
The Last Day

Towering above the river with pride, he scrutinised his reflection.

The dark gauntlets ended at his elbows in sharp blade-like spikes, usable to parry or stab unsuspecting enemies.

The boot shared the same design, while the helmet featured a fierce demon on its retractable facemask. Jagged teeth extended from the mouth, and a lifelike expression of wrath distorted the hard chitin, giving him a horrifying appearance that would chill any adversary's soul. Crowning it, he saw a crescent-shaped protection, probably helpful to deflect any overhead slash.

Finally, he raised his nose in satisfaction as he felt the chest plate's smooth texture despite the threatening green engravings running horizontally.

In short, Muramasa gave the armor an exceptional yet demonic style balance with the metallic plum blossoms adorning the dark fabric. 
