
Chapter 6: The Cuff

Something rushes through my body and I feel my face heat up. Though quickly I gently push away Kaigara, "Hehe- you're welcome! ..." I awkwardly scratch the back of my neck, "I should probably get some rest huh... Heh.. heh..."

Kaigara nods understandingly, a hint of a smile tugging at the corners of his lips. "Rest well, Winston. We'll prepare everything for your journey." He pats me on the shoulder before turning to Elara, who hands him a small bundle of supplies. "I'll see you in the morning," he says with a reassuring nod, then leaves the room.

I nod, watching them go, feeling a mix of nerves and determination. I turn away from the doorway and slap both sides of my face. Afterward, I cover my flushed face with my palms. "Pfft! Remember Winston! You. Have. A. Wife.", I let go of my face and fell back into the bed with a large sigh.

"Now I should probably actually check these...", I say as I hold the cuff in front of my face.

The cuff's glow reflects across my face as I can clearly see the notification from before. Now, however, I notice an "X" at the corner.

"I can probably infer what 'Magic resistance' means, but, what is this 'Mana'?", I ask knowing I wasn't going to get an answer without doing anything.

I tap the "X" with my other hand and as I do the notification closes. However, a notification I remember is right behind the one that I closed. It read, "Subject has been fed. Subject is no longer hungry."

"Ugh," I groan, "I'm going to have to close all of these aren't I?" I sigh before doing just that. Tapping "X" until I couldn't see anymore. Well, I did pause at one with the AA serum but I chose to quickly close it after a moment.

At what I'm just going to call the "home screen" are all the icons that I saw before, plus some.

I recognize the health and status indicators. I also recognize the locked ones and one that simply says "subject notes". However, now there's also a new icon that resembles a stylized drop of liquid, labeled "Mana."

Curious, I tap on it. A small window pops up, displaying a numeric value alongside a pixel art bottle. Though, that's on the left side, on the right side is a description. It reads, "Whenever Mana is used against or around Subject, AA serum will make Subject's body vulnerable so the body can absorb Mana. Mana will be stored here. Mana is used to perform magic."

"So this is mana..." I mutter to myself, trying to make sense of it.

It seems I only have twenty-three out of a hundred of this mana. Also, it doesn't say much else about it so I just decide to close and return to navigate through the cuff's interface. Suddenly, I noticed another icon labeled "Effects."

Intrigued, I tap on it and find a list of abilities, some of which are grayed out. Though some are not. I immediately recognized these. I begin to read each one of the Effects and its corresponding description.

Effect: Adrenaline Boost

-- Default Effect

Effect: Immunity to the negative effects of "WAMUCH BAR" and similar substances.

-- High success after Subject consumed strange substance.

Effect: Regeneration, level one

-- Subject's body has sustained minimum required damage.

Effect: Magic Resistance, level one.

-- AA serum morphed in response to unknown magic detected.

Effect: Mana, level one, twenty-three out of a hundred.

-- AA serum morphed in response to unknown magic detected.

Each effect has an activate button on the right side of it. "I wonder...", I mutter to myself, "If some are level one, doesn't that suggest they can level up?"

I'm curious, however, it doesn't say anywhere how it could possibly level up. So, after reading everything once more, I close the tab.

Then, I decided to explore the stats icon from before. I didn't check it out earlier and the other options are still locked with a padlock symbol. I tap on the icon, and a screen full of data appears. There are various metrics listed: health status, stress levels, AA serum dosage, and physical stats. As I scroll through, I notice something labeled "Status Points", curious, I tap on it.

A new window pops up, displaying various attributes like Strength, Agility, Stamina, and Charm, each with a number beside it. I furrow my brows, trying to recall if I've seen anything like this before. It vaguely reminds me of character attributes from those few video games I saw Eveie play when I brought her to a friend's house.

Strength: 6

Agility: 8

Stamina: 10

Charm: 4

The numbers seem arbitrary to me, but they must mean something. I tap on "Strength" to see if there's more information. A description pops up: "A measure of physical power and ability to lift heavy objects."

"Huh," I mutter to myself, embarrassed, "that... That's pretty obvious..." I wonder how these numbers can change or if they're fixed.

I tap and go back to the status screen. There are those metrics listed: health status, stress levels, AA serum dosage, and physical stats. However, it seems the "Physical Stats" were the "Status Points" from before.

I then change my focus toward the other statuses.

Health Status: Good. 20/20

Stress Level: Medium

-- Stress has been equated to danger level. When at High level of Stress, AA serum will activate.

AA Serum dosage: low

-- At this time Subject's body can only handle a low dose.

"A low dose!?", I yell in my mind, "What the heck do you mean 'low dose'!?" Irritated, I sigh before closing the window and return to the main screen of the cuff. There's still much I don't understand, but it's clear this device is more complex than I initially thought.

I ponder whether I should ask Kaigara or someone else in the village for more information, but a part of me hesitates. I... Isn't that what got us in this situation in the first place? Yeah, We're not going through that again. Z'zatira tried and it didn't work, I'll probably just have to figure out this stuff on my own.

Maybe... I try and pull the cuff off again with nothing happens. "Heh... I knew I wouldn't work but it was worth a try..." Deciding I need more rest before setting out on this journey, I cozy myself in the bed. Honestly, It's a lot more comfortable in the... clothes.... that...

"Oh, my jezzbus! I forgot S'uu still has my other clothes!", my face blushes a bright red. "Ooooh...." I sit up and look down at the end of the bed to see my boots.

"... Maybe...", I yawn, "I can ask them about that after my twelve-hour nap...", I cozy up and lay back in the bed. It's a lot more comfy than some of the hospital beds I've slept in. Soon, however, sleep overtakes me.




I groan as I woke up. A dull ache pulses in my head. The room feels strangely quiet, and for a moment, I'm disoriented, unsure of where I am. Then, a gentle voice breaks through the haze.

"Winston, it's time to wake up," S'uu says, pushing my shoulder slightly. I blink my eyes open slowly, adjusting to the light. Though the light in here is still dim like before. S'uu stands beside the bed, a concerned expression etched on their features.

"Morning already?" I mumble groggily, rubbing my eyes as I sit up. The weight of exhaustion still clings to me despite the hours of rest. I accidentally rub my eyes too hard and, "Ow..."

I glance around, realizing that the supplies and other stuff are in my backpack. Which is by the entrance. "Did I oversleep?"

S'uu nods, a slight furrow in their brow. "You needed the rest. How are you feeling now?"

"Better, I think," I reply, though, It's probably obvious that I'm not a morning person. Kelcy was usually the morning bird...

"...Just a slight headache. Nothing major...", I say as I rub my forehead.

S'uu gives me a sympathetic nod. "Do you like tea? Elara says it should help with stuff like that." They handed me a wooden cup filled with seemingly iced tea. I smile, "Yeah I do...", without thinking too much of it, I take it gratefully, sipping slowly.

"Thanks," I say, feeling a bit more alert as the iced tea helps to wake me up.

S'uu smiles, "It's Olvi Tea, from the Olvi'Noshui plant up north. We rarely get stuff like this but it has to be my favorite tea."

"Huh...", I slowly sip the tea again. However suddenly the cuff beeps, "Substance activates low healing for both physical and mental."

Startled, I spat out the tea I just sipped, "ah!- sorry...", I took a deep breath.

S'uu chuckles slightly, their eyes studying me closely. "We should start to prepare for the journey. Kaigara and Elara have already gathered the necessary supplies and put them in your bag here." They walk over to my backpack and pick it up.

I nod, my mind slowly catching up. "Right... To find the ingredients for the spell..."

"Yes," S'uu confirms. "We should leave as soon as you're ready. The sooner we start, the sooner we can get back."

I take a deep breath and swing my legs over the side of the bed, standing up slowly to avoid the dizziness. My body protests, but I push through it. "Okay. Let's get moving then."

S'uu helps me gather my belongings, and I notice my old clothes folded neatly on a nearby table. "Hey... S'uu?", I turn back to them, "Did you-"

S'uu interrupts me, "They actually seem good for combat. So I had a friend clean and fix them up for you."

I grab them and look around before asking S'uu, "Hey... Is there a restroom here?"

"Do you have to use the toilet or something?", S'uu asks.

"... Um...", my face blushes with embarrassment, "no- I just wanted to change back into these clothes..."

"Oh... well, you could just change over there.", they point over to the other side of the room with a curtain. "That way you don't have to go all the way to the public outhouses."

"Ah- okay...", I slowly walk over to the curtained area. As I walk over, I grab my boots as well.

After I closed the curtain behind me, I turned around to see that this looked similar to an operating room. There are scalpels and other medical equipment on one of the desks. "Huh... I guess there are even things Elara can't do with magic...", I think to myself.

Feeling uncomfortable, I quickly change back into my clothes, feeling a strange sense of comfort in the familiar fabric. Once dressed, walk over to S'uu and they gave me my backpack. I take it and quickly strap it on, feeling as if it is a lot heavier than before.

"Ready.", I say.

"Good," S'uu replies with a small smile. "Let's head out to get you a better weapon and some armor."

As we step out of the healer's hut and into the village, I can't help but feel nervous. I'm no fighter, and they said that it would even be dangerous for the best of fighters... I'm so going to die.

S'uu leads the way through the village, where villagers go about their daily routines. I noticed glances directed our way. It's probably because I look different... I also noticed that the glances are less negative and more curious. It's probably because I'm with S'uu. Despite my discomfort, I try to focus on what's in front of me.

We arrive at a small, unassuming workshop tucked away at the edge of the village. S'uu unlocks the door with a key from their pocket, revealing shelves lined with various tools, potions, and magical artifacts. This place is super messy with random stuff on the ground and even blueprints are scattered. Though, some blueprints are pinned to some parts of the walls.

"This is Z'zatira's workshop," S'uu explains softly, they walk over and pick up one of the weird contractions on a shelf, "She's a master craftsman and magician.", they look at me while placing the contraption back down, "We'll definitely find something you can use here."

I nod, feeling a pang of guilt and sadness for Z'zatira. S'uu moves with purpose among the shelves, selecting a sturdy leather armor set adorned with protective runes and a sleek, enchanted sword that gleams with a faint magical aura.

"These should serve you well," S'uu says, handing over the equipment. "Z'zatira enchanted them herself. The armor will provide magical protection and agility, while the sword can cut through magical barriers and mundane defenses alike."

I take the gear gratefully, sensing the craftsmanship and power infused within. Though, as I strap on the armor, I hold the sword in my hands.

"Um... I don't think I could use this.", I look up at S'uu, " I don't know how to use a sword, plus I don't think I am strong enough to carry this..."

S'uu paused, their brow furrowing thoughtfully as they considered my words. They gently took the sword back from me and scanned the shelves with renewed focus. After a moment, they moved to a different section of the cluttered workshop, sifting through containers and crates until they unearthed a peculiar item wrapped in velvet.

"Ah, here we go," S'uu muttered, unwrapping the velvet to reveal a small dagger with a red gem nestled between the handle and blade. The blade itself looked jagged and unconventional.

"This is something Z'zatira was experimenting with," S'uu explained, holding the dagger away from me, but close enough, that I could still watch whatever they were planning.

"It might look like a simple dagger, but watch this." With a careful tap on the gem, a magical red light shot out from it, enveloping the dagger. In an instant, light elongated and reshaped into a shortsword.

"Whoa," I exclaimed, "It turned into a lightsaber!" Though after I said that I blushed and covered my mouth. I... I sounded so nerdy...

"What is that?...", S'uu asks.

"... It's... It's nothing important...", I say, still covering my face with my hands.

S'uu nodded confused, "Well... This is still as light as a dagger, but whenever you get used to it or need it you can use it as a sword...", I could tell S'uu was trying to change the subject.

"Tap the gem again, and it reverts back to its original form.", They say as they carefully hand it to me.

I tested the weight of the newly transformed short sword. The craftsmanship that Z'zatira had imbued into this... "This is perfect," I said with gratitude, meeting S'uu's gaze. "Thank you, S'uu."

"You're welcome, Winston," S'uu replied warmly, their eyes reflecting encouragement. "Z'zatira would be pleased to see her creation in capable hands."

"Yeah... Capable...", I thought. Yeah, that's now me but, maybe I can get stronger! Probably not...

With the leather armor now adjusted for comfort and the daggers and both side pockets of the backpack. I felt a renewed sense of readiness. Either that or I'm trying to hide the fact I'm terrified... Though, I guess I got S'uu by my side.

"Alright," S'uu said, leading us back toward the village square. "Let's catch up with Kaigara and Elara before we set off. It's best to tell them that we are leaving now."
