

Sophia's Pov.

''What! What is happening here? Oh my goodness, what am I seeing'' Melody asked as she walked into the room. She was tensed up and appeared to be confused.

At once, both me and the stranger whom I had a one-night stand with, began to put on our dresses.

''How dare you Anderson, and you Sophia, how dare you'' She fumes at us.

As she yelled, Jethro my fiancé stood and watched her, also in a state of confusion.

''Anderson, you? What on earth are you doing with my step-sister?'' Melody asked, with tears about to rush out of her eyes.

''Please, stop fuming questions at me like this. You don't even want to care to ask or know how it happened. So please, take it easy here and don't shout at me either'' The stranger, Anderson replied.

I turned and looked at him in surprise. I was surprised to know that both of them knew themselves. Melody did not only know him but even called him by name.

On the other hand, Jethro still stood looking at what was going on. It appeared to me that he became confused on the spot or maybe, things didn't go well as planned.

Melody after being shunned by Anderson, jumped on me and started to punch my face. She was just about to punch my face the fifth time when Anderson quickly held her and flung her out from my body.

''What? What do you think you are trying to do? Are you siding this dog against me? Don't tell me you loved what you did with her last night. You didn't even show remorse for what you did but instead, you are protecting her from my disciplinary measures'' Melody emphasized.

''Shut up! Which disciplinary measures? You, are you disciplined? By the way, what gives you the audacity to trespass into my affairs in the first place? Who the hell did you think you are anyway?'' Anderson asked as he countered Melody.

Melody was then, provoked by his words, and felt like raging fires on us.

''What! You are talking like this to me because of this lady right? How dare you, Anderson? For crying out loud, I'm your fiancé, and your only lover'' She informed.

''Please, shut up your mouth, and stop giving me heat. I don't want you to keep disturbing my life the way you usually do. So, let me be'' Anderson informed.

He looked at me, who was already down and pained, due to the blows and punches that were launched against me, by Melody. 

''Please, stand up let's get the fuck out of here'' He said.

''You mean me?'' I asked as I pointed my left fingers on my chest.

''Yes dear, I mean you. Oh! You are already dressed, I can see'' He ascertained.

''Yes, I'm already dressed'' I responded.

He took me from the left, and hurriedly dragged me like a child, out of the room. We were blocked by Jethro, who needed a proper explanation of what was going on.

''Get away from my sight else, I shall get you apprehended, and would even end your career in not less than 24 hours from now'' Anderson informed.

Jethro quickly paved the way and surrendered to Anderson's ultimatum.

I was then, more confused, as I began to wonder who exactly the so-called Anderson was. He took me out of the room immediately, and we drove in his car, to his house.

Melody's Pov.

''Oh my goodness, what on earth have I done? This wasn't what we planned. We have made a terrible mistake'' I said to myself, as I folded my hand on my head in regret.

Me watching how Anderson held her by his hands, and walked out of us, pisses me off. Damn, I still can't believe that we have made a nasty mistake.

''What is it dear? What is happening? Why have you been behaving like one who is confused? Wasn't this what we planned, to frame up Sophia and a dude together?'' Jethro asked.

''Just shut up, please. We have loosed the target'' I said to Jethro.

''I don't still understand you, dear''.

Out of frustration and anger, I lifted my hands and launched a heavy slap on his face. It pushed him backwards, making him stagger.

''What has come over you? Don't cause me to provocation else, it may not go well with us'' Jethro clarified, as he warned me. 

''Why did you use Anderson my fiancé for the job? Forgetting that he is our major target. He is the guy, my secret fiancé, whom we have already planned to wreck down, and do away with his fortune'' I informed Jethro.

''Oh!, is he''? He asked.

''Yes, he is the one. Remember that the plan was to set Sophia up with a useless drunkard, and not a successful and powerful dude like Anderson. Now, see what has happened. Who knows, he may even fall in love with her son, and that, I don't want'' I said.

''Oh!, I'm very sorry for this my love. I have made a terrible mistake. I never knew that he was the guy you were always telling me about. Last night, me and my gang, saw him walking into the hotel. We don't know what he came to do, but from our observation, he would be a nice catch for us. Don't forget that the security system of this hotel is very strong and so, we were very careful not to get caught by anyone''.

''And so''?

''We fired drugs and mixed substances into his bottle of desperado drink because that was what he was holding in his hand''.

''So, what next''? I asked him, hoping to hear more details.

''What do you think would happen next? Of course, after drinking it, he began to behave strangely, and his eyes began to turn on him. The moment we noticed it, we carried him and escorted him into this room. You know that Sophia is very sexy and attractive, and thus, any man that sees her, would, like to do it with her'' He highlighted.

''You bastard, let's hurry up now, to Anderson's house, before it becomes too late for us'' I scolded with annoyance.
