
Section 16 - Ten Million Star Yuan

"Beep, beep, beep..."

"...No heartbeat, where's the mage? Don't stop the healing magic, sync with the CPR!"

"Heartbeat restored, watch for ventricular fibrillation, we got him back, watch out for SIRS and acute kidney injury."

"Are we really using this? Be careful, not a drop of 0.01 milliliters can be wasted, winged girl, don't space out, continue the healing magic!"


No one knew how much time had passed.


Hearing the rhythmic electronic sound by his ear, Chen Fei struggled to open his eyes, only to be blinded by the glaring white and immediately squint again. After a while, he finally adjusted to the brightness around him.

It seemed to be a hospital room, no longer needing to question who he was, where he was, or what he was doing.

The good news was that he had finally survived.


Chen Fei took a long sigh of relief, feeling a stabbing pain in his chest that made him grimace.

He finally remembered that he had been hit by a bottle of Erguotou thrown by the stinking Big Bear, Chekhov. Damn bad luck!

From outside came a series of heavy footsteps, and soon Chen Fei saw the large "super-sized blue sanitary pad" wrapped around a bald head—Big Bear, Squadron Leader Chekhov Leonidovich Ivanov from the "Genuine Fragrance" squadron.

Who knew since when, but both of them had been shaved clean, to be precise, every hair on their body was shaved off, truly clean to the core.

Speaking of the devil, and he appears, Chekhov's left arm was still slung under his neck, tied with a stabilizer, probably broken.

This rascal who forcibly dragged him onto the Big Mouth Monster was still alive, what an outrage!

"Hey! Rookie, are you awake?"

Major Chekhov, with his callsign "Peanut Butter", grinned widely, seemingly very happy to see Chen Fei regaining consciousness.

Chen Fei moved his hands and feet and stealthily checked below his waist, finally letting out a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, nothing was missing, nor anything extra.

He weakly said, "Squadron Leader Chekhov, where are we?"

"We're on a medical ship, don't worry, you'll be back up and roaring in no time."

After all, nearly 300 pounds just lay there, recovering quickly, Chekhov had woken up two days before Chen Fei. He couldn't just lie down, so he flirted with the nurse angels in the hallway outside the hospital room.

Having roamed the Jianghu for over forty years, everything in the world can be let down, except for masturbating and the Big Daizi.

No matter black, white, or yellow, all are fair game; to be precise, there is no racial discrimination, not being picky from a young age is a good habit.

Having learned a hard lesson, Chen Fei gritted his teeth and said, "I, Chen Fei, even if I'm broke, dying outside, jumping off the medical ship, will absolutely not get on a fighter jet again."

This time he nearly went to play Chinese chess with King Yama, truly nowhere to reason about it, can he beat this Big Bear? Can't win? The opponent could pin him to the ground with one hand!

Well, no worries then!

Again, footsteps approached outside the hospital room.

"Chen Fei, Chekhov, good that both of you are here, saves me the trouble of looking separately."

A young woman wearing an eye patch over her left eye entered Chen Fei's single room with a few men in black suits wearing sunglasses.

A cold breeze swept in as the automatic door opened, causing an unavoidable shiver.

Shamisen strings plucked rapidly, the newcomer was up to no good, scatter some more withering leaves for a fuller effect.

"Who are you?"

Chekhov sized her up, squinting his eyes slightly as a torrent of data cascaded down his pupils.

Size 35 golden lotus feet, 96 points!

Evenly shaped legs, 90 points!

Taut and full buttock curve, 90 points!

A4 waistline, 95 points!

G model headlights, a point less would sag, a point more too perky, perfect elasticity, 99 points!

Neck white and slender, a grip's worth, 94 points!

Fusion of Eastern and Western oval face shape, 95 points, deduct 10 points for the missing eye, score 85 points!

Skin like curdled cream, hairless, 90 points

Black hair smooth, orderly, 90 points!

Weight estimated under 100 pounds, 92 points!

Proportionate nine heads tall figure, 90 points!

Eliminating the highest and lowest scores to obtain an average score of 91.8.

With his years of experienced driver's judgment, the challenge level factor is 9.7, still a Cyclops, annoying, hiss...decisive abandonment.

With this free time, Major Chekhov had already manually inspected every nurse's station in the corridor, why give up an entire forest for one tree, dumb, right?

When quality isn't enough, quantity could compensate!

It was only natural to prefer more rather than less, a thought very much in Chekhov's style.

"Apocalypse Defense Group, Ministry of Internal Affairs, Level Two Inspector, Hanna Gagar."

Tall and fair-skinned with a chilly countenance and a melon-seed face, she took a few assessing glances at Chekhov and Chen Fei on the hospital bed with her narrow, elongated phoenix eyes, then raised her hand to display a small blue booklet. The cover featured a crest surrounded by floral vines, and inside were a large portrait, department details, a resume of positions, signatures, and a bright red seal, all looking very high-end.

Ministry of Internal Affairs…

Chen Fei looked bewildered, having just arrived at the Aircrew Base and not even fully recognizing all the departments yet, let alone understanding what the Ministry of Internal Affairs was.

Yet, he noticed Chekhov, the big bear, tugging at the corner of his mouth unnaturally. Seeing the few expressionless men in black suits, he instinctively shrank his neck, feeling that this department must be quite formidable.

Suddenly, he felt an inexplicable admiration!

"Hello, hello, Miss Hanna!"

Chekhov, cautious, swallowed his saliva and extended his intact right hand, squeezing out a smile to please her.

He had not expected that this time he would provoke the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

"I am here to verify some information."

The Cyclops, Hanna Gagar, a Level Two Inspector from the Apocalypse Defense Group's Ministry of Internal Affairs, completely ignored Chekhov's extended hand.

"Ahem, please, go ahead. Oh, let me get you a chair."

Clearing his throat to cover his own embarrassment, Chekhov fetched a chair from beside Chen Fei's hospital bed for Hanna Gagar. He carefully wiped it down with his sleeve and, with a smile, said, "Please, have a seat!"

Waited for Chekhov to arrange the chair, the young female inspector still stood there unmoved, with no intention of sitting down. She said expressionlessly, "The KDK-1 aspirated hypersonic smart missile that killed the Metallic Giant Dragon was launched from your 211 aircraft, correct?"

"Ah!?" Chekhov was taken aback, glanced at Chen Fei, and nodded vigorously, "Yes, yes, it was us who launched it!"

This was a great achievement, only a fool would deny it.

Chen Fei, barely sitting up, pointed at the big bear and said resolutely, "It was him, he made me do it. I didn't know anything; I'm in the maintenance team, not a pilot."

During that moment, adrenaline was secreting wildly, and his brain heated up, fearless in his ignorance. Now when he thought back on it, he couldn't help but feel scared. If it attracted the revenge of the Metallic Dragon Race or even the entire Dragon Clan, it'd be better to jump into the sea from this medical ship right now.

Chekhov: "..."

He was nearly enraged to death by this rookie. What exactly did he mean by saying these things?

"I see!"

Inspector Hanna Gagar was noncommittal.

Chekhov, my man—. —! : Emmm...

It's December's hanging account, to be settled quickly. Not quite; it should be December's meat, settled quickly.

The female inspector raised her hand, and the man in sunglasses and black suit beside her timely opened his briefcase and handed over a document.

Her gaze finally rested on Chen Fei, "The company has strict regulations and assures the basic rights of every employee. Contributions are rewarded, and transgressions penalized. Chen Fei, in recognition of your success in slaying a Metallic Giant Dragon, the company awards you 10 million Star Yuan with your probation period ended early, and you are directly offered a permanent employment contract."


10 million Star Yuan!

Chen Fei's eyes involuntarily widened (O.O), and his breathing quickened. His chest pain was gone, and he instantly revived on the spot.

With this huge sum, not only could he pay off his old debts, but he could also make a profit of 5 million!

Truly, heaven is just!

Any more Metallic Giant Dragons?

Bring me a dozen more!

Humans perish for wealth, as birds die for food—I shall slay dragons!!!

An ordinary citizen wouldn't earn 10 million Star Yuan in their entire lifetime.

This sum could buy Elder Brother Chen's newly-down-paid wedding house—two of them!

Forget about down payments and mortgages—pay it all at once, debt-free and light-hearted. No worries about the next month's installment.

Compared to this substantial reward, enjoying the perks of permanent employment early is nothing. The majority of the salary would to towards debt repayments. The little that remained would scarcely improve Chen Fei's distressed financial situation.


Inspector Hanna began, her lips parting slightly, words taking a turn, "At the time you were critically injured. To save your life, the company used a First-Rank Earth Order magic potion to pull you back from the brink of death. The 'Life Resuscitation' potion valued at 12 million, deducting your reward of 10 million, leaves you owing the company 2 million, to be deducted monthly from your future salary."

Chen Fei's expression grew increasingly dismayed…

In darkness, doubts cleared; in treacherous paths, another village, oh heavens!!!

Just a moment ago, praising the heavens for their fairness; the next second—biting his teeth in cursing the thieving heavens mercilessly.


Better to have died.

At least, through accidental life insurance and condolence money, after offsetting the debts, this 10 million Star Yuan reward could be wholly handed over to his family.

Chen Fei was so despondently breathless.

"Hey! Hey! Rookie, what's wrong with you?"

Noticing Chen Fei's increasingly abnormal complexion, Chekhov turned frantic and started shouting, rapidly pressing the emergency call button beside the bed.

