
Chapter 10: Charmander, the Stray Pokémon

(After Bulbasaur and Oddish join their team, Mew and her friends continue to travel to find Vermilion City, but their travel plans have a bit of a snag.)

(Mew looks around as she says.)

Mew: "Just Spearow. Spearow. And more Spearow."

Misty: "Well, that's the least of our worries, isn't it?"

(Misty comments.)

Mew: "That's true. Once again, we got lost."

(Mew says.)

Misty: "I just can't go one step further."

(Misty says, tired.)

(Then shouts.)

Misty: "We've been looking for Vermilion City for ten whole days!"

(Suddenly, Brock notices something.)

Brock: "Uh, there's a bug right on your…"

(Misty screams and panics.)

Misty: "Get it away!"

(Then jumps on Mew's back.)

(Brock then picks up something.)

Brock: "It was just a piece of grass."

(Misty is not pleased to hear it as Brock laughs.)

(Then kicks Brock in the face, making him fall to the ground.)

(Misty screams in agony.)

Misty: "I'm going crazy! Where are we?!"

(Mew looks at the map and says.)

Mew: "According to this, we're right in the middle of nowhere."

(Then shows it to the other as she points to a specific location.)

Mew: "But it looks like Route 24 leads to Vermilion City."

Misty: "Does this trail take us to Route 24?"

(Misty asks, excited.)

Mew: "According to my calculations, it does, And it said there's a Pokemon Center close by."

(Mew says.)

Misty: "All right! Then let's get this show on the road!"

(Misty happily says.)

(Misty begins to walk down the trail until she sees a shadowy figure.)

(She looks up to see a large figure.)

(Misty calls out.)

Misty: "Hey Mew, take a look at this thing!"

Mew: "It looks like some kind of giant Pokemon!"

(Mew says.)

(Pikachu and Eevee are confused.)


(The group looks to see a large rock.)

(On the rock is a bipedal, reptilian Pokémon with a primarily orange body and blue eyes.)

(Its underside from the chest down and the soles of its feet are cream-colored.)

(It has two small fangs visible in its upper jaw and two smaller fangs in its lower jaw.)

(A fire burns at the tip of its slender tail.)

Brock: "A Charmander,"

(Brock confirms.)

(Charmander then lets out a yawn, making the group fall over in disbelief.)

[Soon enough...]


(Mew brings out her Pokedex, and Dexter says.)

Dexter: "Charmander the Lizard Pokemon. A Fire Type. A flame burns on the tip of its tail from birth. It is said that a Charmander dies if its flame ever goes out."

Mew: "That sounds sad. It's strange that we found a Charmander all the way out here."

(Mew says.)

Misty: "Maybe so, but it looks like it's in bad shape."

(Misty says.)

Brock: "Yeah, catch it and we'll take it to a Pokemon Center for help."

(Brock says.)

Mew: "Good idea,"

(Mew says.)

(She then throws her Pokeball to catch Charmander.)

(The Pokeball spins and heads towards Charmander, but Charmander then whacks it with its tails and lands on the ground.)

(Confused, Mew says.)

Mew: "It looks pretty healthy to me. You think I should have Pikachu battle it first to weaken it and make it easier to catch?"

Misty: "Why don't you let me catch it? My water Pokemon would be stronger against Charmander."

(Misty suggests.)

(But Mew says.)

Mew: "Hold on a minute! Take a look at the flame on its tail."

(The group looks to see the tail flame is very low and Charmander is panting.)

Brock: "You're right. There's no way it can still have the strength to battle. Maybe you should try again, Mew."

(Brock says.)

Mew: "Okay,"

(Mew says, and throws the Pokeball again.)


(This time, it hits Charmander and it enters the Pokeball.)

(It shakes a little and then it opens, releasing Charmander.)

(Mew then catches the Pokeball.)

Brock: "Sure has a lot of spunk."

(Brock says.)

Mew: "A little too much if you ask me."

(Mew says.)

Misty: "I think this Charmander has an attitude problem."

(Misty replies.)

(Mew then turns to Pikachu and Eevee.)

Mew: "Hey guys, maybe you can talk to Charmander."

(Pikachu and Eevee nod their heads and climb on the rock.)

Pikachu: "Pikachu," (Hello)

(Pikachu says.)

(Then they both climb on the rock and sit next to Charmander.)

(Eevee asks.)

Eevee: "Eevee Eevee." (What's wrong Charmander?)

Charmander: "Char-man-der," (I'm weak and tired, but I need to stay here.)

(Charmander says.)

Pikachu: "Pika Pikachu?" (Why here? You don't look very good.)

(Pikachu says.)

Charmander: "Char Char-man-der," (Because I'm waiting for my trainer. He promised to come back for me.)

(Charmander answers.)

(Pikachu and Eevee turn to each other and nod their heads.)

(Then climbs down the rock to speak with their trainer.)

Mew: "So what's the story?"

(Mew asks.)

(Pikachu and Eevee then explain to Mew what Charmander has told them.)

Brock: "What did they say?"

(Brock asks.)

Mew: "They said that Charmander is waiting on that rock for its trainer to come and get it."

(Mew answers.)

Misty: "You mean it belongs to somebody?"

(Misty asks, confused.)

Brock: "If it's waiting for someone, I think we better leave it. It's probably best if its own trainer takes care of it."

(Brock says.)

Mew: "I hope its trainer comes back soon."

(Mew says, showing deep concern.)


(The group then begins to walk down the trail to continue their journey.)

(Mew stops and turns her head back to see Charmander on the rock.)

(Then continues to walk down the path.)

(Charmander looks at Mew and yet, still remains on the rock, waiting for its original trainer to return.)

(The group continues to walk on the train until they see a building.)

(Misty points out to it.)

Misty: "Hey, you guys! Look over there! It's the Pokemon Center!"

Mew: "The one on the map! Route 24 can't be too far!"

(Mew says.)



(thunder clouds roll in and it begins to rain outside.)

(Pikachu soon gets a reaction to the rain.)

(Eevee even feels a speak of rain on its head.)

Mew: "Hurry!"

(Mew calls out.)

(Soon, everyone hurry down the trail to the Pokemon Center.)

(Back on the rock, Charmander is using a leaf to shelter itself from the rain.)

(Sadly, it's not enough and the tail flame is getting weaker, and it's getting cold and wet.)

(Back at the Pokemon Center, Misty walks to the table with some bowls of soup.)

(Misty says.)

Misty: "Here's some nice hot soup."

Mew: "Thanks, Misty,"

(Mew says, sounding a little sad.)

(Then gives another bowl to Brock.)

Misty: "Have some soup, Brock. Huh?"

(Misty notices that Brock is looking out the window to see the rain.)

Misty: "What's wrong?"

(Misty asks.)

Brock: "I wonder. Do you think anybody picked up that Charmander yet? What if its trainer left it there?"

(Brock says.)

Mew: "I'm worried about it too. I'm worried that Charmander might have been abandoned by its trainer."

(Mew sadly says.)

Misty: "I don't think Charmander would be waiting there for this long."

(Misty replies.)

Brock: "I don't either, Misty, it's trainer must have went and gotten it by now."

(Brock says.)



(they soon hear laughter and turn to see a group of trainers.)

(There is this one trainer with blue hair, with sunglasses on his head, a white shirt with a brown vest, and a pile of Pokeballs next to him on the table.)

(One trainer says.)

One trainer: "Sure got a lot of em."

(A second trainer says.)

second trainer: "For sure!"

(The trainer with the blue hair says.)

trainer with the blue hair: "Just look at em! It's a pretty cool collection."

Another trainer: "Way cool!"

(Another trainer says.)

(A trainer wearing a red shirt says.)

trainer wearing a red shirt: "You're the man, Damian."

(The trainer wearing a blue vest says.)

trainer wearing a blue vest: "Yo! I thought you had a Charmander too."

Damian: "Yeah, I had one. But that puny thing was so weak, it couldn't even beat the weakest opponents!"

(The boy Damian says.)

(Hearing the conversation, Mew and her friends don't like it at all.)

Misty: "I don't like his attitude."

(Misty says.)

Brock: "Charmander may be weak against water Pokemon, but if their trainers work hard, they can be strong."

(Brock says.)

(Mew worriedly asks.)

Mew: "You don't think the Charmander he's talking about could be…"

(Suddenly, one of the trainers asks.)

Another trainer: "So what did you do with the Charmander?"

Damian: "Ah, I left it on some rock in the woods."

(Damian answers.)

(This makes Mew and the others shocked to hear what Damian is saying.)

(Then Damian says.)

Damian: "That thing is so stupid! No matter what I do to it, it keeps on following me! I finally got rid of it by promising I'd come back for it. It fell for it! It's probably still there waiting for me!"

(Then Damian and the other trainers begin laughing.)

(Soon enough, Mew and her friends know what really happened.)

Mew: "He's the one who abandoned Charmander!"

(Mew angrily says.)

Misty: "Yeah, and it's still waiting for him on that rock."

(Misty says.)



(Brock gets up from the table.)

Mew: "Brock,"

(Mew says, confused.)

(Then Brock walks towards the trainers.)

(One of the trainers says.)

the trainers: "I bet it's still up there, wagging its tail."

other trainer: "It'll probably wag it so long, it'll put the flame out."

(The other trainer says.)

Damian: "Yeah, for sure!"

(Damian says and begins laughing.)

(But is cut off when Brock grabs him by his shirt and demands.)

Brock: "Go and get it!"

Damian: "Huh?"

(Damian says, confused.)

Brock: "That Charmander is still waiting for you! Go and get it, now!"

(Brock says.)

Damian: "Why should I?"

(Damian asks, doesn't seem to care.)

Brock: "You lied to your Pokemon and said you'd be back, now it's waiting out there in the rain for you! And if it's tail flame goes out, it'll die!"

(Brock angrily says.)

Damian: "Oy! What I do is none of your business!"

(Damian angrily says.)

(Mew angrily walks up and says.)

Mew: "Do as he says!"

Damian: "What'd you say, nerd?"

(Damian demands.)

Mew: "You heard what I said. And you want to be a Pokemon trainer."

(Mew angrily says.)

Misty: "You're disgusting!"

(Misty says.)

Pikachu: "Pika Pika! (You rotten trainer!)

(Pikachu angrily says.)

Eevee: "Eevee Eevee." (You go get Charmander or else!)

(Eevee angrily adds.)

(Damian picks up his Pokeball.)

Damian: "You wanna fight with me?"

other trainer: "You better not mess with Damian."

(The other trainer says.)

(Mew then picks up Damian by the shirt and lifts him in the air, shocking everyone in the room.)

Mew: "I don't need to do a Pokemon battle to take care of you."

(Mew angrily says.)

(Suddenly Nurse Joy says.)

Nurse Joy: "Wait, you need to calm down. I appreciate that you won't let Pokemon be used for personal quarrel, but creating your own violence isn't the answer. It will only cause problems."

(Mew takes a deep breath and places Damian back on the ground.)


(Damian scoffs it off and says.)

Damian: "Yeah. Well, tell them they're the ones what started it."

(Then he and his friends leave the scene.)

(Nurse Joy then turns to Mew and her friends.)

Nurse Joy: "I think you'd be better off not to get mixed up with them. They have a very bad reputation."

Misty: "More than she thinks."

(Misty mutters.)

Brock: "Thanks for the advice."

(Brock says.)

(Nurse Joy laughs and walks away.)

(Brock smiles as his cheeks blush.)

Brock: "She sure is pretty. I've never seen anyone as pretty as her."

Misty: "What are you talking about? She looks just like all the other Joys."

(Confused, Misty asks.)

Mew: "Yeah, it's a Joyful world."

(Mew comments.)

(Then shakes Brock's shoulder.)

Mew: "All right, snap out of it!"

(That snaps Brock out of it.)

Misty: "Oh, quit spacing out! What about Charmander?"

(Misty says.)

(Brock gains back his focus and says.)

Brock: "That's right! We've got to help it!"

(Mew and her friends put on their rain jackets and hurry out into the rain to rescue the fire Pokemon in distress.)

Misty: "This is dangerous, going out in a storm like this to help a Pokemon! What if we all catch pneumonia?"

(Misty says.)

Mew: "The storm may be bad, but you know the reason why we must do it."

(Mew says.)

Misty: "We've gotta help a Pokemon in need!"

(Misty says, and winks.)



(Charmander is still trying to remain conscious with his life being held by a single thread.)

(Suddenly a flock of Spearow's notice Charmander and begin to attack it.)

(They stop when Mew throws a rock at it and shouts.)

Mew: "Knock it off!"

(The Flock of Spearow's soon begin to attack Mew, but Mew refuses to be bothered.)

(Brock has his jacket removed and forces them away.)

Mew: "Pikachu. Eevee. Get these Spearow's away from us."

(Mew says.)

(Pikachu and Eevee spring into action and swat the Spearow's away with their tails.)

(Pikachu then uses a small Thundershock, but it's enough to drive the Spearow's away.)

Mew: "Thanks guys,"

(Mew says.)

Pikachu and Eevee: "Pikachu/Eevee." (You're welcome.)

(Pikachu and Eevee answer.)

(Brock and Mew hurry to Charmander to see it's condition is worse.)

Mew: "Oh no! The flame on its tail is almost out!"

(Mew panics.)

(Brock wraps Charmander in it's raincoat.)

Brock: "Let's get it to the Pokemon Center!"

(Mew then removes her jacket.)

Mew: "I'll make sure its tail flame stays lit!"

(With that, Mew and Brock Carry charmander and keep its flame going with Misty, Pikachu, and Eevee close by.)

Brock: "Hold on! You can make it, Charmander!"

(Brock says.)

Mew: "We'll get you to the Pokemon Center, just hang in there."

(Mew says.)

(Mew and her friends continue to pick up the pace as they try to get to the center to save Charmander's life.)

(At the Pokemon Center, Nurse Joy is looking out the window, worrying for Mew and her friends who have got out in the storm.)

(Then, the group of friends burst in.)

Mew: "Joy. Please help us!"

(Mew panics.)

Eevee: "Eevee vee!" (It's terrible!)

(Eevee cries out.)

Pikachu: "Pika Pi!" (We got an emergency!)

(Pikachu adds.)

(Nurse Joy hurries to them.)

Nurse Joy: "What is it? What's wrong?"

Brock: "This Charmander is in bad shape!"

(Brock answers.)

Mew: "The flame on its tail… it's almost gone."

(Mew says, about ready to cry.)

(Nurse Joy sees the tail flame with a gasp.)

Nurse Joy: "There's not much time!"



(Charmander is taken into the ER.)

(Mew and the others watch as Nurse Joy examines him.)

Brock: "Will it survive?"

(Brock asks.)

Nurse Joy: "Charmander is very weak."

(Nurse Joy answers.)

(Then turns to the group.)

Nurse Joy: "How could you let it get into this condition?"

Mew: "It's not our fault, Damian was the one who abandoned it."

(Mew answers.)

Nurse Joy: "What?"

(Joy asks, shocked.)

Mew: "Well, Damian promised Charmander to come back for it, Charmander's loyal to Damian, so it believed him."

(Mew sadly says.)

Misty: "That's why we confronted him earlier because we know what Damian really did."

(Misty says.)

Nurse Joy: "Poor Charmander. And Damian just left with the rest of them."

(Nurse Joy sadly says, feeling sorry for Charmander.)

(Brock then begs Nurse Joy.)

Brock: "Joy, I'm begging you, please save it! Charmander has got to get better!"

Nurse Joy: "I'll do whatever I can."

(Nurse Joy answers.)

(The red treatment light is one in the ER meaning Nurse Joy is beginning the treatment.)

(Mew and her friends are forced to wait outside to see if Charmander is able to survive.)

(Nurse Joy continues with the medical procedure.)

Brock [in mind]: "Charmander, you've got to hold on!"

(Brock says in his thoughts.)

(Mew then says in her thoughts.)

Mew [in mind]: "Please, keep your flame burning."

(Time has gone by, and after the waiting the light has died down and Nurse Joy exits the room.)

(The group walks over to see Nurse Joy.)

(The Nurse smiles and gives a peace sign, meaning that Charmander has pulled through, to their relief.)

Nurse Joy: "Charmander's recovering, it should be fine by morning."

(Nurse Joy says.)

(The group looks inside to see Charmander is sleeping in the medical unit and its flame is still lighting.)

Brock: "That's the spirit, Charmander."

(Brock says.)

(Mew smiles and says.)

Mew: "Thank goodness, Charmander. You're going to be okay."

[The next day...]


(Misty and Mew are sleeping on the couch while Pikachu and Eevee are sleeping on the floor with the blanket on them.)

(Brock walks over to see the others to notice someone else is sleeping on Mew's stomach.)

(It's Charmander who is feeling a lot better.)

(Mew wakes up to see Charmander sleeping on her.)

(Mew can't help, but smile and sits up as she holds him.)

(She also makes sure to let it sleep.)

(Misty walks up to see Charmander with Mew.)

Misty: "Well, it looks like Charmander like you."

Mew: "I guess, but well,"

(Mew says.)

Brock: "What is it Mew?"

(Brock asks.)

Mew: "I know it sounds weird, but I really hope Charmander can come with us, but I'm not sure if I could."

(Mew says.)

Brock: "How come?"

(Brock asks.)

Mew: "Because I know that Charmander would want to wait on the rock for Damia."

(Mew says.)

Misty: "I'm afraid Mew is right. We can't force Charmander to come with us if it wants to wait for him. Even if he is a lying creep."

(Misty says.)

Nurse Joy: "They're right, there's nothing we can do until Charmander realizes the truth."

(Nurse Joy sadly says.)

(Mew looks down sadly to see Charmander sleeping with Mew.)

(She really wants Charmander to come with her, but knows that Charmander is still loyal to Damian and she can't do anything about it.)

(Sometime later, Mew and her friends continue on their way, and Nurse Joy promises to take care of Charmander until he fully has his strength.)

(Brock turns to Mew and asks.)

Brock: "You really wish Charmander could come with us, huh Mew?"

Mew: "Yeah,"

(Mew sadly answers.)

(Misty turns to Mew.)

Misty: "Mew, I'm sure Charmander knew that we cared, but like you said. It couldn't forget about Damian. It's still loyal to him."

(Mew nods her head.)

Mew: "I know, but it doesn't mean I have to like it."

(Misty smiles and says.)

Misty: "Come on! Route 24 is just ahead! Once we get to Vermilion City, there'll be plenty of Pokemon!"



(Mew and her friends continue to walk on the trail.)

(Meanwhile, Team Rocket has a new mecha set up for our heroes, and launches into their motto.)

Jessie: To protect the world from devastation.

James: To unite all peoples within our nation.

Jessie : To denounce the evils of truth and love.

James: To extend our reach to the stars above.

Jessie: Jessie!

James: James!

(Mew then comes in.)

Mew: "Mind if I cut in? Huddle up!"

(Then says.)

Mew: "They're going to be here soon!"

James: "Finally, a foolproof plan to capture Pikachu!"

(James says, excited.)

Jessie: "I'm so excited! I can't wait to test our new automatic, high speed, super duper, whatchamacallit!"

(Jessie adds, bringing out a remote.)

(Jessie and James press the blue button at the same time.)

Jessie and James: "Start it up!"

(The machine starts up, making Meowth weary.)

Meowth: "So what does this thing do, anyway?"

(The mecha extends a drill and starts to drill a hole on the ground.)

(Meowth shouts.)

Meowth: "Not another hole driller! We tried that already!"

Jessie: "If at first you don't succeed."

(Jessie says.)

James: "This time we'll remember where the hole is."

(James adds.)

(Jessie and James cover the hole.)

(Meowth asks.)

Meowth: "Are you sure you're gonna remember where the trap is?"

Jessie: "Meowth, don't you think we're smarter than that?"

(Jessie questions, making Meowth fall over in embarrassment.)

James: "Our trap is set!"

(James says.)

(Meowth notices Mew and her friends coming.)

Meowth: "Hey! Here they come, now!"

(Team Rocket hides in the bushes and hides the machine behind the trees.)

(They soon see the group walking over to the trap.)

Jessie: "They're getting warm."

(Jessie whispers.)

James: "Warmer,"

(James adds.)

Meowth: "They're burning up."

(Meowth adds.)

(Soon, Pikachu and Eevee are able to walk over the trap with no problem, much to Team Rocket's dismay.)

Jessie: "It's too strong. You used too many branches!"

(Jessie whispers.)

James: "Me? You're the one who covered it with too much dirt!"

(James says.)

(Meowth scratches them both.)

Meowth: "Quiet."



(Mew and her friends walk over the trap.)

(Mew feels herself sinking a bit.)

Mew: "Whoa! You feel something?"

Brock: "I did!"

(Brock answers.)

Misty: "Feel what?"

(Misty asks.)

(Soon, the trap caves in and Mew, Misty and Brock fall in, grabbing Pikachu and Eevee's attention.)

(Pikachu walks over and says.)

Pikachu: "Pikachu." (Not again.)

(Eevee asks.)

Eevee: "Eevee?" (Are you okay?)

(Suddenly, they turn to see Team Rocket wearing blue rubber suits.)

(Meowth laughs and says.)

Meowth: "I can't believe they fell for it!"

Jessie: "Our invention worked, we're geniuses!"

(Jessie says.)

James: "Come with us, Pikachu. You belong to us, now. Same goes for Eevee."

(James says.)

(Pikachu uses a Thundershock, but their suits prevent it.)

(James laughs.)

James: "Rubber cannot conduct electricity!"

Jessie: "Just another example of our incredible genius at work!

(Jessie says.)

James: "You have to be a rocket scientist to outsmart us! The Team Rocket scientists!"

(James says.)

Jessie: "We call these our anti-Pikachu suits. We made them ourselves. I must admit I don't think this is really my color at all."

(Jessie says, looking at the suit.)

(Meowth says.)

Meowth: "Enough talk, let's just grab the Pikachu and get out of here!"

(Mew cries out.)

Mew: "Pikachu! Eevee! Run!"

(Hearing Mew Pikachu and Eevee run away.)

James: "We'll use our anti-Pikachu rubber balloon bazooka!"

(James says, bringing out a bazooka.)

Jessie: "Ready? Aim. Fire!"

(Jessie says.)

(The balloon fires and soon chases Pikachu and Eevee.)

(The two Pokemon run as fast as they can, but are soon engulfed by the rubber Balloon.)

(Pikachu tries to use Thunderbolt and Eevee tries to use Swift, but nothing works.)

(Team Rocket mocks them outside the balloon.)


(Pikachu and Eevee cry out.)

Pikachu and Eevee: "Pikachu!/Eevee!" (Help us!)

Mew: "Pikachu! Eevee!"

(Mew panics.)

(Jessie laughs.)

Jessie: "Hello, down there! Thank you so much for dropping in."

James: "Don't worry, Pikachu is safe with us. We won't lose it like you did."

(James says, holding the balloon.)

Mew: "Pikachu! Eevee!"

(Mew says, dismay.)

(Meowth says.)

Meowth: "Let's get outta here!"

(Suddenly a familiar voice shouts.)

Charmander: "Charmander!" (Hold it right there!)

Jessie: "What is that thing?"

(Jessie asks.)

(Turns out, it's Charmander who has arrived on the scene.)

(Charmander then demands.)

Charmander: "Char Char mander! (You better give Pikachu and Eevee back to those guys right now!)

Meowth: "It's saying you better give Pikachu and Eevee back to those guys right now."

(Meowth translates.)

Jessie: "It's got to be kidding."

(Jessie says, annoyed.)

(James says.)

James: "Now step aside, you insolent little firebug. We haven't got time to play with you."

Meowth: "Team Rocket plays rough, so get moving!"

(Meowth says.)

(Charmander becomes steamed with the insult and that these people want to hurt the ones who saved him.)

(Charmander powers up much to Team Rocket's confusion.)

(Then performs a powerful fire type move and torches Team Rocket that their rubber suit burns off and they drop the bag with the Pokémon inside.)

(When they are fried, Team Rocket runs away screaming.)

James: "You see! Didn't I tell you we needed fireproof uniforms!"

(James screams.)

Jessie: "Shut up and keep running!"

(Jessie shouts.)

Meowth: "Some geniuses! Meowth!"

(Meowth shouts.)

(Team Rocket continues to run away as they scream.)

Team Rocket: "Looks like Team Rocket's blasting off again!"



(Damian comes out of the bushes and notices Team Rocket running off.)

(Confused, Damian says.)

Damian: "Charmander beat them?"

(Back at the hole, the gang are able to climb out of the hole.)

(Once out, they see Charmander is waiting for them with a smile, and Pikachu and Eevee are free from the balloon.)

Brock: "Wow! Thanks for the help, Charmander!"

(Brock says.)

Mew: "That was awesome, Charmander."

(Mew happily says.)

Misty: "You see, Mew? Charmander knew we cared. That's why it's here."

(Misty says.)

Brock: "Way to go,"

(Brock says.)

(Mew then turns to Charmander.)

Mew: "Charmander, how'd you like to join up with us? I'm afraid your 'trainer' isn't coming back."

(Suddenly, Damian steps in and says.)

Damian: "Hey, Charmander I've Been looking all over for you."

Mew: "It's you!"

(Mew gasps.)

Brock: "What do you want, Damian?"

(Brock demands.)

Damian: "I came back for Charmander, just like I promised."

(Damian says.)

(Everyone gasps in shock, even Charmander is shocked.)

(Damian says to Charmander.)

Damian: "So, let's go."

(Charmander looks at Mew and her friends.)

(Then look at Damian who is at front.)

(Brock says to Charmander.)

Brock: "Careful, this trainer's already abandoned you once before."

Damian: "Charmander is mine. I'm the one who caught it, remember?"

(Damian says.)

(Mew angrily says.)

Mew: "Damian, you bragged about how you abandoned him!"

Damian: "Good thing I did. That toughened it up! Besides, what's wrong with dumping off a weak Pokemon?"

(Damian says.)

(Charmander becomes shocked to hear what Damian is saying.)

Damian: "I wasn't gonna come back for it, but now that I've seen what it can do, I'm really glad I ran into you guys. The best thing is, I didn't have to raise it myself."

(Damian says.)

(Charmander soon becomes very sad to see Damian's true self.)

(Damian never cared for him at all, and yet, he remembers that Mew and her friends do.)

(Misty angrily says.)

Misty: "That's terrible!"

Brock: "Raising a Pokemon is the best part of being a trainer!"

(Brock says.)

Damian: "You wish! It's the most boring part of the job."

(Damian remarks.)

(Brock angrily says.)

Brock: "How dare you call yourself a Pokemon trainer!"

Misty: "You see? He doesn't care about you. He just wants to use you to win matches."

(Misty says, turning to Charmander.)

Mew: "And I wouldn't be surprised if Damian treats his other Pokemon the same way."

(Mew angrily says to Damian.)



(Damian shouts.)

Damian: "Charmander, return!"

(Then throws his Pokeball at Charmander.)

(However, Charmander whacks the Pokeball back at Damian with his tail, hitting him in the face.)

(Everyone becomes shocked to see this.)

(Then stands in front of Mew and her friends.)

(Damian becomes so angry that he takes out all his Pokeballs.)

Damian: "That's it! I'll crush you with every Pokemon I've got!"

Mew: "Not so fast, Damian!"

(Mew says.)

(Then calls out.)

Mew: Pidgeotto, Butterfree, Poliwhirl, and Bulbasaur.

Mew: "Alright everyone, let's get him!"

(Mew calls out.)

(Charmander then unleashes another Flamethrower attack at Damian.)

(Pikachu uses Thunderbolt.)

(Eevee uses Swift.)

(Bulbasaur uses Razor Leaf.)

(Poliwhirl uses Water Gun.)

(Pidgeotto uses Gust attack.)

(And all of the attack strike at Damian, and receives a hard beating.)

(Once they're done, Mew turns to Butterfree.)

Mew: "Butterfree, use Sleep Powder."

(Butterfree flies in the air and performs the move.)

(Soon, Damian falls to the ground and is fast asleep.)

Misty: "That was great,"

(Misty says.)

Brock: "Way to go, Charmander."

(Brock says.)

Mew: "Good work, everyone."

(Mew says.)

(The Pokemon reply with glee.)

(Just then, they hear a siren sound and turn to see Officer Jenny arriving on a motorbike with Growlithe.)

(Seeing them she asks.)

Officer Jenny: "What happened here?"

(The group then looks at each other.)

(Brock steps forward.)

Brock: "Well Officer Jenny, it's like this…"

(Brock explains to Officer Jenny about what Damian has done to Charmander and how they rescued it.)

(According to Officer Jenny, Damian has been abusing his Pokémon and not just Charmander.)

(Officer Jenny has Mew and her friends, including Damian to the Pokémon Center.)

(Damian has awakened, but they make sure he doesn't leave.)

(Nurse Joy takes the Pokeballs, all twenty five of them.)

(Turns out they needed medical attention, so she does just that.)

(Nurse Joy walks to Damian and sternly says.)

Nurse Joy: "I suggest you stay right where you are, Damian. We already confiscated your Pokémon and got them treated. If you do try anything, I won't hesitate to let Chansey use Double Slap attack on you."

(Chansey cracks her knuckles.)

Chansey: "Chansey Chans." (Just try it.)

(Mew and the others are surprised to see Chansey acting tough.)

Misty: "I guess Chansey is tougher than it looks."

(Misty says.)

Mew: "That's why you should never underestimate Pokemon based on appearance."

(Mew says.)

(Jenny turns to Mew and her friends.)

Officer Jenny: "Thank you all for coming with me to the Pokémon Center."

Misty: "It's no trouble Officer Jenny."

(Misty says.)

Brock: "Yeah. This is important."

(Brock replies.)

(Nurse Joy walks over with the Pokeballs.)

Nurse Joy: "Okay. I'm going to release the Pokemon. Now let's see what's inside. But…"

Brock: "But what?"

(Brock asks.)

Nurse Joy: "Well, I actually have six Pokeballs and they are not identified in the data of Kanto, Johto, Hoenn, Sinnoh, Unova, Kalos, and Alola."

(Nurse Joy says, holding the six Pokeballs.)

Mew: "Really?"

(Mew asks.)

Nurse Joy: "Yes. I plan on releasing the first 21 Pokemon from their Pokeballs and we'll see about the last six."

(Nurse Joy.)

(The three trainers and Pokemon nod in reply.)



(Nurse Joy releases the twenty one Pokemon.)

(Turns out Damian has a lot of Pokemon on hand.)

(Rattata, Golduck. Rhyhorn, Magikarp, Arcanine, Vaporeon, Hoppip, Sneasel, Ledyba, Surskit, Skitty, Roserade, Mantyke, Finneon, Snover, Sandile, Dwebble, Espurr, Popplio, Rockruff, Bounsweet.)

(This shocked Mew and her friends even Nurse Joy and Officer Jenny are shocked to see how many Pokemon Damian has on hand.)

Misty: "That's a lot of Pokemon."

(Misty says.)

Mew: "Yeah. And some of them are from different regions."

(Mew says.)

Brock: "Yeah. Even those from the Unova, Kalos, and Alola Region."

(Brock says.)

Mew: "Makes me wonder how Damian has so many Pokemon."

(Mew replies.)

(Nurse Joy turns to Damian.)

Nurse Joy: "So am I. How did you obtain so many different Pokemon?"

(Damian scoffs and turns his head away.)

Damian: "Why should I tell any of you?"

(Mew huffs and says.)

Mew: "Okay then. Charmander. Pikachu. Eevee."

(The three Pokémon step forward and plan to give Damian another attack.)


(Damian confesses with fright.)

Damian: "Alright, alright! I'll talk! I got most of them from different trades okay!"

(Eevee turns her head away and says.)

Eevee: "Eevee Eevee." (That's better.)

(Nurse Joy turns to the Pokemon that are released.)

Nurse Joy: "Now you all don't need to fear. These three Pokemon Trainers are more than happy to take care of. You'll be in good hands."

(The Pokemon feels weary as they look at the three trainers.)

(However, they can tell that these trainers are very nice, so they decide to choose which trainer they like to be with.)

(Arcanine, Ledyba, Skitty, Roserade, Espurr, Bounsweet decide to be with Mew.)

(Golduck, Vaporeon, Magikarp, Surskit, and Snover decide to be with Misty.)

(Even though Surskit is also a bug Pokemon and Snover is a grass and ice type, Misty doesn't mind.)

(Finally, Rattata, Rhyhorn, Hoppip, Sneasel, Sandile, Dwebble, Rockruff, decide to be with Brock.)

(However, the trainers look to see the only ones who remain where they are are Mantyke, Finneon who are in a small pool of water, and Popplio.)

(Misty asks.)

Misty: "I wonder what's wrong with them?"

(Mew realizes.)

Mew: "I have a feeling Damian has been forcing them to battle. I think they don't wish to be in another Pokemon battle."

(The three Pokemon nod their heads, agreeing to the statement.)

Brock: "Well, we can tell that all three are water type Pokemon."

(Brock says.)

(Just then, Mew has an idea and turns to Misty.)

Mew: "Misty, maybe your sisters can take care of them."

Misty: "That's a great idea. I'm sure they'll be happy there."

(Misty says.)



(the Pokemon becomes curious.)

(Misty walks over to them.)

Misty: "I know you don't like battling, but how would you all like to live with my sisters at the Cerulean Gym."

(The Pokemon become curious.)

Misty: "You see the Cerulean Gym is a Water Type Gym, so we have a pool where you can happily swim and relax, and there will be plenty of Water Pokemon for you to play and be friends with."

(Misty says.)

(The Pokemon smile with glee and nod their heads.)

(They are happy to hear they get to swim and get to have many friends.)

Misty: "Well then, I'll call my sisters and let them know about you three. They'll be happy to have you."

(Misty says.)

(The three Pokemon happily call out.)

(Mew and Brock are happy as well.)

(Mew turns to the six Pokeballs left on the desk.)

Mew: "I wonder why these Pokemon weren't identified in the Pokedex."

(Then takes two of them.)

(Brock and Misty then each one of what's left on the desk.)

Brock: "Well, the best way to know is to let them out."

(Brock says.)

(The three then throw their Pokeballs, and it's a surprise to see the Pokemon that has come out.)

(The first one is a white rabbit like Pokemon with some orange and a little bit of yellow fur.)

(The second one is a light-blue skin lizard like Pokemon with darker teal patches and a lighter blue belly and face, and a yellow fin on its head, and a curly tail.)

(The third one is a green monkey Pokemon with a brown tail, wedge-like ears, orange hands, feet, and snout, and a lime mask frame on its face.)

(It also has a brown stick on it's head.)

(The last one looks like a Ponyta, but it has chalk-white fur; long, purple-and-blue, cloudy fur that is also on top of its dark-purple hooves; purple eyes with light-blue irises; and a purple-and-white horn on top of its forehead.)

(This shocked Mew and her friends, including Nurse Joy and Officer Jenny.)

Brock: "I… I don't believe it."

(Brock says, shocked.)

Mew: "Are those what I think they are?"

(Mew adds.)

(Jenny turns to Mew and Brock.)

Officer Jenny: "I suspect you have an idea what they are."

Mew: "I remember Professor Oak telling me about them, these four Pokemon are from the Galar Region."

(Mew says.)

Nurse Joy: "Are you sure?"

(Nurse Joy asks, shocked.)

Brock: "They are. I remember reading about them too. In fact, the first three are Starter Pokemon from there."

(Brock says.)

Misty: "But, what about the Ponyta? It's different from the ones I've seen."

(Misty says, confused.)


(Mew kneels down to Ponyta and reaches her hand out to it.)

(The little Ponyta sniffs it and allows Mew to pet it.)

Mew: "I think it has something to do about it living in Galar. Professor Oak told me that some Pokemon that lived in Alola and Galar have different forms and because of their different forms, they can end up with different types. Since this Ponyta is from Galar, it's known as a Galarian Form and it's a Psychic type."

(Mew says.)

Misty: "A Psychic type? Amazing."

(Misty says, surprised.)

(Mew then picks up the Ponyta who is very small.)

Mew: "From the looks of this Ponyta, I have to say this one is still a baby."

Nurse Joy: "I agree. It's appearance shows that it's only a few days old and it didn't have any battle experience yet."

(Nurse Joy says.)

Misty: "That's good to know."

(Misty says.)

(Then she feels a nudge on her leg.)

(She turns to see the little blue lizard Pokemon.)

(Misty kneels to it and asks.)

Misty: "Do you need something?"

Sobble: "Sobble Sobble?" (Can I be with you?)

(The Pokemon asks.)

(Mew turns to Misty.)

Mew: "Misty, I think Sobble wants to be yours?"

Misty: "Sobble?"

(Misty says, confused.)

Brock: "Yeah. I think Sobble will be a great addition to your team. Sobble is known as the Water Lizard Pokemon so it's a Water Type."

(Brock says.)

Misty: "Really?"

(Misty asks, turning to Sobble.)

(Sobble smiles and jumps on to Misty's shoulder.)

(Misty smiles.)

Misty: "I think that answers your question. I would love to have Sobble with me."

(Sobble smile.)



(the green monkey Pokemon jumps on Brock's head and rubs it's own against it.)

Brock: "I guess that means I get this Grookey. It's a Grass Type Pokemon."

(Brock says.)

(Then the rabbit Pokemon jumps on Mew's shoulder and smiles at her.)

(Ponyta rubs her head against Mew's chest.)

Mew: "I guess that means you and Scorbunny will be coming with me."

(Mew says.)

(Ponyta and the rabbit Pokemon, Scorbunny smile.)

(Mew says.)

Mew: "I really like your ears, Scorbunny."

(Scorbunny blushes and says.)

Scorbunny: "Scorbunny!" (Thank you!)

Brock: "I wonder how Damian has these kinds of Pokemon."

(Brock wonders.)

Mew: "I wonder about that too."

(Mew says, turning to Damian.)

(Then sternly asks.)

Mew: "Where did you get these Pokemon? Three of the Pokemon you got are starter Pokemon and the other is a different from a Ponyta here."

Damian: "I'm not telling you anything."

(Damian angrily says.)

(Suddenly, Damian begins to float into the air and begins to panic.)

Damian: "H-hey! What's going on?"

(Mew turns to notice Espurr eyes are glowing as his paws are up.)

Mew: "Are you doing this, Espurr?"

(Mew asks.)

(Espurr purrs with a nod.)

Brock: "Looks like they're not scared of Damian anymore."

(Brock says.)

(Mew turns to Damian.)

Mew: "Alright Damian, you either tell us or Espurr won't hesitate to drop you."

(Espurr nods in reply.)

(Seeing that they're serious Damian panics.)

Damian: "Alright alright, I'll talk! I got them from a Pokemon Poacher who was selling three of those Pokemon! I decided to buy them because I got plenty from my wins at the tournaments, and he gave me the Pokemon Egg for free! That's all I know!"

(Then Espurr drops Damian to the ground, making Mew, Misty, Brock, and all the Pokemon laugh.)

(Officer Jenny chuckles for a little bit, but turns to Damian with a disapproving glare.)

Officer Jenny "I can't begin to describe how disappointed and disguised I did, Buying from a Poacher, Abusing, and Abandoning Pokemon is a serious offense. I've heard all that I need to know."

???: "So have I,"

(A voice says.)

(The group turns to see the Pokemon researcher, and someone Mew is familiar with.)

Mew: "Professor Oak?"

(Mew says, surprise.)

Pikachu and Eevee: "Pika?/Eev?" (Professor Oak?)

(Pikachu and Eevee say, surprised.)

Mew: "What are you doing here?"

(Mew asks.)

Professor Oak: "I've got a call from Officer Jenny about problems and I decided to check it out. Surprising to find that you and your friends are here."

(Professor Oak says.)

Mew: "Yeah. We found Charmander and found out it was abandoned by Damian. Luckily we saved it. When Charmander saw Damian's true colors, he refused to go back with him."

(Mew says.)

Misty: "Charmander, Mew, and her Pokemon taught him a lesson, and Officer Jenny came by. Turns out Nurse Joy called her about what happened."

(Misty says.)

Brock: "And we agreed to adopt Damian's Pokemon. He has a lot of them, even these four from different Regions. Even the starter Pokemon from Galar and the Galarian Ponyta."

(Brock says.)


(Professor walks over to see the four Galar Pokemon with them.)

(When he walks to Ponyta, Ponyta sniffs the professor, and licks him with glee.)

Mew: "I think she likes you."

(Mew says.)

Professor Oak: "I must say, you three are very lucky to have these unique Pokemon, and it's lucky for them to know they are in good hands."

(Professor Oak says.)

(Just then, Officer Jenny grabs Damian by his vest and says.)

Officer Jenny: "And your luck has run dry. You're going straight to jail, and won't be having another Pokemon after this. You're under arrest for Pokemon abuse, abandonment, Illegally purchasing other Pokemon, and whatever else you did."

(Officer Jenny then drags Damian away and takes him to jail for his crimes.)

(The Pokemon that is once Damian are glad that they have new trainers and never have to see Damian again.)

(Just then, they see Charmander who is walking to Mew with a smile.)

(Misty and Brock can tell who he wants to be his trainer.)

(Brock says.)

Brock: "Go ahead Mew, you get Charmander. He's a great Pokemon."

Mew: "Are you sure?"

(Mew asks.)

Brock: "I'm sure. You're the one who kept his tail lit."

(Brock says.)

Misty: "And Charmander has become attached to you."

(Misty adds.)


(Charmander walks to Mew and hugs her on her leg.)

(Then snuggles his head on it.)

(Mew smiles and says.)

Mew: "Thanks."

(She then brings out her Pokeball.)

Mew: "Come on Charmander, welcome to the group."

Charmander: "Char Char!" (You bet!)

(Charmander happily says.)

(He then jumps in the air and Mew throws her Pokeball.)

(The Pokeball hits Charmander and it goes inside.)

(In a matter of seconds, a click from the Pokeball comes from the Pokeball and stops moving as it lands on Mew's hands.)

Misty: "You got a new Pokemon and a new friend."

(Misty says.)

Mew: "Yeah,"

(Mew happily says.)

(And so, Charmander is now part of Mew's team, and Mew and her friends' group have gotten bigger.)

(The group continues on their way to Vermilion City, and hope that they won't get lost again.)

(As the Journey continues.)

[To be continued...]


Mew's Files

Pokemon On Hand: Eevee (Female). Pikachu (Male). Pidgeotto (Male). Butterfree (Male). Poliwhirl (Male). Bulbasaur (Male). Charmander (Male). Scorbunny (Female). Ponyta (Female). 2 Pokemon Eggs

Pokemon in Professor Oak's Ranch: Shellder (Male). Weedle (Female). Sandshrew (Male). Arcanine (Male). Ledyba (Female). Skitty (Male). Roserade (Female). Espurr (Male). Bounsweet (Female)

Items: 3 Heart Scales. 2 Soothe Bells. 1 Amulet Coin. Moon Stone. Moon Ball.

Badges: Boulder Badge. Cascade Badge.

Misty Files

Pokemon: Goldeen (Female). Staryu. Starmie. Oddish (Female). Golduck (Male). Vaporeon (Female). Magikarp (Male). Surskit( Female.) Snover (Male). Sobble (Male).

Items: Fishing Rod

Cerulean Gym: Mantyke (Male). Finneon (Female). Popplio (Female).

Brock Files

Pokemon: Geodude (Male). Onix (Male). Zubat (Male). Rattata (Male), Rhyhorn (Male), Hoppip (Female), Sneasel (Female), Sandile (Male), Dwebble( (Male), Rockruff (Male). Grookey (Male).

stay tuned for next chapter.

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love from odisha ❤️

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