
God Finding

After the goddess incident Domnus refused to believe that Orario only had crappy Gods. Knowing that there were many other Gods. The leaving wave of adventurers had just passed but buying nothing.

Putting back up the stand Domnus decided on trying to find a God that Domnus could devote his life to. If only to prove it to himself that those types of Gods exist.


After setting his bag down in the old church Domnus began to start ho mission to find a truly Godly God. Bell wasn't still out adventuring and Hestia was probably working. With determination in his eyes Domnus began his way around Orario.

On his walk around Orario he heard someone teasing another, checking it out for curiosity's sake he noticed that one of the people arguing was a God.

"What, are you saying I'm a bad God?" the god asked the adventurer next to him,

"No I am not," the adventurer next to the God said without a hint of sarcasm in her voice.

Coming out of the woodwork Domnus went to talk to the two

"Hello there! Names Domnus what's yours?" Domnus said looking for any scrap of information.

"Oh, you don't know of me," the god commented turning to Domnus with a cheeky smile in his face.

"I am new to Orario," Domnus said to the God.

"Well then it's nice to meet you," the God said taking off his feathered hat, "I am the God Hermes, it is a pleasure to meet you," Hermes then extended his hand out.

Happy to find a God who didn't have a stick up their ass, Domnus began to chat them up.

"So, what does your familia do?" Domnus asked.

"We are an adventuring familia," the adventurer next to Hermes said,

"If it brings profit we do it!" Hermes said interrupting the adventurer next to him.

This was looking better and better for Domnus, and he was about to join the Hermes familia when a girl walked by. And Hermes eyes locked to that girl. And for a good few seconds they sat in silence as Hermes eyes followed then girl around the corner.

"Well, I best be off!" Domnus said ready to leave not wishing to follow such a pervert of a God

"What is that," said the adventurer noticing the odd shield on his wrist.

"Well it's an old experiment," Domnus said walking away while still facing them, "Well I must leave,"

"What does it do," said the adventurer stepping forward.

"It blocks a bunch of different effects," Domnus said, "Well I got stuff to do," Domnus said about to leave to look for another God.

"A bunch huh," Hermes said interested it the shield.

"Well how about this," Domnus said taking off the sheild, "I don't get the opportunity to test this so can you?" Domnus said while tossing the God the sheild.

The God immediately grabbed it and started studying it, which is when Domnus found his chance to leave.

"Good luck!" Domnus yelled out while leaving, "Once your done find me by the dungeon when adventurers come it!" Domnus finished running by away.

Some might say that Domnus did something stupid by giving away his "experiment" to the God just to get away, but first he had many other things that did the same. And it wasn't like he knew for sure that it worked.

Continuing walking in trying to find a God Domnus remembered that the guild can help people with getting a God, he heard it from Bell a while back. Unfortunately Bell didn't find a God through it.

Getting to the guild Domnus went into the line to ask about the Gods. The lines were short due to most adventurers have already gone back to their homes.

"Hey," Domnus said recognizing someone in line.

"Oh hey!" Bell said seeing Domnus, "What are you doing here," Bell asked.

"Well, I'm just researching on some Gods." Domnus said.

"See you back at home!" Bell said leaving the guild and heading back to the church.

Waving goodbye at Bell, Domnus got to the front to talk to the guild worker.

"Hey, so where can I find different Gods," Domnus asked the guild worker getting straight to the point.

"Luckily for you, one of the best familias are hiring today.," the tired guild worker said with a smile.

"Oh, who is it?" Domnus asked out of curiosity.

"The Loki familia!" the guild worker said.

For a second what the guild workers said didn't sink in for Domnus. Then it hit him that the  greatest familia was Loki. The same Loki who tried to buy his die without stop.

"So Loki is the greatest God?" Domnus said.

"It is Lady Loki," the guild workers said correcting him, "And yes, Lady Loki is one of the best God in Orario." the guild worker said trying to sell the Loki familia more and more.

Saying nothing Domnus wordlessly walked away from the guild. The guild worker tried to ask what Domnus was doing, but Domnus kept walking away. All he could think was if all Gods are worse than Loki, then all Gods are just the worse.

Walking with his head down disappointed he entered the church into and went into the trapdoor. Walking down the stairs Domnus let out a yawn while heading down the stairs.

Both Bell and Hestia were long asleep. One of Domnus's blankets seemed to mysteriously make its way to Hestia's bed. And Bell seemed to have fallen asleep with the blanket only half on him.

Domnus first pulled out another blanket and putting in his bed, then pulling the blanket back onto Bell before walking into the small kitchen.

As Domnus prepared to make a small meal for dinner, he found that some of the food he bought had been used. Yet with all of the measuring cups which were drying after being cleared, it was like they tried their best to use the least about of food that they could.

With a small smile, Domnus knew that at least for now he was a nanny to the Goddess and Bell. At least until they could stand on their own.
