
Chapter 13: Sealing The Breach

"The mages and Templars stand ready to assist you. You should prepare yourself, we don't know how sealing the Breach will affect you." He watched her take a deep breath and wondered how many days this attempt could render her unconscious for this time. Seems she was thinking the same.


"The sooner this is done, the better. When can we be ready to move on the Breach?"


"As soon as tomorrow, if you'd like." She nodded to him absently, already looking exhausted. "One last thing, we need to decide whether to use the Templars or the mages to aid you. Do you have a preference?"


"I would prefer the Templars. I'm afraid of what will happen if too much power is poured into the mark. I don't want a repeat of what happened when I was given red lyrium. I feel this way will be safer for everyone, unless anyone objects to it?"


"I agree with the Herald," Cassandra stepped up to rest her fingertips on the war table. "I'd rather we suppress the magic than give it more power. There is still so much we do not know about your mark."


"It's decided then," the Ambassador made a note on her parchment, "I imagine there are many preparations to see to, shall we end here? I believe all other concerns can wait for the time being." Leliana and Cullen nodded in agreement and the room cleared.


Since the council meeting, Cullen has been busy preparing for tomorrow's march to the temple ruins, hurrying all over Haven, but he still hasn't had a single glimpse of Evelyn. He casually asked everyone he had met, but to no avail. When he came across Owayne at the blacksmith waiting for his blades to be sharpened, not even he knew where she was. A blinding headache accompanied by shaky hands had halted his rounds as he took refuge in his field tent. Sitting with his eyes shut, he tried to take some deep breaths and take in the quieting of camp. Everything was just about set for tomorrow, except for one thing; where was the Herald? The sun grew heavy in the sky and worrying thoughts were taking over his aching head.


In the meeting earlier, she had mentioned red lyrium, and his first suspicion was that she had frozen somewhere in fear as the events replayed in her mind. If something like that happened and she's been missing for hours, what if she was hurt somewhere and needed help? His heart began to pound at the thought. He had been all around the camp, if she was here he would've seen her, so where hadn't he been? Her cabin. It was the obvious place to start and most likely where she'd be - he hoped.


He couldn't help the heavy-handed thumps he landed on her door. No sound was coming from the other side yet, so he pounded again, each bang being felt by his throbbing head. Finally, there was movement coming from inside. When the door opened a rush of relief flooded him.


"Maker, there you are!" She looked at him confused. Her relaxed single braid was damp and her skin looked dewy, most likely from a recent wash. She was dressed comfortably in a flowing belted tunic and her usual pants and boots.


"I've been here all day. I thought you would've at least run into my brother, he knew."


"I did, and he said he hadn't seen you." Her confusion morphed into an annoyed scowl and she mumbled a curse at him.


"Well, at least now I don't feel bad about having Sera fill his pack with earwigs." He just shook his head in wonder at how the two waged a secret war against each other. He had been witness to a few of the pranks played on Evelyn. Typically, Owayne stuck to the classics, and while he had to admit they were entertaining, watching the normally graceful Herald fall from the saddle of her horse or trip over seemingly nothing wasn't good for the image Josephine was trying to create. "Wait, were you worried?" she smirked and before he could answer a frigid gust of wind tore through the doorway. With a huff towards the chill, she pulled him inside.


"I, ah-- was a little. Normally, you're all over camp and when I didn't see you, I was worried something was… troubling you." She gave an 'ah' understanding of what he hinted at.


"No, I've been here just taking the time to myself to prepare for tomorrow."


"And I'm disturbing you. I'll be going then--"


"No! I mean-- no, you're not." She grabbed his hand holding it in hers for what seemed a long time, then moved to his wrist and held it up to inspect it. "Cullen, you're shaking." There was no more hiding it, at least from her now, though it felt odd speaking of it to anyone but Cassandra and Rylen. He didn't want her to think less of him, though with everything he'd shared with her already, she probably thought he was weak and pathetic anyway.


"I might have pushed myself too hard preparing for tomorrow." She gently guided him over to his usual chair that he sat in for their talks.


"You've got a headache too?" He shook his head, but she gave him a pointed look that she didn't believe him. She stood over him crossing her arms. "You know, when the Ostwick Templars had trouble finding lyrium after the Circle fell, I used to help Henley with his headaches. Sometimes there wasn't enough for everyone so he always made sure the men were taken care of first. Since then, through Ilara's work, she has tweaked the spell to be more effective. And while I pretend to not pay attention to her at times, that time I did." He was surprised to feel a brief pang of jealousy, remembering that she'd once been attached to Henley. The feeling lasted long enough for her to convince him to agree to let her try to alleviate his headache, with minimal resistance from him.


She made her way behind the chair and lifted her hands to the sides of his head. This time, unlike the first and last time she healed him, her cold hands felt good against his throbbing temples. There was a mirror across the room angled just right so he could see her work. Her eyes were closed and she seemed to be concentrating hard.


"Ilara says I have trouble connecting with people whenever I try healing spells," he felt a sudden surge of numbness dulling the pain. It came on so quickly that he thought he might pass out. "Sorry, see what I mean. I'm better suited to be a crazy fireball thrower like Henley always says." The prickle of jealousy consumed him once more, but his rational side reprimanded him for its absurdity. When had he last felt jealous? He couldn't recall, yet he was envious of something that was already in the past. Or was it something else entirely? The mention of Henley's name and the realization that jealousy was affecting him soured his mood. He scolded himself, For Maker's mercy, Rutherford, pull yourself together.


"There. How's that?" He focused his attention back on her, having been completely lost in his thoughts. She had moved in front of him and she waited eagerly for his answer. He stood, and though she was taller than the average woman, she still had to tilt her head up ever so slightly to look at him. His delayed answer seemed to worry her, as she impatiently chewed her lip. "Be honest."


"It's bearable now." She looked disappointed, so he added, "Magic can never fully take away the symptoms, so I'm grateful to have any relief at all, thank you." A wan smile briefly turned up her lips. He turned and headed for the door, but paused not wanting to leave her feeling inadequate. Then he remembered something he'd been meaning to bring up with her. "By the way," he turned to face her quizzical face, "I believe you lost our bet a long time ago." The dawning of the memory brought her bright smile back.


"Did I now?"


"Yes, but I can wait one more day until you close the Breach. After that, though you owe me two weeks--"


"Since when was it two?"


"Since you pulled me into the mud during training in front of the mages," now she was laughing.


"For which you were grateful for, if I recall correctly." As she sauntered closer to him, the slow swing of her hips caught his eye. She was close, but not as close as he wanted her to be.


He took a slow step towards her as he spoke, "Very, but that wasn't part of our bet. I hope you won enough coin against Varric in your last game of Wicked Grace to pay for drinks as well." When she bit and rolled her bottom lip, he felt the heat rise in his chest and face.


She chuckled shaking her head, "You barely take a break from work as it is, are you actually going to have the time?"


"I think I can arrange to have a break in my schedule."


"Good, I'll hold you to that Rutherford." He didn't know why, but he loved the way she said his surname. Whether it was the way her lips moved to each of the syllables, the extra emphasis placed on the 'R' or the endearing use of it, he looked forward to hearing her say it more. He couldn't help but smirk pleasantly at it. When she pushed her hair behind her ear with the marked hand, the glow bathed her face in its green light. Sense began to reassert itself at the reminder that tomorrow they had a job to do.


"I better let you rest and try to get some myself. Thank you for the help," he pointed up towards his head.


"Anytime. Don't be so stubborn about it next time and come see me. The Inquisition needs its Commander."


"Not as much as its Herald. I have no doubt you'll seal the Breach tomorrow. Goodnight Trevelyan."


"Me too. Goodnight Rutherford." He smiled at the thought of hearing it one more time as he walked away.



Evelyn woke earlier than usual. Yesterday she had taken the day to herself to bathe and meditate, clearing her mind and preparing her mana for the task of closing the Breach. Unlike her first attempt at it, she was confident she could do it maybe even without knocking herself out for several days. The Templars would aid her and everything would go according to plan. She dressed and donned her armor, though it may be a bit early, but she wanted to be ready for whatever the day threw at her. Now in search for breakfast, she ran into the Seeker who was doing the same.


"Are you ready? I didn't see you all after the meeting." She knew she'd be answering that question all day.


"I am, and that's why you didn't see me yesterday because I was preparing. Are you ready?"


Cassandra paused as they continued to walk to The Singing Maiden thinking about what she meant. "Ready to close the Breach, yes."


"Actually, I mean for what comes after. Doing this is going to catch the attention of our enemies. We've made it very public that our first priority is to deal with the Breach. Our focus has been on that and not finding this Elder One."


"Leliana has been looking into it."


"Yes, but how much could she have uncovered in a few days? They've remained undetected thus far, do you really think we truly know what we're up against?" They stopped at the door before entering the tavern.


"I understand your concerns. Maker knows I share them, but for today let us focus on closing the Breach for good." Her answer was nowhere near satisfying, so she told herself that she was just a cog in the Inquisition machine and it wasn't for her to worry about.


A warm breakfast of porridge and sausage was being served to the resident officers of the village. They sat at table and although they didn't fill all the chairs, she suspected they'd fill themselves soon. The bland food was brought to them and they ate in contemplative silence. She caught the others eating around them staring at her occasionally, looking to see of their Herald was as confident as they hoped she'd be.


When the Commander made his appearance, it was clear he'd been up for a while. Fully armored with his nose buried deep in a report and a runner in tow, he made his way to the bar not bothering to look up. She startled him when she grabbed his arm as he passed, halting him for a moment to ask quietly how he was feeling. With a glance to the man following him, he just gave a 'fine' and continued his march to the bar to get his breakfast to-go. The Seeker didn't seem interested in the exchange and continued eating. Cassandra was never pushy or nosey, and only ever gossiped if they were alone. On the road, she shared a tent with her and the two would chat as they fell asleep. She had learned after having to pull it out of her that Cassandra had the guilty pleasure of reading smutty novels. Curious, Evelyn read one she borrowed from the Seeker. Realizing she fervently enjoyed a good romance, the two began secretly passing books back and forth. Both counted on the other's discretion, becoming giddy as Chantry Sisters when alone and having someone to talk to about it.


Before long, the Ambassador and the Spy Master had joined them completing their table. Bundled in so many layers just to make the quick walk over from the Chantry where she and Leliana bunked, Josephine clearly was not enjoying Ferelden's winter. Leliana, though Orlesian, didn't seem bothered by it surprisingly.


"Do you think things will ever truly go back to normal?" Evelyn couldn't help but wonder what the other women thought, all three of them with vastly different backgrounds. "You know, mages back in the Circles, Templars on the Chantry's leash, that kind of thing?"


Leliana looked up with her unreadable gaze, "No, how could it? For that to happen each party would have to submit to the other. The Chantry lacks the authority and the confidence of its Templars to enforce compliance even if the Templars vow allegiance to it. And there certainly aren't enough Templars available to capture every apostate. Even if they tried, it would take years, and perhaps by that time they'd realize that mages should be granted freedom."


"I'm sure I'd be the first mage they'd be after. Running about Thedas wielding unknown magic freely, they'd stick me in confinement before anyone knew it."


Josephine dabbed her mouth with a linen and placed her spoon down without making a noise. "You are most likely to receive a special dispensation to remain outside of Circles for your service."


"You have faith then that order will be restored?"


"Maybe not as we knew it, but it would all depend on the next Divine, I think. She will be the one to shape the future."


"Yes," Cassandra chimed in, "the task will be great, but she would have the power to reform or restore the Chantry's authority over the Circles and Templars."


"I hope then she'll be a reasonable woman." All nodded in their agreement and continued on with their meals aware that this was the first step towards that future.


The Commander had readied the troops to march before midday. Assembled was about one-third of the Inquisition's standing army. This was so that if another explosion occurred, they would still have a sizable force to deal with the fallout. He and Leliana would hang back at the old forward camp in case the worse happened so the Inquisition still had their leadership intact, despite his objections to accompany her to the temple ruins. She appreciated his wish to be there to support her, but duty came first, and theirs was to the

Inquisition. Besides, he sent Rylen in his stead and she knew at least he'd keep the mood light on their way to the Breach.


At the temple ruins she stood before the first rift and below the massive Breach. The last time she was here she was laying flat on her back watching everyone fuss around her. She closed her eyes giving herself a few moments to calm her thumping heart and focus on the task at hand. This is what they've been working up to the past few months and she wasn't about to give anything but her all. When she heard her name called from behind her by the Seeker indicating they were ready, she took a look around to check.


Above them standing around the crater of the temple were the soldiers and Rylen, ready to respond if needed. Down in the hole behind her were the Templars, giving off the strong energy of their lyrium. Henley was among them in the front with the veterans. Just behind her were Cassandra, Solas, Sorin and Owayne. Solas and Sorin would step in as they had if the mark became unstable, while Owayne was just there to be by her side no matter what happened.


With her final inspection complete and with all the confidence she could muster, she gave the nod to Cassandra. Her voice rang out as all the Templars moved to attention.


"Focus past the Herald, work together to suppress any magic from the rift," Solas added his instruction, and gave the signal to begin.


With a battle cry, the Templars took a knee as if praying to the Maker, devoting their full strength and concentration to the magic rift. She felt their power rush past her, giving her shivers. Almost immediately, she also felt the magic of the rift wane. Not wanting to waste the combined strength of the Templars, she raised her hand and poured everything she had into the mark. The rift wanted to push back, but the Templars had it contained enough for Evelyn to ignore its retaliation. She leaned into her assault of the rift putting her very being into closing it. The green tether binding her to the wounded veil sparked wildly until a blast from the Fade sent everyone in the crater flying backwards; all except for one.


A barrier was the only thing standing between her and the explosive magic of the rift. Either Sorin or Solas had cast it, but she couldn't turn her head to see. The concussive force was so powerful, large stones from the temple's supports began to topple and tumble into the crater. With the Templars out of the fight, Evelyn alone held the Fade's magic in check. Even though her shield held, the Breach's power pierced through it stabbing her. Red and green flamed wings shot out as if warning the dark energy that she was not to be trifled with. She winced at the cold pricks as it tried to distract her attention from her task, but she forced herself to ignore the pain. Deep within her chest, she felt the mark draw more power from core. With a jolt, her inner fire was electrified. At the sudden change and build-up of magic within her, she dropped to one knee, clutching her free hand to her aching chest. Behind her, a conversation was taking place between her companions.


"Solas! What is happening?!" She thought she actually heard Cassandra's voice falter for a moment.


"The mark is drawing too much power from her. Without the Templars, she's on her own." His words hung in the air as everyone was clearly thinking of what else they could do to aid her. Before that could happen, she heard the sound of light footfalls running toward her and in her heightened magical state, she knew it was Sorin.


"Give me your hand, let me help you!" She still couldn't break her concentration away, but reached desperately for his hand. She knew what he was offering to do, she just wasn't sure if he'd be able to handle it. Even if she needed it to survive she didn't want to put him at risk as well.


"Are you sure?" There was no answer, only a clap of their hands meeting and the surge of his mana joining with hers. She heard him groan through gritted teeth as the mark, hungry for more power, zapped him of his strength. As Evelyn controlled the tempest within, she rose to her feet with renewed resolve. Having taken everything from Sorin, she released him and yelled to the other to come and get him back behind cover. She knew the Breach would rise to her challenge once again and didn't want to see him harmed.


With a deep breath, she let go of her restraint and let the mark pull every ounce of her remaining mana into one last assault. With the rift's power finally weakened, she did as she had many times before and with a harsh snap the rift and the Breach closed. It let out one last frightening light display, but then all was silent.


Looking up, the once swirling tempest was calm and the only sickly green glow came from her hand. As her comrades rose from their cover and saw the Breach was no more, cheers echoed through the ruins and up into the valley. Owayne was the first to congratulate her, hoisting her up in the air with a spin that reminded her of when Cullen had done it to her the other night. Suddenly she wanted to see him and his relief that it was done. No doubt one of Leliana's scouts had already left with an update for them at the forward camp.


Sorin was thankfully on his feet after being given some lyrium and she thanked him with a warm embrace. He was the hero of the hour coming to her rescue. She wouldn't say it but, there was a moment or two when she felt as if the magic was going to consume her if not for him. Sorin may not be the stereotypical charismatic hero, but when action is called for and sacrifices need to be made, he was always there without question. She made sure to whisper to him that very fact, knowing again, he wasn't the type for attention nor high praise, but it needed to be said.


With haste, Rylen prepared the troops to march back as a celebration coordinated by the Ambassador would be waiting for them upon news of their victory. For once, she'd be walking back to Haven on her own and that alone was worth celebrating. Upon reaching the forward camp, the Commander and Nightingale stood waiting to congratulate her, though Evelyn made sure everyone remembered the Templars' involvement as well. On the way back to Haven she stuck close to Cullen shooting him large smiles each time she caught his eye. Butterflies fluttered in her stomach as he reciprocated though with a small shy smile. She felt lighter than she had in days, finally winning a somewhat easy victory. No one died, she was conscious and the Breach was closed, what more could she ask for? There were smiles as far as she could see from those around her knowing that they all had a hand in their triumph today.



Later that evening, Evelyn found herself staring into the future, and it looked vastly different than the one she visited. The Inquisition celebrated their success with dancing and Ferelden ale, but she knew it was more than that; they celebrated life. Demons no longer threatened to fall from the sky and the Veil was repaired. There was still more to do, like closing the remaining rifts, restoring order and finding the Elder One but for now, they could rejoice in their victory.


She couldn't help but stoke the newly kindled flame inside that a life outside of the Circle was possible for her now. Fanning those flames were all the new feelings stirring within her about a certain ex-Templar. The future ripped from her raw emotions she didn't know she had and laid them before her. There was no denying her feelings for Cullen, but the concept of feelings was new to a mage who had been told since the young age of ten that love, marriage and a family were out of the question. She had taken that lesson to heart and protected herself from ever developing an attachment, though according to some, her arrangement with Henley was considered a "relationship." It wasn't to her though, because what she felt for him was the urge to satisfy a need. To be close to another, but not emotionally involved.


In her talks with Cullen, she revealed things about herself, her fears and her insecurities. Had she known she was going to feel something for him, she may not have been so forthcoming. Yet, that's why they had their talks as each person was aware of the emotional baggage the other was carrying. Cullen never told her what his specifically entailed yet, but she knew it was considerable if he still didn't feel he could share it with her. There was still the intensity of how keenly she felt losing him in that horrid future she visited. Not that it meant she wanted to marry him or anything, but she hoped in time she would come to understand it. The thought that their friendly professionalism turned into something more heated did make her worry that going down that road was not such a good idea. She chastised herself for thinking this was like all those romance novels Cassandra had addicted her to. If he knew what was good for him, he'd quit flirting with her - even if she didn't want him to.


"Solas confirmed that the heavens are scarred but the Breach is closed." Cassandra's voice tore her from exploring her emotions further. "I've been meaning to thank you. You've done everything we've asked knowing the risks to yourself."


"I can say now I'm genuinely happy to be here - to help. No one else in Thedas has lifted a finger to deal with this threat," pointing to the scar in the sky, "We are doing good work, real good for the people." They shared in a small smile before the Chantry's bell began ringing in alarm. Looking around, the Commander was by the gate calling them over. They raced over, jumping down off the retaining wall past soldiers who were sober, drunk and everywhere in between. As they descended the stairs in the village, out of the corner of her eye she spotted torches dotting the horizon.


The two joined the other advisors as Cullen wasted no time bringing everyone up to speed. "The scouts report a massive force," he pointed to the mountain pass, "the bulk over the mountain."


"Under what banner?" Josephine looked visibly shaken at this development.






Evelyn knew, "The Elder One."


"He's angry you took his Templars and mages, though he found more." Cole materialized out of thin air before them. Cullen and Cassandra drew their swords on him.


"It's alright!" she placed her fingers in the blades lowering them. "This is Cole he's the boy I told you about from Theirinfal who helped me." Cole looked at her with slight discomfort on his face, "It's alright Cole you just startled us. What does the Elder One want?"


"You. He hates you. He's prepared to kill everyone here to get to you." Her blood went cold. Fear gripped her first, then the flickering pulse of her glowing mana spread up her veins. They would kill my friends to get to me? Flashes of her companions' deaths from the future suddenly became real. Her eyes set in fiery rage and her nose scrunched up slightly in a snarl.


"Cullen, a plan, anything?" Soldiers who were not already manning the gates outside the village were forming up outside the walls. She heard a Starkhaven drawl shouting orders for the soldiers to corral the civilians into the village walls. When he didn't answer right away she looked over at him, his eyes were taking in the scene and formulating a plan in his head.


"The gates won't hold long, Haven wasn't built to withstand an assault--"


"Commander!" They all looked when Rylen yelled pointing to hills just across from the frozen lake. The enemy force was coming at them from everywhere. Cullen yelled to him the changes he wanted to the formation, one where they could fight on two fronts, which she knew was never good.


"Cullen, they'll trap us--"


"They've already done that!" It was more frustration than fear. She knew him to be cool in the heat of battle, even when faced with death.


"Cole, if I give myself up will it stop the attack?"


Cole turned his head hiding his eyes from her with his oversized hat, "No." Faster than a blink of an eye, he was gone. With the soldiers about to engage and her companions around her, they still needed a plan. The friends she had recruited the past months were not just good company but some of the best fighters in Thedas. As she had vowed to herself at Redcliffe, she knew they'd have her back until the end without a doubt.


"Herald, I suggest you keep on the move. Assist the men with the trebuchets, they are bound to draw attention. If capturing you dead or alive is what they want, make them work for it." They looked at each other with the strength of their combined resolve, knowing this could be it. They were alike in that if death was coming for them today, they would not make it easy for the Void to claim them. She had learned from their talks that both had the expectation of dying in battle, not laying in a bed - today could be that day. "Who do you want with you? You'll need to cause havoc - large, loud attacks to keep the attention on you as we chip away at the bulk of the force."


She turned to her friends, "I'll only take volunteers, but if I'd have to choose, Bull, Blackwall, Cassandra, Sorin--"


"And your favorite brother!" Owayne cut in.


She gave a faint laugh, "and my favorite brother. Varric and Sera, get on the rooftops in the village. Take out any who get through. Vivienne, Dorian and Solas spread yourselves out among the mages and listen for the Commander's instructions. Help organize the mages." She looked to Cassandra, "You should stay with Cullen. If things take a turn for the worst you should be here to make the decisions that need to be made." She took a deep breath staring at her tent-mate with worry, but all the while nodded her head. Henley was not hers to order about as he had his own men to look after and Ilara, she sensed, was already inside the walls of Haven no doubt getting ready to receive the wounded.


"Right, let's get loud!" Roared Bull and with that everyone quickly took up their positions.


As they made their way out from the walls, a sudden beastly roar filled the valley followed by a flying form that blocked the light of the moon for a moment. Circling Haven with a watchful eye was a dragon. Red lyrium crystals stuck from its decomposing scaly skin. The beast looked as if it was starved, all but a skeleton - the embodiment of death ready to swoop down on them. It wasn't attacking yet, but its presence emboldened their enemies who were surging upon them like the tide.


"Cullen," she said watching the dragon make another pass at them, "I think you just lost our bet."
