
Chapter 53 – Min City – The start of the real battle – Part 2.

The guards looked both nervously and visible scared at the appearance of the weird and unknown giant monster.


(What the hell is this thing?) – though Dumdo while keeping his guard.

(The other monsters that invaded this place looked like a mix of different monsters or people.)

(Some of these monsters appearance was like well better blend of some creatures, but this thing?)

(Just what the hell is this?!)

(I may not know what the hell those things are, but I can clearly say that thing is way different than them!)

(No wait.)

(Why didn't he bringed it out before?)


[Chimera: Mianrool has been registered.]

(Good. Now I won't lose him if he dies.) – though Phantasia.

"Well then Mianrool. Show me what you got."

"Aim at the people that are behind that person." – said Phantasia that was pointing at the guard capitan.


The guards heard what Phantasia said and quickly raised his shield knowing that his subordinates will be attacked, but he wasn't the only one who took action.

The giant monster squadded and put on its claws on the ground in front of it before then launching itself like a spring at the guards.

Before the guard capitan realize, the monster flew right past it and the guard who was right in front of the beast couldn't even react properly since the monster speed was too much, catching the guard off guard.

However, when he did reacted it was too late.

The monster claws sinked into the man chest before getting lifted by the monster.

The other guards as well as the guard capitan stared in shock and disbelief as the monsters somehow got past the capitan and instantly sinked its claws into the young dark elf flesh.

The monster retracted its claws from the dark elf flesh and made the man body fall on the ground.

The monsters turned towards the rest of the soldiers and straight up rushed at the nearest one, smacking him with its giant claws, slashing the guard across the body even though he tired to use his sword to block the attack.

"!" – the guard capitan got himself together and tried rushing towards the guards that were being attacked by the chimera.

However, the guard capitan action ended up showing his back to Phantasia and he did not wasted even a second to launch [Acid Ball] at the guard capitan Dumdo back.

The ball of acid hit the Dumdo in the back, hitting him and dealing damage.

"Sorry buddy." – said Phantasia.

"But as long I'm here, you will fight me, whenever you like it or not."

"Mothefucker!" – said the guard capitan while turning back to Phantasia.


(Holy fuking shit.) – though Phantasia.

(I mean, this is the best creation I made yet using the best materials I had as well as my hard earn research, but holy shit! How fast it was!? Not only that, it instantly killed the guard!)

The chimera that I made is a fruit of my hard labor and research.

After creating many different chimeras as well as experimenting a lot, I learned how to make chimeras the way I want to.

So, what I should make for the perfect chimaera…. Let's call it chimera type: Alpha.

This big guy has been made using my 4 different monsters who were my dear companions.

Olaf the bear.

And 3 rabbits: Michel, Andy, Rolando.

They were the most powerful monsters I had, even stronger than chimeras.

Not only that, but after leveling a lot, Olaf the Wild Bear ended up evolving into the Frenzy Bear.

He grew in size and became even bigger bastard than before. He could take way more hits and even smash or bite monsters to bits.

So, I had 4 powerful monsters that were way stronger than my chimeras.

So, what did I did? I killed them.

I used their corpse and fused them into a one being.

Just designing that bastard took a lot of efforts and I had also change some things or use different parts from some other monsters.

After the designing was done, the next part was creation and oh boy, it both took a lot of MP as well as time to finish. It wasn't hours, it was days. Yea, a lot of time.


(Wow…. I wonder if he can kill all the guards there?) – though Phantasia.

The orc capitan rushed at Phantasia and tried to attack him in order to quickly kill the mad man and help out the guards, but Phantasia was backing away while firing his [Poison Shot(s)] and [Bone Shot(s)] at the guard capitan, trying to keep him at bay and not letting him do anything.

But while all of that was happening, the guards behind were getting completely slaughtered.

The guards were not able to hit the fast moving chimera or when they did, their blades could not penetrate or leave even the mark on the monster tough hide.

Crushing, biting, slashing.

The guards were getting killed too fast to the point they were getting wiped out.

The guard capitan realized that the guards did not stood a chance against bear rabbit chimera and wasn't sure what to do.

Go after the mad man? Or go after the monster?

However, the mad man wasn't the only one who was surprised with the situation.

(What the actual fuck?!) – though Phantasia while observing his creation murdering the guards without any problem.

(This bastard is everything I wanted it to be, but this was not something I was expecting!)

(Agility and strength.)

(Tough hide that cannot be easily pierced.)

(Deadly claws and teethes.)

(And all other stuff.)

(This guy is way perfect than I thought!)


(He is way more than I expected!)

(He is beyond anything I had expected or tried to make that thing be!?)

(Did I ended up creating a boss monster or something?)

(I mean, I did expected him to be extremely strong considering that I used 4 monsters I raised personally and all, but holy shit!)

(This is way more than I expected in many different ways! I don't even know how much strong this bastard is?!)

The guard capitan continues trying to kill Phantasia, trying to desperately kill him with his shield and sword.

Phantasia tried his best to keep distance or dodge or parry, but he was taking hit from the veteran warrior left and right.

The desperation of the situation gave the orc capitan strength, allowing him to push Phantasia.

The orc capitan saw the perfect chance to finish off the mad man, but his desperation had also blinded him.

In the last second, he heard something loud behind him and as soon as he looked back, he ended up head butted right in the back, straight up damaging his spine and ended up making him fly a bit before falling on the ground.

"?!" – the orc capitan was extremely shocked and was panicking, but quickly got up.

However as soon as the orc capitan got up, he saw all of the guards who were fighting the rabbit dead on the ground.

Every single person was dead.


(IT KILLED THEM ALL ALREADY?!) – though shocked Phantasia and Dumdo.

(Yeb. This guy is straight up boss monster.) – though Phantasia.

(Still, I'm not complaining.)

(Holding back the boss monster while being mage isn't the greatest idea.)

"Anyway, how about you die?" – asked Phantasia.

"You are the only one left and I don't think you can win against us."

Phantasia extend his hand, but not aiming at the guard capitan this time but the corpse of the guards.

The guard capitan realize that the mad man was planning something and tried to rush at him.

"Kill him. Show no mercy." – said Phantasia, commanding his chimera to don't hold back.

The giant rabbit bear monster rushed at the orc capitan and straight up punched him in his shield.

The orc capitan blocked the attack, but he could the feel impact.

The giant monster raised its arm high into the air before then swinging it at the guard capitan who used his shield again to block the attack, but feeling the impact and damage through his entire body.

(D-damned!) – though the panicking Dumdo.

(What the hell is this thing?!)

Dumdo tried to counter attack and swinging his sword and landing a proper hit on the monster.

"…. What?"

But unfortunately, the monster hide and fur were too tough to him to let his blade sink into the monster flesh deeply.

The monster swinged its arm again, trying to swipe the orc, but he this time quickly backed away, dodging the monster attack perfectly.

The guard capitan of the city Dumdo was extremely tired and was even badly damaged and to add even more problems, the plague and the poisons were still destroying his body from inside.

However, Dumdo soon came realize the despair when he looked in front of him.

Dumdo saw Phantasia, but not alone.

The guards who were killed by the rabbit were turned into skeletons and zombies.

The situation turned from bad to worse.

Dumdo realized that not only he had to deal with the chimera, but also the mad man as well as his comrades who were turned into undeads.

The hunter ended up becoming the prey.

"Well then, you almost killed me and stopped this entire situation, but unfortunately you failed." – said Phantasia.

"There isn't always a hero and a happy ending."

"And just so you know, this entire city will soon share your fate."


"YOU SON OF A BITCH!" – shouted Dumdo while charging straight up towards Phantasia in a move of desperation and madness.

However, the man charge didn't lasted long since the rabbit charged at him and shoulder bashed him, stopping the orc charge and sending him flying.

The orc stabbed the ground with his sword, stopping himself from flying far away.

But when he tried to get up, he ended up instead getting on his knee.

The effect of the poisons and the plague was harming the guard body even more.

However, it wasn't the end since before he could even get up, he felt something straight up stabbing him in the back.

It was a zombie dark elf wielding the spear who stabbed the orc.

The orc captain gathered his strength and bashed the undead with his shield, sending him flying.

The orc captain tried to quickly get up, but as soon as he did got up, Phantasia fired the poison magic at him, punishing the guard and infecting him with poison again.

When the guard tried to attack or anything like that, the rabbit bear came and hit him.

When he tried to gain distance, the undead attacked him from behind.

When he tried to attack undeads, Phantasia just attacked him from distance.

Dumdo was trapped.

No matter what action he took, he was one suffering in the end.

It was no longer a fight but one sided beat down.

Dumdo couldn't even get closer to Phantasia no matter how desperately he was or what reckless actions he took.

Dumdo armor and weapons were damaged and he himself was coughing out blood nonstop.

Dumdo tried to walk, but his legs were badly damaged to the point he could barely even more.

However, Phantasia didn't cared.

"Finish him off Mianrool." – said Phantasia.

The orc guard looked behind him while shaking in fear and saw the rabbit bear monster lifting its foot before then stomping on the man back and smashing him against the floor and splashing his blood everywhere.

The guard was straight up puking out his blood.

He tried to extend his hand, trying to reach Phantasia who was right in front of him, but in the end his hand fallen on the ground.

The twitching body of the orc had stopped moving.

The guard capitan of the Min city Dumdo is dead.

[Level up!}

"Motherfucker." – said Phantasia while standing right in front of Dumdo body.

"How many fuking hits did he took?!"

"He was poisoned, stabbed and crushed over and over again."

"And after all that, he still lived that long?"


"Still, it's not that bad."

(His corpse will make a fine chimera!)
