
Not Too Much To Ask

[Author Note]

Disc: HrPrTeam

Does Toji's boost carry over to old people?

He beat up Granny Ogami.




Rion P.O.V.

I smile as I run my hand through the sleeping Akira's hair, but my smile turns sad when I think about her.

Why does she idolize me?

Why does she have to use me as an example?

I'm a cold-blooded killer.

I don't know what I can say to the kid to keep her away from this kind of life. Now, I have an even bigger problem on my plate.

It didn't take me too long to figure out what those superhuman people wanted from me.

They only attack people with unusual abilities, meaning they were after my ability to see The Paths.

I doubt it will be the last time we meet, but that isn't what worries me.

Sure, I can handle some of those weirdos.

The problem is that if they are after someone who can see The Paths, the next best option is Akira.

Akira isn't a member of the Order or someone who could give them trouble.

She's ten, after all.

Even if she can see The Paths, there is only a certain threshold until it isn't enough to overcome the difference in power.

The kid is in danger because of me.

All I wanted to do was give her a way to protect herself, but now that I have taught her how to see The Paths, she now has a massive target on her back. 

It turns out the guy I took down was an average-ranked person in that weird organization.

If he's average, then every assassin below the Order is fucked if they run into one of their members.

It's gonna take years for Akira to reach that kind of level.

The strongest assassins in the world are the only people who can protect her.

I'm not even sure that I'm strong enough to protect her.



I reach into my pocket to pull out my phone.




I sigh.

It was only a matter of time before they called.

I answer the phone with a smile, not before moving Akira off my lap, standing up and outside Toji's room, avoiding waking Akira up. "Hey, sis. What's going on?"

An irritated voice responds. "Don't give me 'hey, sis'! Akira is missing, and I've got a feeling you have something to do with it!"

I yawn. "Yeah, she's here with me, sound asleep."

My sister responds. "You already know we don't want her anywhere near you!"

I raise an eyebrow. "I asked her if she wanted to come over. It's not like I kidnapped her."

She didn't let up. "She's ten. She can't make her own decisions. Akira wants to become an assassin because of you. You're going to get her killed!"

It's frustrating because she's right. However, these are different circumstances.

I reply with narrowed eyes. "I get that, but she needs to be close to me for a little while."

She instantly responds. "Why, are you going to train her to use a gun again!?"

I lean my head back. "I might have to, given the current circumstance. Look, Sis, we've had our differences, but Akira is in danger."

She scoffs. "Of course, she's hanging around you, after all."

My eyes roll. "You know I care for ya, and I'd do almost anything for you, but a group is runnin around attacking people with unusual abilities."

I could practically hear her eyes widen. "It's that eye thing you have, isn't it?"

My head unconsciously nods. "Yeah, they're called The Paths. Since Akira can see em, she's a likely target."

It goes quiet for a moment, but she eventually speaks. "*Sigh* FUCK, RION! You're the one who taught her to use that thing! Damnit, fine! We'll talk about this later, but keep her safe for now. It's not like I can call the cops on you since you're an assassin. I still need to think some things over."

A genuine smile appears on my face. "Thanks, Sis. I'd even give my heart for the kid. No freak is gonna touch a hair on her head."


The line goes silent.

That could've gone worse.

I promise you, Sis, I'll keep her safe, even if I have to die for that to happen.

Putting the phone away, I walk back into Toji's room and see my niece drooling on the floor.

I smirk. "Let's get you to bed, kiddo."


I walk out after putting her to bed.

A man meets me in the doorway. "What was that about?"

I rub my forehead. "I would say 'don't peep in on conversations,' but the kid is in danger."

Nagumo leans back on a wall. "Are you going to tell Toji that he won't have a room for the foreseeable future?"

I wave it off. "He's an understanding guy. There shouldn't be any problem."

Nagumo gives me a deadpan expression.

I turn my head away from Nagumo. "I'll talk to him later."

I'll also need to talk to him about something else.


The Next Day: Rion P.O.V.

I stretch my arms as I yawn, going to the kitchen to make myself breakfast.

Opening the fridge, I grab the eggs.

However, when I close the fridge...

A man appeared next to me, and it wasn't Nagumo.

Before I spoke, he narrowed his eyes at me and spoke. "Since when was the kid taking my room a permanent thing?"

Nagumo, you damn snitch!

I rub the back of my head. "There is no safer place in the world than the apartment of four stupidly strong assassins."

His eyes stay narrowed. "Have her use the couch. It's OUR apartment, right? Meaning me, you, black hair, and white hair. Not a random ten-year-old's."

I smirked. "She isn't random. She's my cute niece."

He stares at me with a neutral face.

I bend my head down and clap my hands. "Please!"

Toji scratches his hair in annoyance. "Fine, but she only sleeps in there. Deal!? I still want my own space."

I smile. "Thanks, Toji."

I'll take what I can get from Toji.

Without saying another word, he walks over and flops face-first on the couch, accepting that he will be sleeping there for the foreseeable future.

I've needed to convince two people in the last 24 hours. I just woke up, and I feel like I already need to sleep.

I still need to talk to him about something.

Putting my hands on my head, I walk over to the couch. "Hey, Toji? I'll get right to the point. I need to get stronger to protect Akira, so I'm going to be training with Akira. Feel free to join us in the gym downstairs if you wanna do something other than lay down all day."

He doesn't respond.

I'll take that as him listening and not sleeping.

I sit down next to him. "With you there, things are going to be much easier. So, here's me reaching out another hand. It's up to you, though."

He still doesn't respond.

Whatever, he'll join up if he wants to do something other than gambling.

Surely, he won't go back to gambling even while here, right?

Shit, I'm done convincing people today.

It's not too much to ask, right?

Will Toji gamble? Will he do something with his life? Find out next time on Zenin Days!

JaxWolf4creators' thoughts