
Chapter 7 - The First Dungeon Dive!

Garrett readied his pistol and knife combo that has saved his hide so often against zombies so far and slowly enters the dungeon. There was a magical lock on the stairs to the second floor telling him to clear the first floor of all enemies first.

He glances around at the lobby and sees 20 zombies right off the bat ready to attack as they all turn towards him at once.

Garrett rushes in and stabs one through the brain and blasts another three with a pair of bullets per head. He turns his gun only to have a zombie rush him and nearly bite his neck off. He leans back and tears his knife out of the head of the first zombie and shoves it right up the jaw of the neck biter.

However his knife has hit one too many skulls and breaks off inside the skull of this target. Clicking his tongue in annoyance he throws the remaining knife hilt at another zombie trying to back attack him and then draws his machete out. Slashing and blasting he cleans up the room.

He pants a bit as he is adjusting to the heavier weight of the machete compared to the knife when he hears a growl coming from behind the lobby desk.

The system alerts him with a, Zombie boss of the first floor incoming!

Garrett turns quickly to see a lankier zombie, looking to be in running clothes with a lean build but its fingers had worn down to bone claws. He grunts and readies himself as it leaps from the desk and rushes him from the air.

Dodging to the side he unloads the remaining bullets in his clip into the zombies chest and head. It deals a good chunk of damage but the zombie only lost about 20% of its head and left eye. It has 4 holes in its chest but isn't slowed down at all. Garrett holsters his pistol and uses all his has to draw his riot baton out with his machete ready in a dual weapon combat style. The speed zombie adjusts to missing its left eye and rushing at Garrett with all it has. He ducks under its first swipe and counters by aiming for its arm with his machete.

He back steps as it thrusts out its other hand forward trying to skewer Garrett. The colonel grins at the near miss but manages to bring his baton around at this opportunity to slam it right on the joint of the left arm of the zombie. There is a sickening crack and shattering sound as the Zombies left arm goes limp at a bad angle. But it doesn't mind it and goes for a swipe with its remaining good arm. Garrett grins as he raises his machete and blocks the hand. However he doesn't stop there he also beats the machete from the back with his baton and forces the part of the arm that he blocked to be cut into with the machetes razor edge.

The end result is that the right arm is now a stump just past the elbow and the left arm is disabled. The zombie, now confused at this turn of events looks up at Garrett with a confused expression before its remaining eye goes wide in shock as Garrett rushes it and heel stomps it head with a well placed high side kick. Its head snaps back with a crunch at the vertebrae as Garrett ensures it is finished off by putting all his power into the machete and slashing from the neck to the groin.

With that the zombie gurgles and falls to the ground in two pieces. He huffs and looks at his handy work before getting a notification for defeating a speed zombie stat boost.

He grins at that news before going up to the next level as it was unlocked. The message said to defeat as many zombies on this floor before time runs out. He sees a 15 minute timer begin to count down as he hears a roar as many zombies begin to shamble run out of their rooms and rush at him. Readying his baton and Machete Garrett counter rushes them while yelling a battle cry.

It was a blur for him as he endures grasping hands, bodies slamming into him only to be thrown off with a kick or a shoulder check, biting faces that were quickly head bashed with his soldier helmet. He was sure he got bitten or scratched at least twice at this point. He saw the timer was down to 8 minutes left and felt a searing pain in his left shoulder. Looking to it he saw his distraction cost him, a zombie was currently chewing on his shoulder and gnawing on it good. Garrett roars and bashes it against the wall using his shoulder as a battering ram.

The zombies head explodes into a paste of blood and gore as Garrett rushes the remaining zombies. He goes feral thinking he was infected at this point.

He hacks, smashes, kicks, head butts, and even suplexes the zombies left. By the time the timer stops Garrett is covered head to toe in blood and organ pieces. He himself is bleeding from a bite wound, a few scratches, even a dislocated finger or two when he punched using his baton hand a few times. Garrett pants harshly as he does his best to recover. Using his first aid kit as the system tells him the next floor is open. He cleans and bandages his bite and scratch wounds. He fixes the dislocated fingers and huffs out in slight pain from the workout. He looks to the third floor as he grips his machete and puts back the baton to bring out his crossbow. He figured he would need a long ranged option for the dungeon boss.

He goes up to fight and looks around.

Checking the front, nothing. Checking the sides, nothing. Checking the back, nothing.

He hears a creaking above him and looks up to see a bulker zombie on a rafter that is leaping at him with its fist drawn back. He yelps and rushes forward.

The bulk lands and crashes a clean hole through the wooden floor. Garrett gulps at how that could have been his head. With another look up he sees the bulker rise and roar at him.

Garrett shoots with his crossbow right at the neck. Making the bulker choke on its own roar. He then uses this point of distraction to toss the crossbow and grab out his shot gun. He cocks it and shoots out a slug round right through the bulks head.

The head pops like a balloon filled with red paint. It staggers a bit before falling to the floor and gurgling out a death rattle before slumping into a heap.

Garrett pants and holds his gun for another minute before hearing the chime of the dungeon saying, Beginner Dungeon level 3 cleared! Congratulations player! 1,000 points and +1 stat points are awarded to you! And for being the first to ever clear a dungeon a bonus of 1,000 points are awarded to you again! Keep up the good work while your injuries are healed!

Garrett is in disbelief as he feels all his wounds restored to prime condition and his point counter catch up to all the points he just earned.

He pants out loud in shock and awe as he checks his stats and his points. He doesn't believe it but he in fact did it. He cleared a Dungeon by himself and with an achievement of bonus points to boot! He would be abusing this in the future for sure!

Right after he refilled his pistol ammo. *Ching!* five clips appear in his pockets.

As he takes stock of them. He notices something. He doesn't feel feverish, that his wound is infected or anything. Did the heal also cure him of any zombie infection from the bite he took?

Or was it something to do with his green pill taking from before this all happened?

There was also that same green glow color from the first brute he fought. And how the general talked about how this had all started 4 days ago and the pill he took was 3 days ago. It all was too close together to not be related.

Well if he finds a scientist or a higher up the food chain surviving government official he will make sure to... Ask them nicely. For any information he or she knew.

Current stats of Garret Grimsborne:

Str- 34 +3 (Mutant kill) +1 =37

Agi- 26 +3 (Mutant kill) +1 =30

Sta- 32 +1 =33

Int- 25 +1 =26

Sense- 27 +1 =28

Store points - 6,200
