

Anthony Caruso

           I got married to Cassandra Vitale two years ago and it was practically based on my father choosing a spouse for me. I never wanted to get married, but my father said it was necessary, for it to be a charade to people out there. It's been two years and I don't think I can continue this marriage anymore. I can't be the mafia god my father so much wants me to be and then still be a married man to some young girl who doesn't care about how I feel and all she wants is just a goddamn child. I don't have the luxury of time to please her and then still try to be around and act as a dad for a  child I'm not ready to have.

I first met Cassandra, when my dad told me to prepare for a blind date and meet him at the La casa del Gusto which means 'House of Taste' . It was a popular Italian restaurant. My father is from Italy and my mother was American, not like I knew much about her or anything of such, she was like a stranger to me.
