
Chapter 22 - The New Strain

As Garrett began to check every room, he failed to notice the very silent and deadly spys that were stalking him on the ceiling as he was focused on the ground and the shadows in the corners. On the Ceiling, gripping the rafters were a squad of 7 new Variants.

They were called spikers. The main reason being is they looked liked speedsters, but they had bone spines like a hedgehog growing out of their forearms, backs, hips, and chest. As of they had a weird natural armor that deals damage to those who melee them.

They were tracking Garrett as he checked each cinema room. Only to turn up empty.

Garrett was using his sense stat to the current maximum it had.

But his sense stat paled in comparison to the sense stat of this new Variant. It's sense stat had broken 350. It's main physical stats had broken 300. It was a challenge for the powerful and skilled Garrett. Mostly due to him lagging in his mental stats.

With it's sense stat being greater than his own they could sense where he was looking, move away, and sense out how best to keep out of his area of awareness while they planned their ambush.

With all 7 of them working together. Garrett would be in a tight spot to pull off a clean win.

As he came out of the last Cinema room before the double feature room at the very back of the cinemaplex. The Spikers made their move.

Garrett was huffing in annoyance at being unable to find the boss, and was considering summoning one of the OC characters so he could have a second set of eyes on this place. Or at least another person close to his level of skill and stats. He was hoping to earn more for the base but this was delaying his plans to earn enough. He was ready to leave when he heard a strange *thwip* sound come from no where about 14 times.

He barely got his sword up in defense as suddenly many 1 foot long needle spikes like those of a hedgehog came from the ceiling and clanged against his sword. He grunts in pain as he feels his sword miss blocking 3 of them as 2 enter his left thigh and another into his right shoulder.

He goes to pull them out, but hesitates as he notices the shapes where the spikes came from. Looking up he gasps at the new mutant he is seeing. So much armor that also doubles as projectile weapons is going to be annoying.

He quickly rips out the spikes from his body and goes to duck behind the nearby receptionist counter. The spikes embed into it half way making Garrett yelp as one of them poked into his back through the counter by its tip. He grits his teeth and makes sure his energy pistol is set to full auto mode and unleashes as many shots as he can against them.

However despite his keen accuracy he misses them and instead only clips 3 of them in the shoulder or leg. They hiss at him and return fire with more spikes. Pinning him down behind a slowly pincushion filled counter. Garrett pulls out his regular pistol to give him another way to fight back and goes to fire.

Only to see them all gone from their rafter position as he goes to fire. He gasps as he ducks down as the spikes come from the front this time. Barely avoiding a pair of them going through his eye sockets. He curses as he rolls out from behind the counter and just barely dodges one of them having come crashing down from a leap at the counter and smashing it to pieces.

He blasts it with his pistols and does some damage that actually causes it to roar in pain. However the extent of the damage with a full clip from each pistol was only some bleeding hole marks, chunks of spikes ripped off its arms and back, and a few burn marks from the pistols energy bullets.

It turns slowly and growls at him while the rest of its squad is coming behind.

He fires at them all in a flurry of movement as he runs towards the main hall back to the atrium entrance. Hoping he can get outside and restrategize. However as he does so he notices only 4 are chasing him.

He gasps as he cuts his run short only to feel at least 20 spikes cut into his arms legs and into his back. They just barely avoided key areas that would have dealt lethal or fatal damage to him. But he noticed the horrible truth.

They were playing with him.

Their spikes are scary accurate. As he grunts and yelps in pain at this point from 20 fresh spikes being embedded into his body. He notices the hissing chuckles coming from the Variants. They were messing with him using their numbers and team work.

He grits his teeth and moves as best he can despite the spikes all over his body and shoots at them again trying to get a good shot in.

He does manage to hit them in their spike protected arms or graze their faces or legs with his energy pistol. But the regular bullets are stopped short by their tougher skin and spike armor.

So regular 9mm rounds aren't effective on this type... Notes a bit late there. Garrett notes that as he suffers another 5 shots to his left arm. Making his Glock using arm go limp from pain. With a grunt he dodges another volley that would have taken out his other pistol arm and notices a heavy door that is open nearby.

Garrett dashes full speed into the nearest cinema theater and blocks the doors with some survival cord he keeps in his pack.

The doors begins to dent and crack as the mutants begin to hit and shoot it with their arms and spikes. Garrett dives behind some seats for cover and reloads his pistol and hears the beep of his recharged pistol as well. His arm is healing as he pulls out enough spikes for the faster healing to repair the tendons and muscles enough for him to use his pistol again.

He huffs hard as he thinks, "Okay this isn't working. I've done some damage. But I'll run out of stamina at this rate. And there is also the chance they get bored of this car and mouse chase. There are just too many to keep track."

He eyes the summoning tab. He pulls it up as the door is just about to cave in from a few more hits. And looks through the OC options. He needs back up and he needs them quick.

He pulls up those who could help him in this instance. And grins at what he sees as the doors give a sickening creak as they are about to give in.

OC Orc female heavy weapons specialist. Especially trained elite Marines ops forces captain. Equipment is reinforced combat armor, heavy combat shotgun, titanium Carbonite alloy blade, and heavy assault rifle. Cost: 150,000

OC Minotaur female Heavy gunner specialist. Helldiver squad meant for heavy infantry combat. Sergeant in the armed Army forces. Equipment is heavy combat armor from her world, mini gun, dual barrel heavy canister siege rifle, and siege shield on her back. Cost: 150,000

As Garrett is trying to decide who can help here more. He hears the doors tear off their hinges from one more huge hit and turns to face the incoming threats.

Unaware that during his knee jerk reaction he failed to notice he put in a bulk order for both soldiers.

With a bright burst of light he goes blind for a few seconds. And the Spikers shriek in surprise and pain at the light.

Right before the summoning is done and in the place of the bright light are the two soldiers from the menu Garrett was looking at.

The Orc speaks first, "Elite Marine Specialist division! Captain Shiva reporting sir! We are aware of the danger and have a basic understanding from the system message! Ready to serve!"

Garrett is wide eyed as he sees a 7ft ripped Orc female soldier in a military vest, fatigue pants, heavy armored combat boots, standing there. Her weapons are on her back in holsters, except for her assault rifle that is out and loaded. Her arms bulge with muscle as her ripped body flexes in the eagerness for a good fight. The showing skin also shows many combat scars that almost look like a pattern on her skin. Her tusks on her mouth gleam from being well taken care of and her plump lips grin wide showing her bright teeth. Her forearms and hands are covered in form fitting armored gauntlets, her armor on her legs goes from the boots into basic thigh guards, and knee pads. She has a breast plate with her insignia and rank on the left breast, and she has a pair of paldrons protecting her shoulders until mid upper arm. Her thick black braided hair is tied in a ponytail going to mid back tucked under her assault helmet. All in all. She looks sexy and bad ass.

Shiva cocks her weapon as the Minotauress readies her minigun. She yells out, "Sergeant Betty of the Army Heavy assault division reporting sir! Ready to tear up some zombies! We will have a full debrief once we survive this fight!"

Betty is bigger than Shiva at a solid 7ft 6 inches. She is also ripped. But has a bit more chub on her coating the muscles around her thighs and stomach. But she still has muscles bulge out as her fifty caliber minigun comes to bear forward and begin to rotate. Garrett can't make out much except for her face as she is in a full combat armor suit similar to those worn in Mass effect. Only refitted for her size and race. He does see her hooves on her feet as he sees her hands have five fingers. He guesses she has tauren blood from Warcraft for that mixture of limbs. But her chest took his attention at being somewhere around H cup. He also is taken with her face. She has a nice face with her brown eyes, a muzzle, a light coating of cow fur, and her pair of horns on her head. She grins while her gun warms up as her long brown hair is down to upper shoulders but is parted by her minigun ammo pack and the siege shield on her back.

Garrett was panting hard after the summon and two thoughts went through his head at seeing these two beauties.

1: He is both upset but relieved that he accidentally summoned both people.

2: He is going to ask them if they are single. Cause he has a type and both girls are checking those lists one by one.

Garrett rips out the remaining spikes from his main limbs and joins the girls in a firing line with his pistol combo ready.

The Spikers reload their spikes and both sides are ready for the rematch.

Current Stats of Garret Grimsborne (Super Human):

Str- 515

Agi- 502

Sta- 487

Int- 263

Sense- 265

Store points - 725,750 -300,000= 425,750


Shiva, Female Orc

Betty, Female Minotaur

(Please check author notes for voting)

Now don't worry I had plans for these two OCs to always be a part of this series. so the original voted for characters are still in the running and are up next. Garrett just needed more affordable help quickly in order to enhance his groups survival.

The Voting is still going and everyone is still able to vote. I'm looking forward to the votes coming out going forward.

Bulma - 18 Votes Cost: 2 million

Mei Overwatch - 13 votes Costs 7 million

These are the other harem members to possibly be summoned next! Cast your votes and let me know who you would like to be in the running! Once the next person breaks 8 votes they will be on the list to summon!

Tenten -5 votes

Tsunade - 7 votes

Jill valentine - 4 votes

Claire Redfield - 3 Votes

Tracer - 5 Votes

OC female elf from modern day - 5 votes

OC female Orc from modern day - 5 Votes

OC Female Amazoness from fantasy - 4 Votes

OC Female Dragon Born from fantasy - 3 votes

OC Cat demi (Think half anthro) from Fantasy -4 votes

Submit more votes of characters you would like to see him grab and add to his upcoming harem. I am taking requests or additional votes to his exist

Silverfangcreators' thoughts