
Chapter 68

At quarter to four, YiBo finished getting ready and walked into the room, finding Zhan lying on the bed exactly as he'd left him, eyes closed. YiBo sat beside him, quietly took his hand, and Zhan opened his eyes, looking at him. YiBo asked, "How are you feeling now?"

Zhan replied, "Better." YiBo asked, "Is the pain completely gone?" Zhan nodded, and YiBo said, "Later, we'll go to the hospital." Zhan sat up, protesting, "But the pain is gone, and it doesn't happen all the time." YiBo responded, "No, sweetheart, we need to go to the hospital to find out the cause of the pain."

Zhan went silent, and YiBo placed a hand over Zhan's lower abdomen, keeping it there for almost a minute as if feeling for something. Zhan simply watched him. Finally, YiBo looked up, and Zhan said softly, "The pain has completely stopped now." YiBo said nothing and, after a few moments, stood up, saying, "We'll go to the hospital tonight."

Zhan asked, "Are you going out now?" YiBo replied, "Yes, but I won't be long." Zhan sat up, about to get off the bed, and said, "Let me prepare some food for you." YiBo responded, "I'll eat when I get back." Zhan pouted, saying, "But you haven't eaten anything yet."

YiBo looked at him, and in a lower voice, he said, "After what I had earlier?" Zhan widened his eyes, then smiled shyly and said, "Shameless husband." YiBo grinned and pecked his lips, saying, "And my crying baby..."

Zhan got off the bed and walked with YiBo to the parking area, only returning inside after YiBo had left.

Later, Zhan was sitting in the upstairs living room, talking to Zhang on the phone. They'd been on the call for over 40 minutes, and Zhang had been sharing stories about Ryan. They rarely went a day without speaking, and Zhang never hid anything from his twin brother about his relationship with Ryan.

Since returning to Shanghai, Zhan had been using his phone frequently, keeping it on so he could stay connected with his Mama, Zhang, Zhuo Ge, and Lu Jie, who often called. Not a day passed without him calling his mother at least two or three times. Today, they had spoken, but she hadn't mentioned they were in Shanghai.

Hearing the car pulling in, Zhan said goodbye to Zhang, put the phone down, and looked at the clock, which showed it was just after five. YiBo had been out for less than an hour. Zhan headed downstairs to the kitchen to set up some food for him before he entered the living room. While he was arranging the food, YiBo entered the kitchen, looking at him up and down, noting Zhan's casual attire of three-quarter pants and a slightly oversized vest. YiBo said, "We have guests in the living room."

Zhan widened his eyes, asking, "Guests? Who?" YiBo replied, "You'll see when you go out." Zhan said, "Please, hubby, could you get me proper clothes from upstairs?" YiBo replied, "Ok, I'll get them for you." Zhan checked the food again, noting there wasn't much left, and then YiBo returned, handing him the clothes. Zhan asked, "How many guests do we have?" YiBo rolled his eyes slightly, saying, "Just four." Zhan sighed, "There's not enough food to go around. I'll just offer them drinks."

YiBo replied, "Serve them what we have." Zhan's eyes widened, saying, "But what about you?" YiBo said, "I'll manage with tea or we can make some ramen later." Zhan said, "No, let's just leave it as it is." YiBo laughed, "Alright, let's go then." Zhan stepped out of the kitchen with him, and upon entering the living room, he froze, staring in shock at the people seated there. Then, he gave a delighted yell and ran to embrace his Mama, Aunt An, and the others, exclaiming, "Auntie, when did you all get here?"

"No one told me you were coming!" he said, catching Grandma's amused gaze from where she sat on the couch. Aunt An smiled, saying, "Well, here we are! Surprise!" Zhan was overwhelmed with joy, looking around, and asked, "Auntie, why didn't you tell me? I could have made something special for you. And we spoke on the phone, Mama, and you didn't mention it either," he said, giving Zhang a playful glare. Zhang, smiling, replied, "We were on our way here while we talked! Sorry, bro, Lu Jie and Zhuo Ge wouldn't let me spill the secret." Zhuo smacked his forehead, and Lu Jie threw him a playful glare, while Grandma relaxed, tapping her foot in amusement.

Shu, meanwhile, couldn't take her eyes off Zhan. She noticed how radiant he looked, his skin practically glowing, and thought he'd never looked this good. His peace and happiness were obvious. Aunt An leaned closer to Zhan, nudging him as he put his hand on her knee, and whispered, "Are you serious? Didn't you see Grandma? Go greet her properly!"

Zhan quickly turned, stood up, and, filled with happiness, approached Grandma to hug her. Grandma raised her hand, stopping him with a stern look, saying, "Oh no, I'm still recovering from that bumpy plane ride. Next time, we're getting the General's jet to take us back to Beijing! Or better yet, you and your aunt and mother should be the only ones to handle this."

Zhan gave her a little pout, then went back to sit beside his twin brother, laying his head on Zhang's shoulder. He looked at Shu, who was watching him like she was watching TV, her gaze studying his every feature. Zhan greeted, "Hello, Shu Jie." She let out a quiet sigh, saying, "Hello, Zhan. How's everything at home?" Zhan lowered his gaze and answered, "Everything's good. And Aunt Bing?" Shu replied, "She's doing well, and she sends her regards."

Zhan got up and headed back to the kitchen, everyone watching him go.

Grandma said, "Well, we've visited the house, greeted everyone, so I suppose it's time to go back." Aunt An looked at her, pleading, "Please, Auntie, don't be like that! This attitude isn't helping." Grandma retorted, "Don't try to sweet-talk me, An. If it weren't for Zhen giving Zhan his blessings to marry Lee, how else would you all have gotten to this level? It's thanks to my grandson that you can even leave China, so don't mock me." Aunt An closed her mouth, and Shu added, "Honestly, Aunt An is right. We're staying wherever we're given lodging, and that's that. It's not like we're choosing where we want to stay."

Grandma said, "I've made my decision. I don't see any better accommodation than staying at General's Palace. I won't be degraded to the level of staying with children; it's just improper for someone of my age. That is where we first settled, so let it remain that way. Instead of doing things maturely, you all act like villagers instead of showing any sophistication."

Shu replied, "Well then, if you prefer General's Palace, why don't you just head over there?"

Grandma glared at her, muttering, "I regret even bringing you along. I kept quiet, but I wasn't happy you came."

Ren, trying to calm the situation, said softly, "Please, let's drop this, Mother; after all, this is the home of our in-laws."

With a deep breath, Grandma replied, "Alright, I'll stay silent."

Zhan walked into the kitchen and found YiBo arranging a tray with drinks. Zhan said, "Perfect, my dear," to which YiBo responded, "Are they ready for food yet?" Zhan chuckled, took the tray, and headed back to the living room. Meanwhile, Grandma's mind was still set on General's Palace.

When Zhan returned to the kitchen, YiBo had already arranged the food and said, "I'll be out to pick something up. Once they're done eating, you can show them around." Zhan agreed and took the food to the living room while YiBo excused himself, saying he'd be back shortly.

Despite Zhan and Aunt An's encouragement, most guests refused the food, claiming they'd already eaten before arriving. Grandma, however, grabbed a plate, serving herself some food and vegetable soup, adding a generous amount of meat and a glass of non-alcoholic champagne. Aunt An pursed her lips in slight disapproval.

Zhan suggested, "How about I give you a quick tour of the house?" They all followed him upstairs, including Shu and his Mama, Zhan showed them everywhere except his and YiBo's bedroom. As they reached the upstairs living room, Shu pointed to a door and asked, "What about that room?"

Zhan smiled, lowering his gaze without answering, and Aunt An laughed, saying, "That's his and his husband's room; it's only right we don't intrude. Beautiful home, Zhan."

They headed back downstairs, where Zhan showed them the guest room and restroom. The dining area and open kitchen were already visible, and Aunt An seemed pleased by how clean and fragrant the place was. She suspected Zhan had put extra effort into preparing for their visit, though she knew YiBo likely hadn't mentioned their arrival.

Everyone returned to the living room. Grandma had finished her meal and sat quietly. After a while, she said, "We should get moving before it's too late,  An. Why not call Lee to check where he is? Traveling at night isn't wise."

Shu interjected, "Well, what if we decide to stay here tonight? Did you consider how his mother would react?"

Grandma shot her a stern look, saying, "Shu, why do you always insert yourself into my business? We may be in another country, but I'm still entitled to my own affairs. We don't stay in children's homes overnight; it's against our customs. Call Lee for me, and I'll talk to him myself."

Zhan asked, "Grandma, why can't you stay here tonight?"

Grandma replied, "I'm not some irresponsible grandma who spends the night with kids." Shu quietly chuckled to herself and said, "Alright then, maybe we should book you a hotel. We'll stay here and catch a ride to the station tomorrow."

Grandma gave Shu a sharp look, at a loss for words, then muttered, "No wonder your marriage didn't last. Your personality must have ruined it, and now you're here trying to ruin your cousin's marriage out of jealousy. Well, I'll say it: I'm disappointed with the decision to bring you along."

Zhan couldn't help but laugh out loud. Shu simply looked away with a small pout. The sound of YiBo's car pulling up brought Grandma some peace. As he entered, she said, "Lee, traveling late isn't wise. It's already past six."

YiBo asked, "Grandma, why not stay here for the night?"

She responded, "Don't be ridiculous, Lee. I'd rather not humiliate myself by staying here. Find me somewhere else to stay."

Shu muttered quietly to herself, but YiBo merely smiled. Shu then said, "Or should we book you a hotel, Grandma?"

Grandma turned sharply, glaring at Shu but saying nothing. Aunt An struggled to contain her laughter, while Ren and the others smiled. YiBo finally said, "Alright then, I'll take you back to our family's home, Grandma." Grandma lowered her head in reluctant agreement. Aunt An added, "As for us, you can leave us at Nia's mother's place."

YiBo, surprised, asked, "Why not stay here with Zhan?"

Grandma had already stood up, zipped her bag, and was heading for the door. Aunt An replied, "We're here to wish you well, YiBo, and we'll leave in the morning to visit Brother-in-law before returning to Beijing."

Zhan felt a pang of disappointment as he watched them leave. He returned to the living room alone, looking somewhat upset.


After seven, YiBo returned home, and as soon as he arrived, he asked Zhan to get ready to go to the hospital. Since it was where YiBo worked, before his issues with the General, they received immediate care. After about an hour, YiBo entered the room where Zhan was lying, busy with a game on his phone. Since the examination, Zhan had been resting, but now he looked up as YiBo approached.

Sitting up slowly, Zhan asked, "Are they done?"

YiBo quietly observed him, and Zhan took his hand, saying, "Don't stay silent." Sitting beside him, YiBo smiled, drawing him close and whispering, "I love you, husband." Zhan closed his eyes, replying, "I love you too." YiBo said, "We can go home now." Standing, he helped Zhan off the bed, and together, they left the hospital.


The next day, General himself paused his work to lead the Xiao family to the hospital. It was a high-end private facility reserved for the wealthy.

Entering a large VIP room, they found a spacious room with a patient bed, a huge couch to the left, a big TV, a minibar, a wardrobe built into the wall, a small dining table with four chairs, two thickly curtained windows, and an attached bathroom.

They stood, gazing in surprise, as the bathroom door opened and Paa emerged, looking remarkably fit and healthy. He even appeared to have gained weight and looked fresh and youthful. They stared at each other in silent joy and surprise until Zhan broke the silence, calling out, "Papa!" and ran to embrace him.

After greetings and catching up, General placed a hand on Paa's shoulder and said, "They've discharged you, Mr. Xiao, so you're free to go with your family after we have lunch at the palace. I have somewhere to be now, but YiBo will take you home." Smiling at YiBo, who nodded, he exited with his bodyguards.

YiBo observed Zhan's teary eyes, stepping behind him, squeezing his hand gently, and whispering, "Don't worry. On Friday, I'll take you to Beijing for the weekend."

At 5:30, General arranged a private jet to return everyone back to Beijing except for Grandma. Noticing that everyone was ready to leave except Grandma, Zhan asked, "Grandma, aren't you ready yet?"

Grandma looked at him and replied, "Well, I'm not staying at your husband residence, so I don't know why you're asking, Zhan. Besides, General himself insisted I stay a few more days to rest before heading back. I even tried to decline, but he wouldn't hear it. So, here I am, taking his advice."

Shu laughed, "Exactly right."

Around 4:00, they escorted everyone to the airport. Zhan had an impulse to go with them, waving until they disappeared into the departure lounge. Then, YiBo returned with him to the Palace.

Zhan went to Ru's room, where he found the twins there with her, while YiBo went to his mother's living room. YiBo found his mom watching TV alone, so he sat down and asked, "Where's Zhan's Grandma?"

"She just left to take a bath," she replied. YiBo nodded, "Alright." She then asked, "Are you taking the twins home tonight?" YiBo fell silent before replying, "Perhaps tomorrow or some other day, Mom." Lily nodded, "Alright, that's fine." YiBo then mentioned, "For the past two days, he's been having lower abdominal pain."

Lily responded, "Oh, you should have him checked out, or maybe take him to the hospital?" YiBo replied, "We went last night, had him scanned, but they found nothing. I think it might just be an ulcer; he does enjoy spicy food..." YiBo fibbed, as he knew that wasn't the real cause of Zhan's abdominal pain.

They didn't end up leaving the house until around 8:00 p.m., after Lily packed some food for them to take along. Zhan was even surprised by how comfortably Grandma settled into the Palace, as if she'd been there before. If she needed anything, she'd ask them to get it from Aunty Yu's section where she had been accommodated. Her belongings were arranged neatly in the wardrobe, along with five new outfits Lily had ordered for her.


After spending two weeks at General's Palace, Lily and Zhan finally escorted Grandma back to Beijing. Upon reaching Zhan's Mansion, Grandma even shed a tear, feeling like she'd been brought back to a village.

Overjoyed, Zhan finished preparing the snacks for the guests that would come later to ask for Zhang's hand in marriage. His mom reminded him to go and greet Aunty Bing. Zhan complied and headed to her section, where he found Shu packing things in the living room. He greeted her, and she responded warmly just as Aunty Bing appeared, looking much thinner and frail.

Zhan greeted her, and she responded with a smile, asking about YiBo. "He'll be here later," Zhan replied. Aunty Bing said, "Alright, thank you for coming." Zhan stayed quiet but couldn't help asking, "Where are you going with all these things?"

"I'm moving back to Shenzhen," she replied. Zhan fell silent, observing her. After a while, in a gentle tone, Aunty Bing said, "Sometimes, what happens in life is beyond our control. No matter how clever we think we are, we cannot escape fate. Zhan, please forgive me…"

Quickly, Zhan shook his head, saying, "I forgave you long ago, Aunty." Aunty Bing wiped away the tears that had gathered in her eyes, unable to say more. Despite Ren's attempts to persuade her to stay, Aunty Bing couldn't bear it, feeling her memories haunting her every day. Even Grandma, who had once dismissed her, urged her to stay, but she remained resolute, deciding that it was best to live in Shenzhen and visit occasionally.

Later, after Zhang's proposal, Aunty Bing entered Ren's living room. Sitting down gently, she said, "Sister Ren, please, forgive me..." Grandma, sitting in the parlor, broke into tears, "Stay here, among family. You've shown your remorse, and we all forgive you, but please, Bing." Grandma try again.

Aunty Bing shook her head, "I will always regret the harm I've caused, Mother. I wronged everyone and betrayed the trust between us. Sister, I didn't do justice to our relationship. Please, forgive me." Both of them wept, with no one there to console them.

The night had settled in a calm hush, and as the family gathered in the living room, Zhan found himself surrounded by a comforting warmth he hadn't fully realized he missed. Grandma was nestled on the couch, gently coaxing his cousin Shu into reminiscing about their childhood. YiBo was leaning against the doorway, watching the scene unfold with a soft smile, his eyes occasionally drifting to Zhan, who was caught in his own world of memories.

Sensing the moment, Grandma patted the seat beside her and motioned for Zhan to sit. He settled beside her, and as she took his hand in hers, he felt her familiar strength and tenderness... qualities he'd always admired. "Zhan," she began, her voice soft yet clear, "you've grown so much. I can hardly believe the mischievous boy I remember has become this young man who holds his family together."

Zhan blushed, glancing away. "I still feel like that boy sometimes, Grandma," he replied, his voice filled with a rare vulnerability. "And I wouldn't be here without all of you."

Grandma chuckled, squeezing his hand. "Maybe. But we wouldn't be here either without you, my dear." She glanced at YiBo, her eyes twinkling. "And now, you've found someone who completes you."

Zhan looked toward YiBo, whose gaze held a warmth that seemed to fill every corner of the room. "I think I got lucky," Zhan admitted, his voice barely a whisper.

YiBo stepped forward, drawn by the intimacy of the moment, and took a seat next to Zhan. His hand found Zhan's, and in the silence that followed, words felt unnecessary.

Ren, Zhan's mother, entered the room carrying a tray of steaming tea. She placed it down with a proud smile, pausing to look at her son and the family gathered around him. "I remember when you'd run around the house, pretending to be some hero, always causing a ruckus," she said, laughing as she handed Zhan a cup. "But now look at you... planning your future and building your own path."

Zhan's father Paa, who had been watching from the armchair, nodded in agreement. "And knowing you, Zhan, you'll find your own way to make it something special," he said, his voice filled with admiration.

There was a quiet pride in his father's tone, and it struck Zhan deeply. He realized that this moment, shared with his family, wasn't just about him... it was about each of them, and the unique role they played in his life. With them, he felt anchored, grounded.

YiBo, sensing the weight of the moment, leaned close and whispered, "With them behind you, you're unstoppable, Zhan."

Zhan turned to YiBo with a gentle smile, his heart swelling with gratitude and love. Surrounded by the people who meant everything to him, he felt a deep sense of peace and hope for the future.

The night stretched on, filled with laughter, shared stories, and quiet moments of reflection. Eventually, the conversation turned to the family's cherished memories, and Grandma brought out an old photo album she'd kept over the years.

As Zhan flipped through the album, each photo brought a story to life: his first day of school, a family trip to the mountains, and countless birthdays celebrated with cakes and laughter. Shu chimed in, sharing her favorite memories of Zhan's mischief. "Remember when you tried to build that 'rocket' in the backyard?" she teased, grinning. "We all thought you'd actually take off!"

YiBo raised an eyebrow, amused. "A rocket, huh? That's ambitious."

Zhan laughed, slightly embarrassed. "I was convinced I'd make it to space with some cardboard and duct tape."

Grandma chuckled, ruffling his hair. "And look at you now... flying high in ways we could never have imagined."

As the night wore on, YiBo took a moment to quietly observe the scene. The happiness radiating from Zhan, the pride in his parents' eyes, and the genuine closeness of the family all stirred something deep within him. He hadn't grown up with this kind of warmth and connection, and being part of Zhan's family felt like a gift he hadn't expected.

At one point, YiBo excused himself and returned with a small velvet box he'd been saving for just the right moment. Clearing his throat, he addressed the family. "I know I'm still new to being here with all of you, but…" he paused, glancing at Zhan, who looked up in surprise. "You've all welcomed me in a way that feels… like coming home. And I wanted to say thank you. Zhan, you've shown me what family truly means."

He opened the box to reveal a simple square buckle bracelet, woven with fine silver threads. "It's a promise from my heart," YiBo explained, "to give this to someone I consider a part of me. I'd like you to have it, Zhan."

Zhan was speechless, his eyes glistening as he took the bracelet. His hand trembled slightly as he fastened it around his wrist, the weight of YiBo's gesture settling over him like a warm embrace.

Grandma, who had been watching with misty eyes, leaned over and placed her hand on YiBo's shoulder. "You're already one of us, YiBo. And this…" she gestured among them, "is just the beginning."

The family gathered closer, hugging and murmuring their blessings, each of them caught up in the significance of the moment. Zhan felt as though he were suspended in time, surrounded by love, purpose, and the people who had shaped him into who he was.

YiBo took Zhan's hand, squeezing it gently. "I'm here," he whispered, a quiet promise just between the two of them. Zhan looked back at him, a tear slipping down his cheek, and nodded. "I know. And I'm grateful, more than words can say."

In that small living room, with the soft glow of memories illuminating their lives, Zhan and his family shared a moment they would all carry with them forever... a moment that bound them, not just by blood, but by the depth of their love and loyalty.


Days later, YiBo stood in his mother's first living room. He had come with Zhan to see the twins, and in his heart, YiBo decided it was time to speak with General about letting them bring the twins home and take on full responsibility.

Zhan entered the room where Ru was with the twins and Tin, while YiBo and his Mom sat in the living room. General entered shortly, searching for his wife. After he finished speaking, he turned to leave, and YiBo took a deep breath, rising to say, "Dad, I'd like to take the twins home with us."

General initially just looked him up and down, smiling before turning away. YiBo spoke again, this time more firmly, "I'm serious, Dad. We need to bond with them."

General spun around, giving him a hard look, "Oh, really? After you took the life of my daughter-in-law, whom I treated like my own daughter?"

"Tell me, what do you know about raising children? Don't talk nonsense, or this time I won't just cripple your legs—I'll shoot that useless thing between your legs..."

YiBo muttered, "It can't be useless, considering I've given you two handsome grandchildren."

General smirked and said, "What are you mumbling about?" YiBo rolled his eyes and gave General a defiant side-glance.

With a loud voice, General summoned Ru, Tin, Zhan, and the twins from the other room into the living room. Lily was already sitting on the couch, pretending she wasn't there, accustomed to their banter.

Seeing the others didn't stop General from continuing, "YiBo, are you glaring at me? I swear I will...I'll shoot that useless thing of yours..."

Zhan quickly stepped in front of YiBo, panicking, "Papa Wang, Er…that...um...thing you're talking about is working just perfectly fine now…so, uh, no need to…destroy it."

Lily facepalmed.

Ru looked shocked.

Tin grinned.

General just chuckled, saying, "Shameless," and left.

YiBo looked mortified.

The twins appeared confused.

Zhan looked stunned and turned to see YiBo smirking as he whispered, "So, what were you guys even talking about though?"

YiBo smirkely smiling, leaning close, whispering back, "He was talking about my dick you know, you idiot."

Zhan's face first turned pale, then flushed crimson before he darted away...😂😂😂

One chapter remaining, the last one 😩😩😩

