
Chapter 32: Class Is In Session

[Third Person's PoV] 

Upon learning that Tony and Melissa were going out, Momo had the same reaction as Howard, shouting out, "Finally!"

Afterwards, Tony invited Momo and Midoriya for lunch to celebrate getting into U.A. together, where they met each other for the first time.

Then came the time to submit their hero costumes to U.A. Tony and Melissa didn't need to do such a thing, but they both helped redesign the costumes, as they were the experts when it came to hero attire. Momo and Midoriya seriously needed the most help due to the designs they were planning on using originally.

Then came the morning when school was about to start...

Melissa stood dressed in her U.A. uniform. She did a little twirl for Tony before holding the hem of her skirt. "What do you think?"

"Anything you wear looks beautiful on you, so there's no point in me saying anything," Tony said with an eye roll, which caused Melissa to giggle happily to herself.

"In all seriousness, whoever designed the male version of these clothes needs to be fired," Tony said as he looked himself over.

Melissa just fixed his red tie as she said, "Well, I think you look very handsome."

"When do I not? Shall we go now?" Tony asked, and Melissa nodded.

They both grabbed their bags as they made their way towards the garage. Tony looked towards all of his handmade cars before stopping and looking at the red and white motorcycle.

"We're taking the bike," Tony said with a grin.

Melissa shook her head with a sigh and rolled her eyes. 

"Wait here a minute," Tony said as he went back inside.

After a minute, he returned with two helmets in hand, one red and another one in blue. He threw the blue one to Melissa, who caught it with one hand and put it on while Tony put on the red one.

Tony sat down on the bike, shifted his bag to his front, while Melissa climbed behind him and wrapped her arms around his waist.

After turning on the bike, Tony turned towards Melissa. "Are you ready?"

Melissa just wrapped her hands around him tighter in confirmation. And with that, Tony took off, exited the garage with a jump, and they went riding off in a blur while maneuvering through traffic. 

Due to their speed and Tony's driving skills, they quickly arrived at U.A. Upon arrival, Tony stopped the bike and turned it off before they tapped the side of their helmets.

The helmets came off of them and slowly compacted themselves into metal disks, which they put into their bags.

With their fingers interlocked, they made their way inside the large H-building with the sign that read: U.A.

They quickly found their way inside and walked towards the giant door that said: 1A.

As they entered, they found Momo sitting by herself in an empty classroom.

"Momo, what the hell are you doing?" Tony asked, amused.

Momo grew embarrassed as she covered her face. "I got too excited and arrived 30 minutes early."

Tony and Melissa covered their mouths as they tried not to laugh but failed, causing Momo to turn even redder.

They then took a seat. Momo sat directly in the middle, so Melissa took a seat next to her in another row, while Tony sat next to Melissa in the last row facing the window, or as Tony would call it, the protagonist's seat.

Seeing that it would take a while for everyone to arrive, Momo and Melissa started gossiping among themselves while Tony leaned back in his chair, put his feet on the table, and started playing games on his phone.

Many more people started entering after Tony and Melissa. As soon as Iida arrived, he immediately walked towards Tony and started to chastise him for putting his legs up on the table.

"This is a respected school establishment—"

"Uh huh," Tony said absentmindedly as he ignored him.

"Please pay attention when someone is speaking to you—"

"So interesting…"

"We are here to learn—"

"Wow, your words have such profound meanings," Tony said in a monotone voice.

Iida started turning red in the face as he saw he wasn't getting through to Tony.

Melissa chuckled as she shook her head. "Tony, please stop bullying him," she said in a teasing tone.

Tony had a small smirk as he sat upright and turned off his phone.

"Thank you," Iida sighed tiredly.

"Yes, drill sergeant," Tony said as he did a military salute.

Iida's brows twitched before he sighed and went back to his seat. Bakugo then entered looking really irritated. He went and sat down before kicking his feet up on the table and crossing his legs.

"Drill sergeant! Drill sergeant! He has his feet up on the desk! Ooooooh," Tony said with a large grin as he flicked his wrist like he caught someone doing something bad.

Everyone immediately started laughing while Melissa covered her mouth and giggled.

Iida laid his head on the desk and had a defeated look.

"Come on, drill sergeant. What kind of favoritism is this? You chastise me for doing it but not him," Tony said, shaking his head.

Tony then began looking around and noticed that there wasn't a single person missing from the anime, except for Midoriya and Uraraka who hadn't arrived yet.

'Interesting,' he thought to himself.

The door then opened, and Midoriya walked in as he surveyed the classroom, with Uraraka right behind him.

As the two of them began talking by the door, Bakugo glared at Midoriya with gritted teeth. The bell then rang, signifying the start of the class.

"So we got our entrance ceremony and guidance sessions today, yeah? Wonder what our teacher will be like. I'm nervous." Uraraka said towards Midoriya 

"If you are here to socialize, then leave," they heard a monotone voice say.

Midoriya and Uraraka turned towards the ground in shock as they saw a man in a sleeping bag take out a packet snack and started drinking it.

"This is the hero course," he said.

He then stood up while still wrapped like a yellow caterpillar, which took most of them by surprise.

"It took you all five seconds to quiet down. It's not bad, but it could still be improved. Time is a precious resource, after all," Aizawa said as he started taking off his sleeping bag.

"I'm your homeroom teacher, Shota Aizawa. Pleased to meet you all," he said in a monotone voice.

He then took out the gym uniform and said, "Quickly now, change into your gym clothes and head out to the grounds."


They all soon arrived outside in their gym uniforms, while Aizawa stood in front of everyone.

"We will now be testing our quirks," Aizawa said.

"A test of our quirks?" most of them asked.

"What about the entrance ceremony or the guidance sessions?" Uraraka asked.

"We have no time to waste on useless things like that if you want to become heroes. U.A. is known for its 'freestyle' education; that applies to us teachers as well," Aizawa informed them.

"Softball throwing, the standing long jump, the side-stepping, the grip strength test, etc. You did all of those in your middle school, yes? In your standard no-quirks-allowed gym tests."

"Stark, how far could you throw in middle school?" Aizawa asked as he pulled out a handball.

"Wait, Stark, as in Tony Stark, from Stark Industries?" They all began to whisper among themselves, all shocked as they looked at him in awe.

"Homeschooled," Tony answered.

This caused Aizawa to look up, close his eyes, and sigh. "Forget it…" he said as he looked around before setting his eyes on Bakugo. "And you?"

Tony felt his eye twitch as Melissa patted his back, trying hard not to laugh since she knew that Aizawa's comment got on his nerves.

"67 meters," Bakugo answered.

"Great, now try it with your quirk. Do whatever you need to do but don't leave the circle," Aizawa said as he threw the ball to Bakugo, who was now in the softball pitch circle.

Bakugo flexed his arms, took a deep breath, arched his arm back, and threw the ball, "DIE!!!" he screamed as he activated his quirk, creating a large explosion in his hands which sent the ball flying towards the sky.

"It's important for us to know your limits. That's the first rational step to figuring out what kind of heroes you will be," Aizawa said as he turned his screen towards them, showing: 705.2 meters.
