
Chapter 5: News

"Hands up fucker!" A new male voice shouted. Heatblast turned and saw Ice Prince and Princess with some camera crew behind them. "Before we put you on ice." He adds with frost coming out of his hands.

"Not bad." Heatblast smirks. "Though I would've said 'Freeze hot head' first because well you know." He adds in amusement. The two 'Heroes' looked at him funny, clearly not expecting that kind of response.

"Anyway I gotta go so can we just skip to the part where I kick your butts and leave." He told them.

"Do you know who we are?" The man asked.

"We're Ice Prince and Princess and we're here to delivery Justice." The woman continued.

"And like you lame t-shirts say you're gonna delivery me to Justice cause it's best served cold." Heatblast states, remembering that's what the shirt said.

"Instead of being lame dweebs come put your money where your mouth is and fight." He finished creating fireballs and allowing the 'robbers' to get out of danger.

The two ice hero's then send blasts of ice intending to freeze the pyronite. But Heatblast two separate blasts of fire, immediately overpowering their attack and striking them. This not only sent them flying to the store across but also knocked them out.

Everyone was dumbfounded, including Heatblast. "Wow." He says. "I'm either that strong or you guys are just that pathetic." Even he couldn't believe he overpowered them so easily.

This only lasted a moment because Prince managed to recover enough to fire another ice blast.

Normally this would've encased a person in a block of ice, but for Ben it merely put out his flames. Princess then ran up to the Alien and began punching with large fists made from ice.

Each hit broke on impact, but she merely created more.

Eventually Ben recovered and grabbed an ice clad fist and squeezed. The ice glove melted as well as the gloves she was wearing and her skin started to burn.

Ben was then blasted by Prince again only once he let go Princess joined in.

Soon enough the flames were gone and Heatblast was encased in a huge block of ice.

"That's how we do it!" Prince cheered as Princess used her powers to try and cool the burns she was feeling. Suddenly the ice started to melt and the two fired ice again to try and stop.

But the heat was to intense and the pyronite was able to break himself free. The blast sent the two ice powered heroes to the ground.

"Now I'm mad." Heatblast said while lighting up his flames.

He was about to attack but then saw the people crowding around the store, if he attacked there was a chance they get caught in the crossfire.

So with that thought he and he laid down his arms.

"You're not heroes." He spoke to his downed opponents. "You're just a scam." He finished before walking away.

Prince growled and when Ben's back was turned, he shot an ice blast. But the real hero saw this coming and countered with his own blast of fire.

The ice was immediately overpowered and Prince was hit momentarily. Thanks to immunity and healing he only suffered minor burns and the top half of his costume was was destroyed.

Ice Princess then looked at Heatblast, slightly scared and he stared back. "I don't know who you are, but I know you're disappointing someone in your life you care about." Then walks to the back exit.


Once outside Ben looks around and see's he's in an alley, then began flying up. Once he was on top of a roof he looked down at the Omnitrix on his chest.

"Why am I still in Hero mode?" He wondered, normally he would've timed out by now. He gave the insignia an experimental slap and it started beeping.

In a flash of red Ben became human. However when he tried to go hero again he couldn't. It seemed like while he could stay in alien form longer the watch still needed to recharge after a while.

"What's going on?" Ben asked, while looking out to the familiar but totally new city.


In an apartment in the city a man was watching CCTV footage of a woman sitting on a park bench. He was eating a hot pocket when received a news alert on his cell phone. 'Fire Versus Ice. Alien Beats Vought Heroes.'

At this the man pauses the video and picks up the phone. He begins reading and watching some of the footage from cameras and videos recording on cell phones. His stern expression slowly spreads into a smile as he says. "Fuck me."

He then turns to the tv and his joyful expression is immediately gone and is replaced with one of anger masking sorrow.

"Don't worry. The cunt will get what's coming to him." He says to the women, who was in a standing position now, before resuming the video and watching her walk away.


New York, Vought Towers

Outside Vought Tower Homelander stood behind a podium, flanked by his teammates. 2 of whom had light make up on to depict the 'injuries' they sustained in battle.

In front was a bunch of reporters from different networks. He tapped the microphone to test it before speaking.

"Yesterday, around this time, this country was invaded and attacked." He started looking out towards the audience.

"Now this attack was not by a foreign power, or any current terrorist organizations. So far we have counted 2, possibly 3 different individuals, individuals that have obtained powers. Powers which up until now have been relegated to Vought Heroes."

"My teammates, Black Noir, Queen Maeve and A-Train investigated a crash reported by a concerned citizen. What they found was a beast unlike any other, we do have video footage but much of it was lost during the action. We also have the incident which occurred at a shopping mall during the event with Ice Prince and Ice Princess."

"Now we are still gathering information. But we believe this is the first stage of an attack, for what purpose we have yet to find out. Like Pearl Harbor and 9/11 we were caught off guard, but rest assured we at Vought are doing everything we can to find these individuals and stop them."

"We shall defend our country. No matter what enemy we come against and no matter how much pain they try to inflict upon us. We are your heroes and we will protect you." He finishes, then in a split second reporters begin shouting questions.
