
Necromancy Test


The ringing bells of the academy tolled as Israfel made his way through the ghostly streets for the spired citadel. He was glad he had showered first at Yemaya's hotel room. He wouldn't have time to hit the dorms before slipping in for class. With the Grand Tourniquet Inn in his rearview, Rafel fondly reminisced on what he had done all night to four devastatingly hot women as his carriage pulled up to the citadel.

It was a pompous gray tower of several storeys and held various enigmatic classes for students, suited to the avatars of the four Arcs:

The blue [Pegasus] of water and spirit.

The rising [Phoenix] of fire and blood.

The golden [Griffin] of sun and wind.

The grim [Raven] of shadow and death.
