

[Author Note]

Disc: HrPrTeam

Updates have been slow since I've been waiting for the release of new chapters of Sakamoto Days, trust.

It's just like how I totally don't like Toji.



(This chapter will spoil some of chapter 186 and beyond, so if you don't want to be spoiled, read the manga chapter before reading this.)


Gaku and Pals

The three family members sat around, uncaring at the chaos erupting on the island.

They couldn't care less if some wannabe assassins were killed.

Kumanomi rested her palm on her chin. "Can we leave already? We've been sitting here for hours! When the hell is Sei going to get us off this stupid island?"

At this point, the mission is almost guaranteed to fail since Toji and the other prominent Order members are on the island.

Almost all of the 'superhumans' got folded by 'regular' people. Well, as regular as inhuman assassins can be.

The next thing they can do is get away from the island before the higher-ups figure out they have destroyed the security system.

Gaku was staring at the sky without a single thought.

He didn't care anymore.

It was only natural.

He was an assassin, after all.


A person stood behind Gaku. "*pat* Been a while, kiddo."


Someone pat Gaku on the head.

Everyone's eyes widened as a new person appeared in their group. They didn't even realize he was there until he was already above Gaku.

It is a tall man with messy-short fading hair, wearing a casual sweatshirt.

Something that could be noticed was the giant bow on his back.

As Kumanomi and Haruma got ready to move, they stopped when they realized who it was.

The man gave a closed-eye smile. "I would feel like a crappy friend had I not helped you guys out after everything that happened."

Gaku could only get a single word out.


The man, or Tenkyu, is another one of the experiments at the Al-Kamar orphanage.

Al-Kamar was ultimately seen as a failure since they couldn't replicate many Order-level threats.

While Gaku had immense potential to rival individual Order members, Tenkyu was different.


He is the only successful product that came out of Al-Kamar.


Most Al-Kamar orphans saw each other as family, but Tenkyu was relatively isolated and even wore a cardboard box over his head.

Everyone could relate to each other except him.

While he had trouble relating to the other orphans, this didn't stop him from developing a solid friendship with them, even if it was sometimes one-sided.

They were all there suffering for the sake of becoming weapons.

It was the only thing that they had in common.

The main difference between him and the other orphans is that his strength is on a different level than the other orphans.

Even though he is only seventeen, he is far above everyone else.

In another timeline, even the strongest version of Uzuki, a man who surpassed the Order, thought he was too dangerous for their organization.

That very same person came out of nowhere and acted like there wasn't a massive invasion on the JCC.

Haruma's eyebrows furrowed. "How are you here?"

Tenkyu tilted his head to the side as if Haruma asked a dumb question. "Uh, I swam?"

Kumanomi's right eye twitched. "You...swam? Like physically swam? HERE!?"

He rubbed the back of his head and smiled wide. "Haha, yeah, it was pretty rough. I couldn't get a boat or flight, so I used the next best option!"

Contrary to what one would think about him as a powerful assassin, Tenkyu was pretty childish.

Gaku gave him a deadpan expression. "Why are you here?"

The atmosphere shifted.

However, he could be heartless when it came down to it.

While Tenkyu kept a neutral face, his eyes told a different story.

His eyes were hollow, but he kept a small smile. "I heard about Uzuki."

It went silent for a moment since the three other Al-Kamar orphans were thinking about the person who killed him.

Tenkyu's face kept its hostile look. "Do you guys happen to know who did it?"

Even if the hostility wasn't directed at them, the others couldn't help but gulp.

Gaku sighed. "Toji Fushiguro."

The atmosphere shifted back to normal.

His hollowed face was missing, replaced by a smile. "Great, I'll deal with him later, but we should get you guys off the island before something happens."

Gaku gave him a nervous look. "What about Sei?"

Tenkyu rolled his eyes. "Don't worry about that bozo. I'll kill him the next time I see him. Just stay close to me, and you guys are gonna be fine."

It would sound insane coming from anyone else.


Scratch that; it still sounds insane.


Kumanomi crossed her arms. "I'm assuming you can get us out of here without Sei knowing or getting hunted by the JAA, right?"

Tenkyu gave her a thumbs-up...before he flipped it down. "Nope!"

Kumanomi looked like she wanted to strangle the teenager but ended up calming down.

Haruma rubbed his forehead. "Do you have a plan at all?"

Tenkyu instantly shook his head. "Nah, but we can all swim back!"


Gaku punched Tenkyu's stomach. "You trying to kill us?"

He didn't flinch. "Yeah, you guys are probably right. Whatever, that is for future me to handle!"


Suddenly, he jumped up onto the roof of the building.

He put his right hand above his eyes and started looking around, searching for something.

Turning back to the ground, he shouted at the group of three. "Hey, give me a description of that Toji guy!"

Haruma sighed once more. "Black hair!"

Kumanomi looked irritated. "*Tch* He's an asshole!"

Tenkyu's eyes twitched. "That doesn't really help..."

Gaku put his hands in his pockets. "He has a scar on the right corner of his mouth!"

Tenkyu nodded with a smile. "You guys stay put and keep outta trouble! I'll be back soon to take you guys back!"

Kumanomi crossed her arms. "Be careful, he's really strong!"

He waved it off with a smile. "Don't worry...I'll win!"

Tenkyu's eyes were slightly hollowed. 'I'm gonna kill you, Toji Fushiguro.'

After that thought, Tenkyu vanished from his spot, searching for the man who killed his friend.

Gaku blinked as he realized what just happened. "Didn't he say to stay close to him?"

Haruma stared at the spot where Tenkyu used to be. "Yes, yes, he did."

Kumanomi shook her head. "Dumbass."



I smiled. "Let's see how strong you truly are, 115."



Do I still get paid?

Nah I'd win x2

JaxWolf4creators' thoughts