
To love

I sniffed, stepping closer, locking eyes with him, 'Even if I tell you that you are the only thing I keep thinking? That I am madly and deeply in love with you? I never believed in true love till I met you Silas. I was so afraid, not of losing you but loving you and now my greatest fear has become my reality. Even if I have to turn back the hands of time a thousand times, I will, just to see your face again. I love you so much.'

He fell silent.

Disappointed, I nodded my understanding, 'I know that your heart is made of stone and that you don't feel a thing for me but you don't even have to love me back, I just need you in my life. I love you Silas.'

'This was a mistake!' He mumbled, heading for the door.

I grab his hand, forcing him to face me, 'Then let this mistake happen.'

He paused, I leaned, kissing him on the lips with passion and a desperation for his touch I had never felt before.

Pulling away, I sniffed, keeping my head down, 'Don't let me go please.'

'I tried my best to stay away from you, to …but you just don't understand. Now, I have no choice but to cross the boundaries with you.' With those words, he brings his head down and capture my lips in a devouring and passionate kiss. I kissed him back with an equal amount of pleasure, leaning to his touch, running my hands along his ripped chest.

His mouth grind against mine, tongues dancing in a fervent passionate dance.

Effortlessly, Silas picked me up in his arms and slowly placed me down on the soft bed, he started kissing me intensely till I couldn't breathe.

He pulled away, his warm lips were all over my neck, my chest, hand massaging my body.

We kiss as I fumbled to take his shirt off; finally did, throwing it across the room.

I leaned, kissing his nipple, took it into the wet hot depth of my mouth and licked it like my life depended on it.

Silas moaned satisfyingly, lying on his back and I climbed on top. I kiss his other nipple, planting my soft lips on his cleavage.

His strong hands grabbed my buttocks with aggressiveness, squeezing me softly. I moaned, groaning into his mouth as I kissed him again.

At the blink of an eye, we swapped positions. Silas is on top of me. His voice holds a low consensual threat when he speaks, 'Are you sure?'

'Never been sure of anything in my life!' I responded with a blush.

He leaned, placing another kiss on my neck, slowly lowering himself down, pulling my panty down with.

His eyes reflected stormy seas as he bury his face between my legs, thrusting his tongue deftly inside me.

I moaned sharply, unable to keep the excitement in.

My entire body feels like its on fire, I kept moaning, breathing heavily. I gripped the bedsheet, silently praying this night never comes to an end.

He got up from kissing my vagina and rammed his wet mouth against mine, kissing me with wild abandon.

He get down the bed, taking off his pants. My eyes took stock of his erected manhood and they glowed with an unrestrained lust.

He climb on top of me, rubbing his hardened shaft dancing feather-light against my wet vagina before thrusting himself deep inside me.

He push and pull in and out of me, heated bodies pressed against each other like magnets. I sunk my nails into his back as he went in deeper, making me lose my breath for a brief second.

We were moaning loudly that the entire walls of the palace resonated with the blaring sound.

So this is how it feels when pain and pleasure become one; never knew it was this satisfying.

The next morning…

I wake up, stretched my arm to where Silas should be but he is not there.

Scared he had disappeared again, I sharply sit up, glanced around when the doors fly open, Sienna waltzing in.

Her cheeks turned red when she saw the state I was in, 'Your highness, I suggest you shower, you um …' she blushed, giggled and sheepishly ran out.

Confused, I didn't know what she was talking about till I noticed my reflection in the mirror. My hair is in a complete mess, I am naked,can't believe Silas left a bite mark on my neck.

I hurriedly showered, giggling like an idiot whenever the image from last night flashed in my head. I got dressed and rushed to the council hall.

The lords each gave me a nod, I nodded back, strolling down to Silas's chair.

He cast his big eyes on me, 'What is it? Slept well?'

'How could I when you kept me awake all night.' I pouted.

My comment made the lords snicker, struggling to hold down their laughter.

Silas turned to them, 'We shall continue later, I would like to spend time with my wife.'

'Yes, my lord.' Lord Greene nodded, motioning for the others to join him as he briskly walked out.

'Good!' I settle on Silas's lap, kissing him deeply, 'You left a mark on my neck?'

'So you would remember me when I'm gone.'

I got upset, tried to stand but Silas held me back, 'Are you upset? You shouldn't be.' He caress my cheek, 'Just because we can't change our destiny does not mean we shouldn't be happy, right? Let me see that smile.' He starts teasing me, I couldn't help but smile given all the efforts he is putting into washing away my anxiety.

I run my hands through his dark hair, 'I love you better with the white hair, you look more …you.'

'Oh really?' He smirked, 'I didn't realize you loved me at all given how many times you said you wanted to see me dead.'

'About that.' I sighed, 'I know you didn't harm Arya, I am so sorry for blaming you. At that time, I was in a bad place and all I wanted was to blame someone else, it was easier than blaming myself.'

'I get it.' He stroke my hair, 'Even though you did kill me. What if I had stayed dead that time?'

I shrugged, 'I was really a fool back then.'

Camelia played me like a toy, now that she is dead, I just have to find that man, and I will, not

matter what.

Silas noticed me slipping away from reality, he cup my face and kiss me tenderly, bringing me back to the present,

'What was that about?' I asked

'Let's go hunting! Only the two of us. Will that be okay?'

'Yes.' I nodded 'let me just get dressed.'

I rushed to my chamber and on the way, crossed paths with Mikael.

When my eyes set on him, I remembered the other version of the world where he is the king and my husband. The manner in which he spoke to me. How did he change so much?

He noticed me staring, 'Are you okay?'

'Mikael …?' I hesitantly looked up at him, 'I think we got it wrong, Silas wasn't the mastermind behind the riot which also means, Arya didn't die because of him.'

He froze for a brief second before letting out a frustrated scoff, 'Well, I guess he left you quiet the impression last night if you woke up praising him the other day.'

'Don't talk to me like that!' I warned, 'Whatever happened is not Silas's fault, I am sure of it but I promise you, I will find the real culprit and punish them accordingly!'

Mikael scoffs again, 'You are blinded by your love for Silas that you are not willing to see the truth. That man is not someone you should've let your heart fallen in love with!'

'That's enough Mikael. I know you loved Arya and that you are hurt that she is gone but, doesn't mean you should blame whoever you want. My husband didn't harm her and yes, I love him, I AM in love with him!'

My confession brought shock to Mikael's face, 'How can you even say that to my face?'

'I can't change how I feel and I know you feel a strong sense of responsibility towards me especially after what happened to Arya but I do not require your protection, just your support.' I take a moment to breathe, 'I have to go, Silas is waiting for me. We will talk when I get back.'

He remained frozen. I sighed, patting him on the shoulder as I glided down the hallway and exit into the room.

I had just finished putting my gown on and was going out when all of a sudden, Mikael waltz into the room, locking the door behind him.

'What is the meaning of this?' I glared.

He raised his hands as he tread carefully over to me, 'Look, I cannot let you ruin your life!'

'And who gave you that right?' I confronted him, 'Get out of my room!' I said, pointing at the door, 'Leave, before I lose it!'

Mikael sighed, looking up at me with a determined gaze, 'I don't think I can!'

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