
Going Back To The Past

The next day,

Aiko stood by the classroom door, her heart pounding in her chest as she watched Sota gather his things. The day had been long, and the weight of her responsibilities as the flag football club manager was pressing down on her harder than ever.

She needed someone to talk to, someone who could understand the pressure she was under. And though Sota hadn't officially joined the team yet, she felt that he might be the one person who could truly empathize with her struggles.

Taking a deep breath, Aiko stepped forward. "Hey, Sota," she began, trying to keep her voice steady. "Do you want to walk home together today?"

Sota looked up, his eyes meeting hers for a brief moment. Aiko could see the hesitation in his gaze, the flicker of something she couldn't quite place. Before she could say anything else, Sota waved his hand dismissively and quickly slung his bag over his shoulder.

"I'm sorry, Aiko," he said, already moving toward the door. "I've got to go somewhere. Maybe another time?"

Aiko blinked, taken aback by the suddenness of his departure. "Oh… okay," she managed to reply, but by then, Sota was already halfway out the door, his pace quickening as he made his way down the hallway. 

She stood there, her hand still partially outstretched as if trying to hold onto the moment. She hadn't expected him to brush her off so quickly. Aiko watched as Sota disappeared around the corner, her chest tightening with disappointment.

But she forced herself to shake it off. He probably had something important to do, she reasoned, and besides, she had plenty of work to keep her occupied.

As Sota hurried through the school's corridors, he couldn't help but feel a twinge of guilt for brushing Aiko off like that. He knew she was going through a lot, and part of him wanted to stay and talk, but he had other priorities today—priorities that couldn't wait. 

With his conscience going into overdrive, Sota let out a grunt before he turned around, he then hurried towards Aiko, calling out her name. "Aiko,"

Swiveling her head, she was surprised to see Sota out of breath by the end of the hallway. "Eh?! Yes?" 

"I"ll call." He said before turning back, his face reddening as he did so. 

Had he turned his head a second later, he would've seen Aiko's satisfied face as she let out a soft 'ok'

After a few minutes of brisk walking, Sota finally arrived at his destination: the gym. It was a place he had come to know well over the past few weeks, a sanctuary where he could push his limits and reclaim a part of himself that he had thought was lost forever. As he approached the entrance, he spotted a familiar figure standing by the front door.

Jack Mercer, the enigmatic trainer who had taken Sota under his wing, was waiting for him. There was a distinct look of excitement on Jack's face, a glimmer in his eyes that Sota hadn't seen before.

The man was practically radiating energy as he leaned against the doorframe, arms crossed, and a smile playing at the corners of his mouth.

"Well, well, if it isn't my favorite trainee," Jack called out, straightening up as Sota approached. "You're right on time, kid."

Sota nodded, slightly out of breath from his brisk walk. "Wouldn't want to keep you waiting," he replied, a small smile tugging at his lips.

Jack's grin widened as he stepped forward, clapping Sota on the shoulder. "Good to hear. I've been doing some research, you know. Reading up on you and your career back in the day. You were quite the star, weren't you?"

Straightening his body, Sota's smile faltered slightly at the mention of his past, but he quickly recovered. "Yeah, I guess you could say that."

Jack studied him for a moment, sensing the shift in Sota's mood. He decided to press on, his tone lightening. "Well, I'm determined to push you even harder now that I know what you're capable of. And with the sports qualifiers coming up here in Japan, I want to make sure you're ready to perform at your best."

Sota's eyes widened slightly at Jack's mention of the qualifiers. It was something that had been on his mind recently, especially with Aiko's relentless determination to get the flag football team ready.

But before he could dwell on it too much, Jack's voice cut through his thoughts.

"So, kid," Jack began, his tone playful yet curious, "what sport are you planning to compete in for the qualifiers?" 

The ultimate question. 

Heaving an exhale, Sota hesitated for a moment, the weight of the question hanging in the air. It wasn't something he had fully decided on until recently, but the answer was clear in his mind now. After everything he'd been through, after all the doubts and second-guessing, he had made his choice.

"Flag football," Sota answered, his voice steady.

Jack blinked in surprise, clearly not expecting that answer. A mischievous smile spread across his face as he processed Sota's words. "Flag football, huh? Didn't see that one coming."

Sota shrugged, a small smile of his own forming. "I've got my reasons."

With a hint of respect, Jack's smile only grew wider as he gave Sota an approving nod. "I see… So you're going back to something familiar. After everything that's happened, you're choosing to face it head-on instead of running away."

Sota met Jack's gaze, feeling a sense of determination welling up inside him. "Yeah, I guess I am."

A chuckle came out of Jack's mouth. "I have to admit, you've got more spirit than I thought. Coming back to a sport you once loved after all your hopes and dreams were shattered? That takes guts, kid. Real guts."

Sota didn't reply, but his expression said it all. There was a fire in his eyes, a resolve that hadn't been there before. He was ready to give it his all... and this time, he won't waste the opportunity of a second chance. 

His second wind.

"Ehrmm~! Well then," Jack said, clapping his hands together.

"Today, I'm going to teach you something that not a lot of people can do. It requires great knee strength, but with all the exercises we've been doing, I'm sure you'll pick it up fast."

Sota raised an eyebrow, intrigued. "What is it?"

Jack's eyes twinkled with excitement as he leaned in, a grin spreading across his face. "Today, you will learn—"


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