
The rabbit is dead?

Chapter 122: The rabbit is dead?

Now they are not moving at all when reaching two kilometers away from where the rabbit was seen earlier, as it is a good distance for them to shoot the rabbit down using a sniper. 

However, Aiden has not said anything about using a sniper, but they have decided it themselves as it is the safest option for them. So the two ladies started to set up their sniper on the stand while the others were guarding Aiden and Alicia, and also using their thermal binoculars to see if they could find something. 

Aiden, seeing them do everything by themselves, doesn't say anything and focuses on being a guard as they are doing what he would have told them. 

One of the snipers is Daphne and the other one is another lady, and they still haven't finished setting up the sniper. However, suddenly one of the ladies who is checking the surroundings says to Ava in a hurried voice, 
