

Opening my status just for a second I saw the new addition.

[—Name: Ezekiel Sinclair.

—Race: Human.

—Level: 8

—Class: None.


—Body: 31

—Mind: 32

—Energy: 29

—Sense: 36

—Status Effect: Growth Enhancement III

—[Stats: 0]—

'....well that's an actually incredible buff I'm not gonna lie, I guess I should have seen this coming, I focused so much on growing the 100s strength so much I didn't consider the effects that it would also have on myself.'

Shaking my head at the new addition to my status I focused on the others instead.

" See? Harmless." I said watching as some of the more skeptical faces eased up.

Then one after another they started drinking the potion, they unlike me saw more immediate effects as they felt everything around them in more detail and focus.

Seeing this they started making lines and taking the potion with more fervour, Bellamy, Clarke and Raven were also amongst these people.

And of course, Finn was nowhere to be found.

Shrugging at that I simply walked over to the training grounds and began training the others.

This training session comprised of giving the 100 real weopons such as swords and spears and training with them, then they'd have mock spars with wooden training weopons to further their skill at fighting actual people.

This took 5 hours and after that I released all the non-combatants back to working in building more cabins, they still had the buff so I hoped they'd also become better at their respective professions faster with this.

I had the hunters and guards stay though, I brought out the guns and began their training with them taking an extra 3 hours from them before changing shifts with the ones guarding the walls and trained them too.

My day was spent like that, so by four or something I walked off, with some aches on my body and a clear improvement on my status.

[—Name: Ezekiel Sinclair.

—Race: Human.

—Level: 8

—Class: None.


—Body: 35

—Mind: 33

—Energy: 32

—Sense: 37

—Status Effect: Growth Enhancement III

—[Stats: 0]—

Not bad I'd say, plus everything seemed to be working out really great.

Already throughout the entire training time I saw that they were steadily improving in both physical capabilities and skill, learning incredibly faster from the boost and my [Teaching] skill overlapping probably.

I'd seen that firearm training had gone so incredibly fast that I let the guards and hunters hold on to a rifle each with two mags that Raven and Monty helped by Jasper managed to identify and fix.

We'd need gunpowder soon though, I didn't know whether I could create an alternative to gunpowder yet so I didn't try as I didn't have any material that would work like gunpowder.

So now I was back at my forge, beating down and refining the Symphonite Ore that I had left to smelt.

I had managed to create 7 ingots as of now and there was still some amount left in the forge.

I collected the impurities from the symphonite for later, I might need them for something after all.

So as I beat the eight ingot into shape I was then interrupted by Clarke, it was already becoming night already so I didn't think that anyone would bother me unless it was really needed.

" Zek, we have a problem...." Muttered Clarke immediately as she entered the door.

" Problem?" I parroted with a frown before walking up to her.

" What's going on?" I asked not liking this already.

" It's finn...." She muttered looking at me, this time I didn't even try to hide my groan of dissatisfaction.

" Of course it's Finn..." I muttered softly even as she led me back at the dropship." What did he do?" I asked finally.

Entering the dropship I found Finn, battered and bruised but not majorly so, guards stood on his side with rifles.

Raven looked tensed at this, this further increased when I entered.

Bellamy sat just besides raven, with a rifle in hand too.

" What did he do?" I asked a bit louder framing my question to everyone.

I was met with silence until Bellamy decided to chime in.

" This idiot went back to grounder territory..." He muttered and immediately my eyes were on Finn again, I stared at him with an intense frown.

I was actually a pissed, this fucker not only probably started war with the grounders by entering their territory that one time but he also did it again even knowing the risks it posed on us.

" He says that he talked to one of them, a healer...." Bellamy continued making me look back at him.

" And how would that be possible?" I asked feigning ignorance." How would they our language?" I asked.

" Don't know, but Finn says that their warriors know it and can communicate in it." Answered Clarke.

" And might you also tell me why the fuck did you invade into grounder territory again, when I specifically told you and anyone else not to Finn?" I muttered, venom clear in my words as I looked up at the guy.

" I was just trying to help, and I did." He muttered frowning at me, anger in his voice but restrained with a bit of gloating laced in there.

" Oh? And how the fuck did you do that?" I asked actually interested, I'd still slag the boy though, his blatant disrespect of my authority had gone long enough.

" I managed to ask their healer Lincoln to arrange a meeting with their leader." He muttered and I simply frowned at him which made him explain further." To negotiate peace, there doesn't need to be bloodshed after all and so I took it upon myself to try and help."

" If we can garner for peace with the grounders we won't need to be so worried and concerned of them and we can live our lives in peace instead of fearing for our lives at every night, Lincoln said that he'd come to camp to give us their reply." He finished.

At that I just paused, my frown not wavering.
