
A Dance with the Dead

Unaware of Karna's meeting with the queen of magic, Adam's jaw clenched in the crypt's chill.

His eyes, two swirling chaotic pools melding frustration, fear, and hope, scanned the surroundings. Yet, he cursed under his breath as he saw the groove he had carved on the wall once more.

He covered his ears, a stone flying into the fog.

"And those wails are becoming worse than hauntings." He shook his head, his shoulders trembling as he roared. "Shut up! I'd rather try to leave a hundred times than explore this place without Karna or my army!"

He exhaled through the stale, chilly air and patted his drumming chest in a vain attempt to calm it down while a pensive frown creased his brows.

"Am I trapped in an illusion? If I'm, why didn't Karna free me?" He bit his trembling lips, his voice cracking. "I don't know where you are, but I hope you're fine."

His fists tightened, a steely glint flashing in his eyes as he remembered Shadow's report.
