
Chapter 652

As the Hollywood power groups held a conference in Palm Springs, the issue concerning Roger Ailes was narrowed down to the TV stations' business scope.

Gretchen Carlson's accusation against Roger Ailes continued to escalate, but she was not having much luck finding others at Fox to speak out with her.

Many female hosts or employees at Fox were either reluctant to get involved or simply too afraid to oppose. Roger Ailes had ruled Fox News Group with an iron fist for over a decade, and rebelling against him wasn't exactly easy.

"Why hasn't FNC's star anchor Megyn Kelly spoken up yet?" Charles Capet asked over the phone with Evelyn Capet from his ranch in San Luis Obispo after returning from Palm Springs. "Is Washington really this slow?"

It had been over a week since Gretchen Carlson filed the lawsuit against Roger Ailes, and she had plenty of evidence. Now, they just needed to gather more people to unify their accusations against Roger Ailes to trigger a public outcry.

"Soon, Hillary's assistant personally talked to Megyn Kelly. It shouldn't be a big problem," Evelyn said over the phone. "You know, Megyn Kelly is currently the highest-rated news anchor on TV. If she's willing to step forward, it won't be any less sensational than Gretchen Carlson's. It will definitely cause a chain reaction. The news group isn't having an easy time in the UK right now either. This time, we can definitely bring down Roger Ailes and FNC. Just wait and see!"

Charles smiled. "Then, I'll be waiting for your good news."

After hanging up, Charles returned to sit beside the heavily pregnant Britney Spears in the living room.

"So, how are you feeling?" Charles asked, gently rubbing her belly.

"He kicks me all the time!" Britney Spears laughed, looking very content.

"That's good," Charles nodded. "There's some big stuff happening in Hollywood right now; I'll have to head back soon."

"Don't worry, I know. You went to Palm Springs with Mrs. Capet for this matter a few days ago. There are only three months left before the baby's due. It's not far from Los Angeles, so you can come over anytime!"

Britney Spears was now focused on the baby inside her belly and wasn't too concerned with major events happening in Hollywood.


In Malibu, Los Angeles, at Megan Fox's villa pool, Charles was kissing Jessica Alba while holding her. Jessica Alba's sexy body exuded endless charm.

"Oh, ha, Charles, that tickles," Jessica Alba laughed, holding Charles's head and feeling his kisses on her chest.

Charles lifted his head, smiled, and held the soft woman. "You still have such a good figure. Looks like your business is doing well!"

Jessica Alba now spent more energy on her business than in the entertainment industry, and she pretty much stopped taking those roles that flaunted her sexy body. She focused mainly on romantic comedies - being a sexy trophy was fine, but no flaunting!

"Darling, it's all thanks to you..."

"Alright, come out and eat something," Megan Fox, in a sexy swimsuit, called out.

"Okay," Jessica Alba kissed Charles on the cheek. "I'm hungry!"

Jessica Alba then grabbed her discarded bra and climbed out of the pool to hug Megan Fox.

"I'm going to take a shower first."

"Go ahead," Megan Fox nodded.

Before long, Charles also climbed out of the pool, hugging Megan Fox. "What did you prepare to eat?"

"Steak, eggs, and vegetable salad," Megan Fox hugged Charles's waist. "Do you like it?"

Charles smiled. "Of course. Let's wait for Jessica to finish her shower and then we can rest for a while."

Hugging the lady, he sat down on the beach chair and stroked her thigh. "By the way, I heard you took a comedy movie?"

Megan Fox nodded. "After Transformers 3 releases this year, I plan to take a few comedies or action movies. I need to shake off the sexy label. The Transformers series has tagged me with that label. Just being an eye-candy is not interesting."

As Megan Fox spoke, she kissed Charles's chest.

"Your role in the Transformers series made men around the world fall for you," Charles said, undoing her bikini top.

"Mmm," Megan Fox, feeling pain in her chest, passionately kissed Charles back.

"Weren't we going to eat dinner?" Charles panted after the kiss, squeezing her breast a little.

Megan Fox smiled and whispered in Charles's ear, "Darling, Little Charles is already misbehaving!"

Charles leaned back on the beach chair. "Well, tell him to quiet down a bit."

Megan Fox tied her hair back with a rubber band and then lowered her head...


As Gretchen Carlson's allegations against Roger Ailes grew, FNC's main anchor Megyn Kelly finally chose to stand up and officially file a lawsuit against Roger Ailes!

Any woman recruited by Roger Ailes into Fox News had to go through his "strict" and "unique" selection process. Short skirts, long legs, and pretty faces were the standard for women at Fox TV.

From the time Gretchen Carlson's lawsuit against Roger Ailes broke out at the New Jersey Supreme Court until now, with Megyn Kelly speaking out and filing a lawsuit, only two weeks had passed. During this time, at least ten female employees at Fox News had stepped up to accuse Roger Ailes of sexual harassment.

Using ratings as an excuse, it was actually to fulfill Roger Ailes's perverse desires.

With the situation developing like this, Rupert Murdoch, who was in London dealing with News Corporation's phone hacking scandal, could no longer stay put.

"Dad, James and I both think we should let Roger Ailes go!" Lachlan Murdoch directly suggested to Rupert Murdoch.

"You both dislike him, huh," Rupert Murdoch certainly knew why his two sons hated Roger Ailes. Lachlan Murdoch's departure from America back to Australia couldn't have happened without Roger Ailes's influence. James Murdoch had also fought with Roger Ailes for control over Fox News in the past!

"Are you two still not aware of the severity of this situation?" Rupert Murdoch sighed again. "I need to make a trip back to the US!"


