
That's enough of the sad talk. We're here for a wedding!

"When did I begin working with him?" Andrew repeated, chewing on the words. "Uh, I don't know if I should tell you that." He said slowly. He received several confused looks from the Becketts and he winced. Even Amir's grandparents had a hard time with that response.

"Why? Is there a problem with how you two started getting to know each other?" Well, not in the grand scheme of things, but Andrew knew from Maxwell's words, and their actions, that they were quite protective of Maxwell. If they found out that he had been having problems with a few alphas stalking him and staking out his house, they might lose their minds. 

"Uh, well, I don't think Maxwell would like it if I said it." Andrew knew it was a bit of a cop out, but what was he supposed to do? He didn't have a problem with what he'd done, but Maxwell had told him more than once that he didn't get along with his family. Even if all evidence pointed to the contrary. 

They just…were very protective of him. 
