
Cassandra Makes Breakfast

Siroos quietly entered his chamber. 

"You are late," Faris retorted, seeing his brother arrive. He untangled his legs and stood up from Siroos's bedding with lithe movements. 

"Did someone come to check up?" Siroos questioned, closing the door of his chamber. 

"Of course, they did. I kept my face turned away as Ranon gave them a glimpse of my covered back. Just be glad we look similar from the back," Faris snorted. 

"Hmm!" Siroos annoyedly rubbed the stubble on his chin. 

"Just hope they buy it. And you owe me 20 gold coins, let's see that money?" Faris demanded, extending his hand, his fingers wiggled. 

Siroos's eyes disappointedly narrowed at his brother while he advised which he knew was fruitless. 

"Don't waste them to whore around, use them for something fruitful."
