
Project Downfall

Wang seethed as he left the Cafe De La Paix. He could see the superiority oozing off Nico.

The man kept moonlighting as a fake Voss, poking into places where he's not wanted.

He'd known the exact kind of person Nico was from the first day they'd met. From that superior attitude at the bank and more recently, at the sky lounge.

He'd taken Alyssa with him. He had let Nico go out of the goodness of his heart but this time, he would show him that there were consequences to reaching above your station.

Nico had tried getting into his head, saying nonsense about experiences. That was why he was an idiot. Nobody needs that rubbish to close a deal.

He knew he had the numbers. Eidolon knew that. So, why was he feeling uneasy?

He stepped into his car and began driving back to his office. As the scenery sped by, he began thinking things through.

What was Sunset Inn's biggest advantage? Their reputation.
