
Tree Fort

When Fana was engaged in her tense reunion with an old friend, Charlie had already made the decision to have Batman retreat strategically. This wasn't a case of running away or an impulsive decision driven by an old habit of skipping plot dialogue to jump straight into action. Charlie had, in fact, considered bypassing the classic villain monologue and engaging directly in combat. But as he concealed himself in the darkness, continuing to scan the environment in detective mode, he made several significant discoveries that required a different approach.

From the moment he entered the cave, Charlie had noticed something unsettling—a group of infected individuals lurking in the shadows, their twisted forms barely visible but clearly dangerous. Through the detective mode, he could discern that these infected were similar to the Ferb couple he had encountered earlier. They all shared a disturbing commonality: a fierce protective instinct toward Raya Hatta, whom they perceived as their own child. This instinct drove them to violently repel and attack anyone they believed might threaten to take her away.

At first glance, it seemed logical to assume that Raya might be the source of the infection in this incident. However, Charlie quickly realized there was more to the situation. The infection spreading through these individuals wasn't just a random occurrence; it was linked to something deeper, something more sinister.

Earlier investigations had revealed that this infection seems to spread through ingestion—affected individuals needed to consume specific items to be infected. Although Charlie had taken a somewhat laid-back approach to his job since joining the madhouse, he had nonetheless absorbed a wealth of knowledge from reading literature and research materials, deepening his understanding of the various threats he might face.

This knowledge led him to a crucial conclusion: this incident likely involved a vector-type infection source. It was similar to the cursed statue he had destroyed during Batman's first mission in the Crane Building. A vector-type infection source wasn't just a passive threat; it actively manipulated its environment, spreading its influence like a web, entangling anyone who came into contact with it.

What confirmed Charlie's suspicions further was what he saw in detective mode.

He observed root systems creeping along the cave walls, their tendrils spreading out like malignant veins. These roots were not ordinary—they emitted a strange, pulsating energy that registered on Batman's sensors as an infection source. It was similar to what Charlie had detected at the drain in the Ferb couple's pool, but this time, the scale was much larger, and the infection was more intense.

The vines and root systems in the cave weren't just growing randomly; they were all converging, twisting, and sinking deeper into the earth, pointing toward something hidden further away, something beyond the cave itself. It was as if the very landscape was being consumed and transformed by the infection, drawn toward a malevolent source.

Charlie quickly realized that the true threat wasn't inside the cave—it was lurking in the depths of the jungle, outside the cave. Whatever was behind this infection, whatever was driving these people to madness and mutation, was still out there, hidden in the wilderness.

Charlie wasn't about to let this threat go unchecked. He had always been the hunter, the one who set traps for others, not the prey. There was no way he was going to let something or someone out there get the drop on him. With this in mind, he decided to track down the true source of the infection and eliminate it before it could cause any more harm.

Silently, Charlie manipulated Batman to exit the cave and follow the underground root system marked by the detective mode, venturing deeper into the dense, foreboding jungle.

It didn't take long before he found what he was looking for—the source of the infection: a massive, ancient tree.

This was no ordinary tree. Standing amidst a barren jungle where other trees barely clung to life, this one stood tall and ominous, its size dwarfing everything around it. If the malnourished trees nearby resembled thin, brittle sticks, this tree was a towering giant, its thick trunk and sprawling branches radiating power and malice.

Charlie knew better than to approach the tree carelessly. Instead, he had Batman use detective mode to scan the area, gathering as much information as possible before making a move. What he found only confirmed his suspicions—this tree was no ordinary plant. It was something far more dangerous.

The first thing he noticed was the tree's size. It wasn't just big—it was colossal, its trunk thick and gnarled, its roots burrowing deep into the earth like a network of serpents. If the surrounding trees looked like toothpicks, this one was a monolithic structure, a fortress in its own right.

But it wasn't just the size that made the tree formidable. Upon closer inspection, Charlie saw that the vines spreading from the tree weren't normal vines. They were sticky, flexible, and almost alive—tentacles disguised as vines, each one wrapped in leaves as if trying to blend in with the forest around it.

These tentacles weren't just for show. They were dangerous, capable of lashing out at any intruder who dared come too close. It was clear that the tree had evolved—or been corrupted—into something far more dangerous than any ordinary plant. It had become a predator, lying in wait for its next victim.

The tree was also covered in fruit, but these were no ordinary fruits. Hanging in clusters beneath the branches, these black, misshapen orbs were coated in a sticky, dark liquid. They exuded an aura of corruption, a sense of wrongness that made the skin crawl.

At first glance, however, the fruits didn't look like this. When they first appeared on Charlie's screen, they seemed plump, ripe, and inviting. The fruits were a vibrant green, full of life and energy, practically begging to be plucked and eaten.

But this was just an illusion, a trap designed to deceive the senses. It was a temptation that few could resist, leading them to consume the fruit and become infected. This was the same tactic used in the milk tea shop—the tentacles and fluids there had all originated from this very tree.

Of course, this trick didn't work on Charlie. He was operating remotely, safe from the tree's mental influence, able to observe its effects without falling under its spell. But even from Batman's perspective, the fruits seemed enticing, as if they were designed to lure in their prey.

For Batman, however, there was an added layer of protection. Batman's willpower was legendary, but even so, he wasn't taking any chances. His suit came equipped with a special defense system known as "Firework."

The "Firework" system was a response to the numerous times Batman had faced mental attacks throughout his career—whether it was hypnosis, brainwashing, or psychic manipulation. While Batman's willpower usually allowed him to resist such attacks, there were times when even he needed extra protection.

The "Firework" system was designed to combat these threats. It worked by overwhelming the senses, rapidly switching patterns in Batman's helmet's visual sensor, using high-contrast colors and flashing fluorescent patterns. The system would zoom in and out repeatedly, bombarding Batman's brain with stimuli, helping him break free from any mental manipulation.

As the system activated, the tempting, juicy fruits on the screen began to shift, their appearance warping and distorting until they returned to their true form—dark, rotten, and dripping with foul liquid.

This confirmed what Charlie already suspected: this tree was far from normal. It was a predator, a parasite that lured its victims in with sweet promises, only to ensnare them in its web of corruption.

The tree seemed to sense that its illusion had been broken. The tentacles, once still, now writhed and twisted with agitation, sweeping toward Batman with deadly intent.

Charlie knew he had to act quickly. Batman raised his arm, taking aim with a batarang and launching it straight at the tree. The batarang embedded itself in the trunk with a satisfying "thunk," and a red indicator light began to blink. A second later, the batarang exploded with a deafening "boom," sending splinters flying in all directions.

But this was no ordinary tree. Instead of toppling over, the tree seemed to absorb the blast, the damage quickly healing as if nothing had happened. The gap left by the explosion closed up, and the tree's bark knitted itself back together, leaving only a faint scar where the Batarang had hit.

Two tentacles lashed out at Batman, but Charlie was ready. He rolled Batman to the side, dodging the attack and launching an electric shocker at the tree. The shocker hit its mark, sending a jolt of electricity through the tree, but it wasn't enough. The current crackled and sparked, scorching the bark, but the tree remained largely unharmed.

Almost immediately, one of the tentacles wrapped around Batman's ankle, yanking him off his feet and suspending him upside down. The screen flashed with a quick-time event (QTE) prompt, signaling Batman's response. Charlie, ever the seasoned gamer, hit the button without hesitation.

Batman swiftly pulled out an electrified Batarang, twisting his body and slicing through the tentacle with the charged blade. The severed tentacle dropped to the ground with a wet thud, releasing Batman from its grip.

Charlie didn't waste a moment. As soon as Batman landed, he rolled to avoid the onslaught of more tentacles, narrowly dodging their grasp.

It was becoming clear that this tree wasn't going to go down easily. Its defenses were formidable, its regenerative abilities making it nearly impossible to damage. The tentacles were relentless, and the tree had a seemingly endless supply of them, each one as deadly as the last.

And then, as if things couldn't get worse, the tree began to launch its fruits. The dark, twisted fruits detached from the branches and shot toward Batman like grenades.

, each one leaving a trail of black smoke in its wake.

Charlie's screen lit up with red parabolas, marking the predicted trajectories of the fruits. These indicators were a visual aid, helping him see where the danger was coming from and giving him a chance to react.

Charlie expertly maneuvered Batman, rolling and dodging the fruits as they exploded around him. Despite his best efforts, the explosions sent shockwaves through the air, knocking Batman off balance and blasting him across the clearing.

The suit's armor absorbed most of the impact, but the screen was now bordered with blood-red effects—a clear indication that Batman had taken damage. The more intense the effect, the more severe the injury.

More tentacles and fruits were closing in, but Charlie didn't hesitate. As soon as Batman hit the ground, he fired the grappling gun in the direction he had come from, the hook latching onto a nearby tree.

Before the next fruit could land, the grappling hook retracted, yanking Batman out of the danger zone just as the fruit exploded behind him, sending debris flying.

Charlie quickly realized that the tree was unlike anything he had faced before. Its thick bark and high defenses made it nearly impervious to conventional attacks. It had powerful regeneration abilities, quickly healing any damage inflicted. Its tentacles were fast and strong, and it had a seemingly infinite supply of them. And to top it all off, it could launch long-range attacks with its explosive fruits.

In short, it was a fortress, not just a tree.

Charlie considered calling in backup. The Moonlight Knight or Captain America could certainly deal some serious damage, but they were primarily melee fighters. In close combat, they'd have to contend with the tree's tentacles and its explosive fruits, not to mention its regeneration abilities.

While Captain America had once demonstrated the unique ability to "choke a robot's neck to suffocate it," it was unlikely that this particular tactic would work on a tree.

A new idea began to form in Charlie's mind. There was another way to handle this, a strategy that might be more effective than brute force. He just needed to think outside the box.


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