

Ding Ding.

Tear gas bombs were thrown into the prison in Area A.

While the smoke spread rapidly, the heavily armed prison guards, holding a protective shield in one hand and a baton in the other, rushed into Area A.

In an instant, the prisoners who had no time to escape to the prison kept wailing.

In this wailing, Bagwell's angry roar was extremely clear and loud.


Watching Michael let go, put down Xiaoshou, turned to run upstairs, and then saw Xiaoshou fell to the ground, constantly twitching and dying...

Bargwell roared!

Michael heard it and didn't dare to look back. He gritted his teeth, squeezed into the crowd, and rushed into the prison in one breath.

Fu rushed into the prison.

He was really scared. It could even be said that Michael, who was taught a good lesson by those prisoners, immediately turned around and held the screw and looked out of the prison door, for fear that Bagwell would chase in...

A few seconds later, seeing no prisoners rushing in, Michael was slightly relieved, followed by, as if discouraged, leaning against the wall and sitting on the ground little by little;

Ding Ze, who was sleeping on the upper bunk, looked at it quietly.

'People need to grow up,' Ding Ze thought with some emotion and didn't say anything.

Just at this moment.

The mechanical sound sounded in Ding Ze's head.

The reward has arrived.

[You successfully released Will-Ster, reward: a skill upgrade coupon.]

The voice is over. It's gone.

Ding Ze was a little surprised, but he thought of the reason in an instant.

The other four prisoners he released were probably not completely finished.

I'm too lazy to think about it.

Ding Ze did not hesitate and manipulated to use this upgrade coupon. Of course, try to use it on the five poisons.

He is not sure if he can use it.

Fortunately, it can be used!

The next second.

[Five poisons (young) → upgrade → five poisons (young).]

The upgrade was successful, and Ding Ze immediately felt it.

As a result, the five poisonous insects seem to have not changed, and their size is still a little big.

'So what is the function of this upgrade?' Ding Ze said silently.

Suddenly, the mechanical sound sounded again.

[You successfully released Jack-Jasper, reward: car theft (elementary).]

[You successfully released Charlie-Wendefa, reward: body concinuation (primary).]

Car theft is quite useful.

What the hell is conconfination?

Ding Ze slaped his tongue.

After dozens of seconds.

The last two rewards will be received.

[You successfully released Gaston-Odin, reward: paralyze the worm (young).]

[You successfully released Neil-Revel, reward: unlocking (elementary).]

After listening.


The unlocking technique has finally arrived!

Ding Ze was immediately excited, there was no ink, and immediately felt the lock opening technique.

After that, he was sure that although it was only a primary unlocking technique, it was enough to open the door lock of Sarah's office, and Ding Ze laughed brilliantly.

After laughing for a while and gradually calming down, Ding Ze began to study the second worm he got.

Using his mind to summon the paralyzing worm, Ding Ze took a closer look.

This paralyzed worm is similar in size to the five poisonous worms, and it is also the size of a fly. The difference is that this guy is dark and black, with twisted stripes. It doesn't look good and a little weird.

Because of the mental binding, he already knew the role of this paralytic insect.

In a way, this guy is actually quite awesome, because it can release a toxin that temporarily paralyzes anyone into a plant-like!

'This is really sleepy. I'm sending pillows!'

Ding Ze's thoughts moved and smiled and realized how much the guy in his hand at this moment could help his plan to leave here.

With this guy, he may not need to be deliberately beaten to be sent to the infirmary for the night.

'The premise is that this guy will paralyze people for long enough.'

'I have to find someone to experiment.'

Ding Ze had a plan. He took a look at Michael first and thought about it. Forget it. Michael was too smart to be used for experiments. Otherwise, he was afraid that he would be able to see some signs, so he turned his head and looked out of the prison door.


Time has arrived at this moment.

Under the crazy batons of the prison guards, all the prisoners who were still alive have fled back to their respective prisons, and all the prison doors have been closed again. This black-and-white war, which is coming and going fast, has completely ended.

The prison guards ignored the prisoners in the prison for the time being. They were cleaning up the mess, moving neatly and skillfully, quickly searching for the prisoners lying in various places outside the prison gate.

Sarah arrived in a hurry with several medical staff and was cooperating with the rescue.

Everything is going in an orderly manner.

Both the prison guards and Sarah and other medical staff are very familiar, as if they were not surprised.

It didn't take long. Several prisoners who might have had a chance to survive were put on stretchers and sent to the infirmary.

Subsequently, the prison guards successively put the dead dozen prisoners into body bags and carried them away.

About half an hour later.

In the area outside the prison door, the corpses, various weapons and tear gas smoke disappeared, leaving only the bright red blood that had not yet solidified, telling the recent war and the death.

Pop stood in the lobby on the first floor, staring down at the pool of blood at his feet. After looking at it for a long time, he looked up and said, "I really don't know what to say to you!"

"I try to respect you, but you can't even respect yourself!"

"In this case, from now on, the next 48 hours will be a first-level confinement period. No bathing, no eating, no visiting prison."

"I sincerely hope that you can learn to learn to get along well. Otherwise, the next time will be a week, and the next time will be a month."

Pop's tone was extremely solemn.

Ding Ze lay in bed and couldn't help but feel that the picture was a little familiar.

Think about it.

Ding Dong.

He thought of the students who were in school and only knew how to play crazy...

The same work.

What a pity.

This kind of painless and itchy speech lesson can play a limited role.

This is not.

Look at those prisoners, how many of them care?

The lesson is over.

Pop is gone.

Then, Berwick greeted his prison guards, cleaned up the blood on the ground, and evacuated them all from Area A.

From then on, for the next 48 hours, no prison guards will enter Area A unless there are special circumstances.

The prisoners in the prison in Area A have opened a state of unattended management.


Ding Ze sat up, took out a cigarette and lit one.

Under normal circumstances, it is illegal to smoke in prison.

Now, of course, there is no problem.

After exhaling a long breath of smoke, Ding Ze looked at Michael, who was still paralyzed against the wall and trembled slightly.

"It's different from what you think, isn't it?" With a little hesitation, Ding Ze opened his mouth calmly and asked, "Would you like a cigarette?"

Michael heard it, raised his head and looked at Ding Ze.

The blood on Ding Ze's hands and body came into Michael's vision very prominently.

Michael had not seen the process of Ding Ze's release before, but he immediately guessed what was going on with the blood. At once, his eyes were more complicated and gloomy.

A few seconds later.

Michael withdrew his sight and said nothing.

At this time.

Bagwell's ghost howl came from the first floor, "Scowfield, you're a dead man. You know, I'll cut you into pieces, and I'll let you..."

(End of this chapter)
