
The Seven Seeds

Agent K leaned back in his seat, fixing me with a piercing gaze. "I've spoken to the other witnesses, but it seems you know the most. Can you start from the beginning?"

I nodded, recounting everything I could. I told him about the figure calling himself Rainman, the boy named Hayate who had succumbed to the effects of a mentally corruptive anomaly, and how the enormous monster we fought was, in fact, Hayate after he'd mutated.

Of course, I couldn't tell him everything. Specifically, I had to withhold any information about the grotesque walnut—the "Creepy Walnut"—thanks to a promise I made to the Treecat. However, outright hiding it from an organization as powerful as the Dungeon Foundation wasn't an option. I had to strike a balance, so I feigned ignorance.

"I'm not entirely sure," I said carefully, "but it seemed to be some kind of mentally corruptive anomaly."
