

I have to admit, I had my doubts about the whole wishing well thing. I mean, it sounded like something out of a fairy tale. But then, right before my eyes, a fly landed on the edge of the well and... poof! It turned to dust. My heart literally skipped a beat. It was all too real.

The well, which was basically a fancy water fountain, seemed to be urging me on, saying "Come on, let's get this over with." I swear, it was trippy seeing my own reflection talking back to me like that. And even in the midst of all this craziness, I couldn't help but check myself out - I mean, yeah, I'm pretty awesome.

But then I started thinking, Wait a minute, did I really just waste a wish? I could have wished for something way better, like a Ferrari, or for Larry, our smelly neighbor, to discover deodorant, or even for Miss Denise to become my personal minion. But I guess four wishes will have to do.

I mean, it's not every day you stumble upon a magical wishing well, right? Just make a wish and poof! Your dreams come true. Beware, Red'sfield, I'm about to make some magic happen!

I couldn't bring myself to waste another wish. "Hey, is there anything I need to know? Any rules or something?" I asked, trying to sound casual. Sukani, my reflection, seemed super reluctant, like, how could anyone be that lazy? And yet, there I was, still checking myself out - I mean, hello? Did I always look that fire in my uniform? My tie was perfectly knotted, my dark hair was effortlessly messy, and my eyes were gleaming with a mischievous spark. I was basically a walking heartthrob, and I knew it.

Sukani finally deigned to respond, "Let's start with the basics... You awakened me, so I grant you five wishes. The inscriptions on my side are what you need to chant before making a wish..." But I cut in, "But I didn't say it for that stupid fly!" I protested, feeling a bit defensive. Sukani just rolled his eyes...my eyes, God! Whatever! "You said it once, and I'm feeling lazy, okay? Probably because I was awakened by a man-child!" The well sighed, "I'm disappointed, really."

"For Christ's sake, I'm not a man-child or whatever! If you can't call me a man, just call me a teenager!" I exclaimed, my eyes bulging out in indignation. I mean, come on, I was practically an adult, right? Sukani just chuckled, "You're a child!" the fucking well knew exactly how to push my buttons.

I shot back, "I'm not!" my voice rising in defiance. "Prove it!" Sukani challenged. I rolled my eyes, feeling my face heat up with frustration. "My third leg is the first part of my body that wakes up in the morning, wanna see?" I whispered, raising my eyebrows

Sukani let out a dramatic "Oh hell nah! Established, you're a man! Congratulations!" Sukani said, sarcasm literally dripping from it's voice. I scowled, then smiled.

"The rules? " I asked.

"Oh, the rules, yes!"

Sukani, my reflection, gave me a sassy smile. "Well, let me spell it out for you, princess." I swear to God I cringed at that moment, like for real princess? But I kept shut.

"You chant the words, I grant the wish. Any place, anytime. If you're not here, just close your eyes and envision me - because, clearly, I'm the most fascinating thing you've ever seen - and make a wish. But, of course, there are rules, because life wouldn't be interesting without them."

I snorted, "Oh, joy, let me guess, no wishes for world peace or a million dollars?"

Sukani chuckled. "No wishes about love, none about wars - that's your own problem, kiddo. And, duh, no wishing for more wishes. That's just basic."

I raised an eyebrow. "And what's with the secrecy? Do I have to take a vow of silence or something?"

Sukani's expression turned serious. "Beware, you can't speak about this to anyone, or else I'll become inaccessible to you, and the person you tell will also be cut off. Plus, all your wishes will be revoked. So, keep your trap shut, got it?"

I huffed, "Yeah, yeah, I got it. "

"And, of course, there's some ancient wisdom about the duality of existence; it states that you can't wish your problems away, so every wish comes with trouble, an aftermath. So, be careful what you wish for, because you might just get it. The advice I'll give you - the one I've given to everyone before you is to just walk away and pretend you never saw me. The well concluded, "Any questions, genius?"

I was lost in my own thoughts, trying to process everything Sukani had just said. I mean, I got most of it - the whole wishing thing, the rules, the secrecy. But the last part? Ugh, I didn't sign up for a free lecture, man. I already attend the most expensive church every Sunday, thank you very much. I'm pretty sure I've got the whole "being a good person" thing down.

But then, out of nowhere, I thought about Grandma. I remembered her scent - that expensive cologne she always wore, her bright blue eyes, her curly hair, her infectious laughter, and that tiny mole on the side of her chin. But her face seemed more blurry than I remembered. It was like my memories of her were fading away, and it hurt.

"Can you bring back my grandma?" I asked, my voice shaking. Tears welled up in my eyes, and I felt my world spinning out of control. Everything seemed blurry, unrealistic.

The well's response was not what I expected. "She in Spain or prison?" it asked, like it was checking off some kind of list. I arched an eyebrow, frustration building up inside me. "Uhh, well...she's dead!" I said, my voice cracking.

The well's response was a gentle "Ooh, tough one, kiddo." Then it dropped the bombshell: "I forgot to mention it earlier. Life and death is not in my hands...or bricks, rather." Yeah, thanks for the reminder, well.

I nodded solemnly, feeling a pang of sadness. I missed Grandma so much - she was taken from me too soon. But I pushed aside my grief and focused on the task at hand. My heart was racing like a runaway train, and all I could hear was its steady beat, beat, beat. I was overwhelmed with possibilities. What do I even wish for? There were so many things I'd always wanted. Where do I even start?

Money would be awesome, but so would fame. And a brand new car for Dad would be epic - that old van had to go! But then, there were girls... beautiful, amazing girls. I mean, come on, I'm a guy, and girls are like, heaven! But, I had to prioritize, right? I couldn't let my hormones dictate my wishes. Men had priorities, and I had to be rational.

I took a deep breath and tried to think clearly. As the saying goes, "sisters before misters" - okay, maybe not that one, but you get the idea. Books before boys, money before love, and... well, I made up that last one, but it sounded good, right?

I decided to take things slow, to think it through. No rush, no pressure. I'd make the right choice, the one that would change my life for the better. Or so I hoped.

"Raveix ouer Sukani, Raveix ouer Sukani," I chanted, my voice filled with excitement. "I want fame! I want to be famous!! I wish I could become the most popular kid in school!" I exclaimed, my eyes shining with anticipation.

"Granted!" The well's voice echoed in my mind, but when I looked at myself, nothing seemed to have changed. I even lifted my dirty shoes and looked beneath them, expecting some kind of magical transformation. But nothing.

And then, without warning, a bitter taste filled my mouth. It was like someone had poured a vial of nasty medicine down my throat. I felt my heart rate slowing, my body growing heavy, like I was trapped in a nightmare. I tried to move, but my limbs felt like lead. I was paralyzed, unable to do anything but watch as my vision began to blur.

Everything started moving in reverse - memories flashed before my eyes like a movie playing backward. I saw Dad's goldfish swimming in reverse, Mom's hand reaching back to slap me, the hot waitress's smile fading away. It was like my brain was rewinding, erasing everything.

And then, darkness. Nothingness. I was trapped in a void, unable to see or feel anything. It was like I had ceased to exist.
