
When Shadows Clash (2)

Layla forcefully rolled across the dirt, marring her face and body with dust just as Veralth's sword collided with the floor where she had just laid.

As Veralth was about to launch another attack her hand flew forward but it was not in an attempt to strike him with her fists. Instead a cloud of dust flew forward, and they struck true… right in his eyes.

Layla only had a few seconds to push her dirty advantage. She could go for his sword but she was not still confident in her ability to rip it off his hands. Veralth was a Master after all, while she was just a mere intermediate.

Layla did have one advantage, one that had been handed to her by Veralth himself. His bleeding neck…

She ran as fast as she could knowing that her fate might very well depend on this move.

Veralth frantically tried to blink away the sand particles as he swung his sword in wide arcs.
