
Serious lightning arrow

As soon as Atlan removed the Angel power holding the green arrow at bay, it immediately released all the pent-up tension and power inside of it.

The explosion created a giant gust of wind. 

This arrow was originally intended to create a force powerful enough to topple the 'player' out of the comfort of their logs. They would stand no chance as they got hit by this arrow that had the same power as a tornado wrapped up in a small tip.

But Atlan, because of his unique set of powers, was able to harness that energy for himself.

He released the arrow behind him, creating a propulsion effect that launched him forward,

The force was powerful enough to send him almost 30 feet in the air and 30 feet forward! 

But that wasn't the end of it all. While in mid-air, Atlan took out another one of the green-tipped arrows and positioned it behind him. It was the same thing he did before!
