
Chapter 21 : Flattery Only Works When It's Earnest


Inheriting the company and everything that belongs to the Reina name is a big responsibility, one that our parents have been talking about our whole lives.

Vinny and I are technically the only heirs to the family fortune and family company, so we have come to expect something like this, but it is a lot of responsibility.

Back then, we were both more focused on doing our own thing and living our own lives, and our parents had been fine with that. Vinny had his mechanical engineering business and his movie studio, and I had my doctorate.

Now that our parents are getting older, they're looking to retire, to have someone they trust to hand everything over to, so we all talked about it as a family.

Me inheriting everything was the culmination of a talk that went on for almost a month. Vinny has his own accounts and his own salary that won't run dry anytime soon, and if he ever needs more all we have to do is call the bank to facilitate the transfer.
