

Word count: 1253

<— >

Fujino grabbed the noodle-shaped cutout dough and dropped it into a pot of boiling water. Meanwhile, he began grating some yam and mixed up a sauce using soy sauce, mirin, and dashi stock. Once everything was ready, he combined the noodles with the sauce and topped it off with the grated yam, finishing it with a rich egg yolk.

"Here's your Udon! Come back soon!" he smiled as he handed the plate to a customer, his smile wavering as he watched the growing line behind him.

That's right, Fujino Yuki, a self-proclaimed demon hunter, is now working in retail.

How did he end up here? Well, it all started after his battle with Kyoujin the hideous demon , prompting him to take a break from his nighttime demon-slaying trips. He shifted his focus to training, pushing himself with tougher workouts and enhancing his skills.

While some of his abilities became easier to improve with his rising Stats, others, like his Cooking skill, remained a challenge. He could whip up a variety of dishes, but the lack of a proper kitchen and space made it tricky. He didn't want to fill his inventory with just food.

So, after putting two brain cells to work and gathering whatever yen he could find, he decided to open an Udon cart. This choice made sense for a couple of reasons. Building a house and a gym required materials, which in turn needed a lot of yen. Plus, he wanted to level up so the food he made was as delicious as possible for his consumption. Lastly, running the cart allowed him to connect with the people, which helped boost his CHR.

It started off slowly, but gradually, it began to gain momentum. At one point, he had around four dozen customers in just one hour. It's safe to say that his stand became a smash hit among the locals.

Of course, serving such a large number of customers isn't a walk in the walk, but the financial rewards are certainly worth it. And he leveled up the cooking skill as he wanted.

[Cooking (Passive) (LV 52/100): Ever since the discovery of fire, Cooking has been a staple in human culture. Enhances the flavor of cooked items by 100% and decreases the time it takes to cook by 4%

Skinning (Passive) (LV 19/100): Hunter gatherers have always relied on animal hide to stay warm during bad weather. Increases hide gained from an animal by 19%

Foraging (Passive) (LV 10/100): Why buy food when you can search and get it for free? Increases the amount of wild food by 10%


Unarmed Martial Arts (Active) (LV 15/100): A codified system and traditions of combat have existed for centuries, doesn't use weapons. Increases your proficiency and damage done to opponents by 3.75%

Swordsmanship (active) (LV 7/100): Whether it's a large sword or a small one, unique or ordinary, swords have long been humanity's weapon of choice for combat throughout history, right up to the modern age. This skill boosts your proficiency and increases the damage you deal to opponents by 1.75%.

Stealth (active) (LV 13/100): A stalker, voyeur and Eavesdropper. Words that describe a pervert like you. Increases your ability to remain undetected by 6.5%

Name: Fujino Yuki

Level: 21 (3627/5550)

Race: Human

Health: 320 / 320 (+2.1/sec)

Stamina: 360 / 360 (+2.4/sec)

STR: 42

DUR: 33

END: 32

AGI: 36

INT: 13

CHA: 17

Attributes Points (AP): 12]

For two weeks of effort, it's not too bad. Now, if only he could figure out how to change the description of the Stealth skill.

"Hey, Fujino! How's the Udon business going for ya? Hope you're having a good time!" Just like that, all the joy seemed to evaporate.

'I was until you came. thanks for ruining my mood, asshole.' 

"Ouch! Those are some harsh words, Fujino. You know I've never done anything to deserve such treatment." If Xeno were standing in front of him, he could picture him batting his eyelashes innocently.

'Sure... Tell you what, why don't you be useful for once and change Stealth's description. I have tolerated it long enough' 

"Ay-Ay Captain!"

Before he could look at the new description, a customer approached the counter. "Hello, I'd like to order Curry Udon, please."

Fujino paused, taking in the customer's appearance. He wore a plain white kimono paired with black hakama pants. What really caught his eye was the katana at his side. He could also hear a rhythmic pattern in his breathing.

His instinct told him this person had a lot more going for them.


[ —> Aspiring Demon Slayer

Name: Shimada Tetsuya

Level: 14

Health: 230/230

Stamina: 150/320

A 15 year old boy from a small farming village. His parents were killed by demons right before his eyes during his childhood. He vowed to train, avenge them, and rid the world of demons.

He's wondering why Fujino is gaping at him, contemplating whether to walk away from this weirdo.]

'Most people I use observe are only at level 1 or 2. So for him to be level 14 means he's definitely not a normal person.'

"...That'll be 1 yen, please," he finally said.

<— >

During his work, Fujino kept a close eye on Shimada, who was seated on a nearby bench enjoying his meal. He made sure to keep him in his peripheral vision whenever possible. As Shimada prepared to leave, he gave a weak excuse about running out of ingredients and closing early, much to the annoyance of the hungry crowd. However, that didn't concern him; his focus was elsewhere.

Soon he found himself trailing Shimada from a distance, blending in with the crowd and observing him quietly

Before long, Shimada exited the village, and he followed closely, hiding behind trees and bushes until Shimada approached a girl standing by the roadside. She wore a pink kimono adorned with floral patterns and was holding a large bag in her arms.

They began to talk, but Fujino was too far away to catch their words. He crouched down and slowely got closer, trying to get within earshot of their conversation.

"...I really think you should reconsider, Shimada-kun. I'm worried about what might happen to you," the girl said, her voice filled with concern.

"I have to do this, Imada-Chan. This is the moment I've been training for my whole life. Those demons took our parents and stole our childhood. I won't let them get away!" he said passionately.

"I understand your worries for me, and I'll admit I'm scared too. But I have to go through with this. I need to complete the final selection. It's important for both of us," he continued, his voice carrying a sense of determination that Fujino recognized.

Imada gazed at her childhood friend for a long moment, feeling the intensity of his resolve. She sighed, "I can't change your mind, can I?"

"Here, take this. It has food and water that should last you two weeks and some money. You mentioned you were heading to Mount Fujikasane, right? Please come back when your done." she said, handing him the bag.

Shimada took the bag. "Thank you, Imada-san. I promise I'll return to you as soon as I can," he said, and the look in his eyes made her heart flutter.

He then walked away, with Imada watching him until he became just a small figure in the distance. "Please be safe... I love you," she whispered, but Fujino heard her clearly.

'Ahh, teenage love... Isn't that cute' 

[Quest added!

—>★Final Selection

You eavesdropped on a swordsman chatting about an event known as the "Final Selection" taking place at Fujikasane Mountain.

Objective: Find out more about the Final Selection.]

<— >

Taisho-era secrets!

Fujino never really had a love for cooking; in fact, he found it so tedious that he paid his roommate to handle the meals for him. However, after gaining the GAMER ability, his perspective shifted, and he now genuinely enjoys cooking food for himself.

<— >

Sorry for the delay but let me tell you something; University Sucks.

Had some major issues to take care of and the stress prevented me from writing. Luckily, it's all but resolved and I can write. 

The canon story starts from this point onwards, so i hope you guys enjoy.

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