
1st Guild Commander

"You'll join? Seriously? Haha...HAHAHA REALLY?"

James seemed to freak out after hearing these words, jumping up and down in the air like a child, and it was possible to see that this sight even touched Ariel. 

James paused when he saw Ariel's face and asked with a smile, "You look upset, did I do something wrong?" the answer he received was the answer that ordered him to keep his smile on his face at all times:

"You laugh like my daughter, you're like a copy of her."

"Well...I'm honoured!" James suddenly said and then smiled as he sat back down in the chair, before looking at Ariel and saying "I cannot offer you the position of Vice-Guildmaster, Lady Ariel, but I can offer you the rank of First Commander."

Ariel accepted with great happiness and then asked the question on her mind:

"But why not the position of Vice-Guildmaster?"
