
Melodies of Fate      

In total, Cain scored 87 points.


He exhaled, a sigh of disappointment escaping his lips as the number flashed across the screen. Too short of the 100 digits.


He was slipping further and further behind the others, and the thought gnawed at him relentlessly. If he didn't find his true voice soon, he'd have to kiss his idol dream goodbye.


The gap was widening, and with each passing performance, the competition was becoming fiercer. His heart sank a little at the realization.


As the show continued, the inevitable happened.


Just as everyone had predicted, Dylan — the golden boy — scored a flawless 127 points, rocketing him to the top of the leaderboard.


The trainees from the major corporations also broke the 100-point mark with ease, their performances polished to perfection.


But for the others? It was a bloodbath.

