

An ancient wooden door. It appeared silently and without a trace, out of place. Shihime's gaze had noticed it, but otherwise, I wouldn't have noticed it.


The door opened slowly, making a creaky sound from the poor fit.


The sound of the opening and closing must have reached their ears. Senpai Hinagiku and Senpai Yakuzen had stopped their trial-and-error efforts to neatly stack the Pomeranians on the cart, and turned around with a start. The four of us, including myself , stared at the old wooden door as it was pushed open.

A tall, broad-shouldered man came out. He was wearing a fashionable hat and coat, and carrying something like a cane. His tight pants became extremely short from the waist down, and his well-made leather shoes looked tight. He had the appearance of an evil count, or perhaps an evil animal trainer from a circus who always carries a whip.
