
Chapter 30: Pratical Exam

[Third Person's PoV]

Tony walked towards his test site, looking at his letter: A. Melissa had C, while Midoriya was taking D.

When he arrived, he found people of all different sizes and shapes, all with different quirks. Some looked really nervous, some looked like they were ready to throw up. No one was even paying much attention to him. To people, he seemed familiar, but their nerves didn't allow them to approach.

"AND BEGIN!" Present Mic announced.

Everything soon grew confused, except for Tony.

Tony laid the briefcase down and touched the centerpiece with his thumb. After the scan, the briefcase flipped open, revealing intricate machinery inside, while two large arm handles were raised up. Tony inserted his arms into the handles, twisted them, then lifted the briefcase to his chest.


Everyone began running while Tony continued to suit up. They looked at him a bit weirdly at first but soon ignored him and continued running.

If Tony had seen what Melissa was doing, he would have laughed and smiled. They mirrored each other perfectly. Once they brought their armor to their chests, they stretched out their hands while holding the handles. The handles wrapped around their arms before the chest piece started to expand, covering their bodies down to their legs.

Their necks began to get covered as chin guards appeared before covering the entirety of their heads, leaving their faces exposed. A mask then emerged from the back of their heads, sliding down to cover their faces. There were many clicks and whirrs before their arc reactors glowed, followed by their repulsors and eyes lighting up in tandem.

"It's showtime," they both said in unison with a light smirk. All of this happened in 10 seconds.

In a showroom where many teachers watched, the participants were intrigued by their suit-up sequence.

"That was so cool!" Midnight said in fascination.

All Might, who was present, laughed, "Young Stark loves to show off, doesn't he?"

"I'm more interested in what they are wearing," Nezu said with eyes beaming with curiosity.

"What are their quirks?" Aizawa asked curiously.

Nezu smirked, "They're quirkless."

All of their eyes widened as they saw Tony and Melissa fly off, speeding past everyone.

Tony and Melissa stood in the middle of their arena and started sending repulsors flying out from their hands.

From their shoulders, a small machine gun appeared, shooting laser bullets toward the faux villains.

"Is this even allowed?" Midnight asked curiously.

Nezu nodded, "I met with Young Stark before. He is exceptionally gifted. Although he doesn't possess a quirk, he is smart enough to make such a piece of art. Here," Nezu said as he handed them a portfolio.

"I take it this is the same Anthony Stark who is in charge of Stark Industries?" Aizawa asked with a straight face.

They opened the files and started reading out his achievements. "At just 10 years old, he took over Stark Industries stationed in Japan. In just one week, it went from the brink of collapse to becoming one of the top companies selling cybernetics and other different inventions. It has become a company equal to its main building in the US, while he became the owner of several Nobel Prizes and awards for different subjects.

"There are most likely more achievements he has kept hidden from the world and wouldn't like to share, which shows his great insight at such a young age."

"Why would he want to be a hero? Isn't he like the richest person in the world, technically? If I were his age with that kind of money, becoming a hero would be the least of my concerns," Midnight said as she looked at everything.

"Read the last page," Nezu said as they watched Tony catch a fallen building a robot created, saving some people below them. They then looked towards Melissa, who stood in front of some people as she used her body as a shield to protect them from the bullets.

"Isn't this the test they just took?" Midnight asked. She then looked at the last question.

She couldn't help but chuckle at the answer, she read the question out loud before reading the answer, "'Why do you want to become a Hero?' 'Becaused my butler said so' hehehe what kind of answer is that?'

They then watched as Tony flew right to one of the robots and didn't stop as he continued flying through them.

Aizawa watched everything with a pondering look and narrowed eyes. He looked towards Melissa and watched how she carried people who got themselves injured away and how she provided first aid to them before jumping back to fighting.

"How long do those suits hold up? What if they don't possess those suits? They will be defenseless without them," Aizawa asked and criticized.

But All Might defended them, "That isn't true. You are underestimating just how smart they truly are, Aizawa. They are both very special, I just know it."

"And you are forgetting they are mainly an energy-related company, so I say those suits will hold on for a very long time," Nezu said with a nod.

All Might then shifted all of his attention towards Midoriya, watching as he expelled green energy from his body while he went around helping those in need and destroying as many robots as he could. All Might couldn't help but be proud of how far Midoriya had come.

Vlad then turned towards Aizawa, "If you don't want them, I will gladly take them into my class."

Aizawa scoffed, "Keep dreaming. They are both coming with me. If they can't keep up with the others, I will expel them without hesitation. I don't care how rich they are."

Meanwhile, Tony was slowing down. He flew between buildings and started to only decimate a few of the robots, not all of them, to give the others a fighting chance to get into U.A.

Tony then had a sudden idea and chuckled to himself. He held his forearm close as part of the armor lifted up, revealing hidden keypads. He immediately took over two of the robots and controlled them to shoot at each other.

Power Loader, who was the main person that created those faux villains, looked at them in surprise. "Did he just…?"

"...Hack them and take the controls away from us? Yes, yes he did," Nezu chuckled.

Aizawa just continued to observe everything, taking mental notes of what he was seeing.

"I think it's time we finished this little exercise," Nezu said with a smirk as he went and pushed a big red button with his little paws.

In all the test sites, they heard something large rumbling. A massive green robot appeared, taking down everything in its path. As it moved, buildings were torn down.

Tony saw everyone scrambling towards safety, so he landed on the ground with a superhero landing and walked forward between the crowd that was running in fear, pushing everyone aside.

"Everyone, be mindful of how you are behaving. Pushing people away so you can get to safety isn't the way a hero should be acting," Tony said as he calmly walked towards the calamity.

When he got past everyone, he raised a fist. From his wrist, a little rocket appeared before it activated and flew towards the robot.

As the tiny rocket embedded itself in the robot, Tony turned around and started walking back towards everyone.

"Phttt, what's the little rocket supposed to do—" Midnight started before her question was answered.


As the large explosion occurred and the robot was engulfed in a storm of flames, Tony never once looked back.

Those that turned due to the explosion looked back and shook in fear as they watched Tony casually walking towards them with the flames roaring behind him.

In the showroom, they all had their mouths agape, unable to believe what they witnessed.

Their heads quickly snapped towards Melissa to see if they would witness something similar.

Melissa casually floated towards the giant robot while most of them ran away. She crossed her arms over her chest as her chest repulsors charged.

She thrust her chest forward as a giant beam of energy escaped from her arc reactor, creating a giant hole through which one could see the other side.

The hole was bigger than Melissa's body, and if she wanted, she would have been able to fly through. Melissa smiled as she looked at the destroyed insides, with the outer layer of the hole burning red due to the heat.

In the showroom, the teachers were equally as shook.

"Those suits, I want to examine them," Power Loader said with envy.

Vlad turned towards Aizawa, "You can at least spare one, can't you?"

Aizawa just leaned against the wall and closed his eyes, pretending he didn't hear anything.

All Might then turned his gaze towards his disciple, watching with great interest.

As Midoriya watched the giant robot destroy everything in its path, he saw Uraraka, the girl who had caught him as he fell by the entrance, trapped under some rubble.

Midoriya closed his eyes and took a deep breath to calm his nervousness as everyone ran past him. 'The soldier that runs recklessly into battle to save those in need,' he thought to himself as he got into a running stance.

'Full Cowling 5%,' he thought as green arcs of electricity escaped from his body due to his excess energy.

He let out a groan of pain. 'I'm only using 5%, but it still feels like my muscle fibers are about to rip. But I can do it!'

Midoriya ran before jumping up towards the robot. He flexed his arm and threw a punch forward, causing the robot to break and be pushed back.

He then quickly realized he didn't make a plan for when he was falling, so he helplessly flapped his arms as he fell.

Just as he was about to reach the ground, his face was slapped, which took him by surprise. He then realized he was floating in the air and, when he turned, saw Uraraka looking a bit green as she floated with the rubble around her.

Midoriya fixed himself as Uraraka joined her hands together with great strain. When they landed back on the ground, Uraraka immediately started to puke.


"Are you okay?" Midoriya asked with worry.

Uraraka, catching her breath, threw a thumbs up.

"AND IT'S ALL OVER!!!" Present Mic's voice resounded throughout all the testing sites.


