
The Fate of the Original Red Dragon Emperor

Hub World, Earth, Japan, Tokyo.


After the meal at Restaurant Yukihira, Tatsuo was casually walking down the street of Sumiredori Shopping District with a smile on his face. Walking ahead of him with their heads lowered and embarrassed blushes on their faces were Chiho and Yakumo, who did not dare to look back.


"The food was really good, wasn't it?" Tatsuo asked with an innocent tone of voice.


Despite the tone of his voice, Tatsuo's smile was so broad that someone would think he just hit the lottery. And in his opinion, he had. Getting to hear Chiho and Yakumo moan so sensually was truly a great prize in his opinion.


The girls, on the other hand, did not even bother to reply. They simply continued to walk with their heads lowered, hoping to get away from the smiling boy behind them.


"So, did you two wanna do something else to celebrate the end of the exams?" Tatsuo asked.


"No." Chiho replied quietly.


"I'm going home." Yakumo said in her usual tone. Though, it was clear she would rather not be talking right now.


'Just what is wrong with the food from that restaurant?' Chiho thought to herself. 'I'm just glad Maou-San wasn't here to see that. Otherwise, I would die of embarrassment.'


'I don't' know what happened…' Yakumo thought to herself. 'But I promise, I'll never go to eat at that restaurant again… But I wonder if the chef would be willing to teach me how to cook. I'm sure Nee-San would be happy if I could cook that well, too.'


"Okay, if you guys say so." Tatsuo replied with a shrug. "Then, let's get back home. We don't have school tomorrow, and the weekend starts the next day. So, let's take the time to relax properly."


In response, Chiho and Yakumo nodded their heads.


Around that time, the trio reached the train station. Then, after buying their tickets, they headed back home, with Chiho getting off a stop after Tatsuo and Yakumo. Tatsuo then walked Yakumo home before heading back to his apartment.


{[Dimensional Chat]

Lici: Did you say you had dinner at Restaurant Yukihira?

Lici: The one from Shokugeki no Sōma?


Tatsuo (Admin): Yeah

Tatsuo (Admin): I'm pretty sure it was the same one

Tatsuo (Admin): I even met Sōma and Jōichirō

Tatsuo (Admin): Yakumo and Chiho even had food-gasms when they ate the food


Lici: Wow!

Lici: Fonzie's cooking does that to people, too


Alfonzo: That's probably because there's a Totsuki Culinary Academy in our world, too

Alfonzo: Erina Nakiri even works for my company

Alfonzo: Otherwise, it wouldn't make sense for that to happen in a Fairy Tail world


James: Erina works for you?

James: Respect

James: Damn, I wanna taste food like that, too

James: I mean, Grayfia's food is good, but it doesn't do that

James: I can't cause stuff like that when I cook on the grill, either


Sumire: The two of you can cook


Lici: Yeah, Fonzie's food will bring world peace someday


Alfonzo: I'm pretty good in the kitchen


James: I suck in the kitchen

James: But I'm pretty badass on a grill


Lici: Fonzie's probably better, though

Lici: Oh, there's a Grayfia in our world, too

Lici: But she's human

Lici: She's in her thirties, too

Lici: But she looks like a girl in her early twenties


James: Grayfia?

James: A human?

James: I really wanna let them meet


Alfonzo: I think it would be pretty fun, too

Alfonzo: Letting your Erza and Irene meet our Erza and Irene would be pretty cool, too


Tatsuo (Admin): I definitely wanna be present for that


Sumire: I read Fairy Tail, and I tried to read High School DxD… But it was too perverted for me


James: Yeah, I can't believe Ize was the original MC of my world

James: I think Ddraig would have had a mental breakdown if he had to stay with someone like that

James: I mean seriously, getting power from poking tits? What kinda shit is that?


Tatsuo (Admin): Ddraig did have a breakdown in the light novels

Tatsuo (Admin): he even had a therapist, and everything}


Scatter Cherry Blossoms Universe, Human World, Japan, Kyoto


In a luxurious apartment near the campus of Kyoto University, James began laughing heartily after reading Tatsuo's last message in the [Dimensional Chat]. In fact, he laughed so loud that Flora, who was sleeping next to him, woke up with a frustrated expression on her face.


"James, what is wrong with you?" Flora asked in a frustrated tone. A moment later, she put on a seductive expression as she continued. "Was it so good that you woke up laughing and wanted some more? Well, if that's what you want, I don't' mind. But I'm still a little tired. So, we can only go one round. Or you could call over Akeno and the girls and we could do it that way."


"Oh, no, sorry.' James replied while waving dismissively. "It's something the admin of the chat I told you about said."


Hearing that, Flora could not help but frown slightly. Although she knew James was not the type to let his imagination get the better of him like that, she was still finding the whole multiverse thing a little hard to believe.


"And just what did this 'admin' say that made you laugh so hard.?" Flora asked while rolling her eyes.


"Well, he said that in most parallel versions of our world, Ize is the Red Dragon Emperor." James said before starting to laugh again.


"Pfft!" Flora sputtered as she was caught off guard. After that, she looked at James' left hand with a gaze filled with pity. "If that's really true, I feel sorry for those versions of Ddraig."


"If I was really attached to that degenerate, I would have found a way to kill myself early on." Ddraig said, projecting his voice so that Flora could hear him, as well."


"Oh, that's not what made me laugh so hard, though." James said with a smile. "What really got me was the fact that those Ddraigs usually had mental breakdown's because of Ize's behavior, needing therapy, like, twice a week."


"Hahahahaha!" Flora burst out laughing hysterically after hearing that.


Ddraig, on the other hand, thanked his lucky stars that things were different in this world.


"But seriously, I wanna invite the members of the chat to our world some time." James said after he got his laughter under control again. "They all seem like pretty cool people. On top of that, they all have supernatural powers that are similar to, yet different from, the ones in our world."


That got Flora's attention.


"If you could really bring them here, and they could prove that they are from another world, it would make everyone stop looking at you so funny, you know." Flora said.


"I know." James replied while smiling wryly. "I would be able to give Lancer a proverbial slap in the face, too. Damn, he's really been getting on my nerves."


"Well, can you blame him?" Flora asked while rolling her eyes in a charming manner. "You mess with him all the time. Plus, you always win whenever you two have a disagreement. This must feel like he's finally getting you back for all the stuff you've said and done over the years."


"Well, if he didn't stick his foot in his mouth so often, I wouldn't' have the chance to do all this stuff, would I?" James asked in an innocent tone with an equally innocent expression on his face.


Once again, Flora rolled her eyes. Then, she rolled over and climbed on top of James with a seductive smile on her face.


"Anyway, since I'm up again, why don't' you help me get back to sleep?" Flora asked before licking her lips sensually.


Hub world, Earth, Japan, Tokyo.


{[Dimensional Chat]

James: Anyway, something just popped up that I have to handle

James: I'll talk to you guys later


Sumire: That was abrupt


Lici: he's definitely handling his harem


Alfonzo: Definitely


Tatsuo (Admin): No doubt


Sumire: Huh? What do you guys mean


Lici: Sumire, please stay as innocent as you are}


The group continued to chat for a while longer before everyone decided to get offline and go to sleep or do other things.


The next day went as usual for Tatsuo. Since there was no school that day, he got up and trained with his mother, Mai, and Kasumi. After that, he went to get cleaned up and had lunch with the three ladies. After that, he went back to his room to play the piano for a while before finishing his work on the fans he made for Mai.


"Just in time." Tatsuo said to himself as he looked at all the fans he made sprawled out all over the floor of his walk-in closet. "It will be dinner time soon. After that, Mai-Nee will definitely come here for that reward I promised her for being nice to Chi-Chan, Yakumo-San, and the others. *Sigh* There will be so many changes in her expression tonight. I can't wait."


When Tatsuo spoke his last sentence, he wore a very mischievous smile. However, thanks to his extremely handsome face, if there were any girls present, they would have been charmed instantly. Even Mai, whom that smile was intended for, would have turned into putty, despite the fact that she had been tricked.


Of course she would throw a tantrum afterwards, but that was not in Tatsuo's consideration for the moment.


Tatsuo then put all the fans into his [Inventory], deciding that he would give them to her when she came to his room to spend the night. Then, he left the room and made his way to the kitchen to have dinner.


"Tatsu-Chan, you're finally here." Sumire said with a smile when she saw Tatsuo come into the kitchen. "Just what were you doing all afternoon? Your room was so quiet."


"I was working on a surprise." Tatsuo said with a smile.


"Oh, tell Mommy about it." Sumire said with a smile as she pointed at Tatsuo's usual seat.


"If I did that, it wouldn't be a surprise, would it?" Tatsuo said as he took his seat.


In response, Sumire pouted like a little girl while looking at Tatsuo with puppy dog eyes.


"You won't even tell your Mommy?" Sumire said in a pitiful tone. "Tatsu-Chan, don't you love me anymore?"


In response, Tatsuo only rolled his eyes. At the same time, Kasumi also entered the kitchen, and when she saw Sumire's pouting face, she could not help but smile.


"What's wrong, Sumire-Sama?" Kasumi asked as she walked over to her usual seat.


"Kasumi-Chan! Tatsu-Chan is bullying me!" Sumire said in an overly dramatic tone. "He's actually bullying his mother. Can you believe it?"


Hearing that, Kasumi continued to smile as she shifted her gaze to Tatsuo.


"And what do you have to say for yourself, Tatsuo-Kun?" Kasumi asked in a gentle tone.


"Just because I won't spill the beans on a surprise I have planned, I'm bullying her?" Tatsuo replied as his expression morphed into an aggrieved one. "Then, Mom tattles on me because she can't have her way. Am I bullying her or is she bullying me?"


Kasumi then shifted her gaze back to Sumire while maintaining her smile.


"Is that true, Sumire-Sama?" Kasumi asked.


"Maybe…" Sumire replied while looking away before she tried, and failed to whistle a little ditty. "There's a small, almost inconsequential, chance that things might have unfolded in that way."


"Sumire-Sama, that's not very nice." Kasumi said in a gentle, yet reprimanding tone.


"But my Tatsu-Chan is keeping secrets from me, his mommy.!" Sumire shouted indignantly. "And I can't stand it. I'm so curious that I could die. I just wanna know what it is!"


Seeing Sumire act that way, Tatsuo and Kasumi stared at her blankly. Meanwhile, Sumire, after realizing that she had spilled her real thoughts, and so quickly at that, coughed before acting as if nothing happened.


"Anyway, Mai-Chan should have dinner ready soon." Sumire said. "I hope you're hungry. She seems to be in a really good mood. I bet dinner will be amazing."


As if she were waiting for Sumire to say that, Mai, carrying a platter with several dishes on top of it, entered the dining area with a wide smile on her face.


"I hope everyone is hungry." Mai said. "I put all my heart, soul, and love into tonight's meal."


As she spoke, Mai reached the table and put the platter down. However, when everyone saw what she cooked, they all stared at her blankly.


On top of that patter were dishes made with soft-shelled turtle, fatty tuna, azuki beans, unagi, seaweed, and natto. And on the side, she had also prepared high quality green tea.


"Mai-Chan, what the hell is this?" Sumire asked with her head lowered so that no one could see her expression.


"Didn't I say that already, Sumire-Sama?" Mai asked without losing her smile. "It's a meal I cooked with all my heart, soul, and love. So, I hope you're hungry."


Tatsuo's, Sumire's, and Kasumi's reactions to what Mai brought out for dinner was quite normal. Especially if you know what these foods were supposed to do. And because they all did, it was obvious what she was planning for after dinner.


For those who are uninformed, the ingredients listed all have the effect of boosting a man's virility. In other words, they are said to be natural aphrodisiacs. And when you pair that with the fact that Mai was supposed to be spending the night with Tatsuo tonight, her plans were obvious.


"Throw it away." Sumire said in a no nonsense tone.


"But why?" Mai asked frantically. "I put so much effort into this meal!"


"Shiranui. Mai. Tatsu-Chan. Is. Only. Fifteen." Sumire said while stressing each word. "Just because he said you could sleep in his bed does not mean that you will be having sex tonight. Do. I. Make. Myself. Clear?"


"Wahh~~~~~~~!" Mai cried as she collapsed to the floor. "Sumire-Sama, you're so unfair!"


Knowing that it would take a while for Mai to pull herself together when she got like that, Kasumi stood up before picking up the untouched platter of food.


"*Sigh* I guess I'll order a few pizzas for dinner." Kasumi said as she took the platter towards the kitchen.


"Ooh! Can you get one with steak, onions, and jalapeños?" Tatsuo asked with his eyes sparkling.


"Sure, no problem." Kasumi replied as she disappeared into the kitchen.

Thanks for reading, I hope you're enjoying the story so far.

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