
Chapter 472: Seeing Black Six Again

Mango shaved ice spared Bai Junjun and the others from Old Uncle Qiu's nagging.

And so, they lived peacefully for a few days. By now, the bandits had vanished along with Black Six's arrest.

No one knew if they had fled to other counties or sneaked off to marry into a family elsewhere.

Of course, that was beyond the concern of Li Wenli and Bai Junjun for the time being. After leaving Black Six to hang for a couple of days, they finally visited the Dai County jail on a dark and windy night when the moon was obscured.

By this time, Black Six had returned from the brink of death, but he was left with many sequelae. He couldn't stand the darkness and dampness at least, and he would scream and shout like a madman as soon as the lights went out in his cell.
