being resonated with the room. A moment later, riches started to fill the room. Books, artefacts, artworks and weapons were summoned one by one. There was not a single Galleon in the vault, but the stuff filling was worth millions of Galleons.

Cliche much?

Frona_Gorgophonecreators' thoughts