
Chapter 40

Chapter 40

(Slaanesh PoV)

The time he spent watching Adam's memories isn't pleasant. Aside from some unknown force trying to hinder him. Slaanesh did glean some part of his past and looking through them filled him with indignant anger.

Who was him?

The Chaos God of Excess. A being that stood at the apex of the universe with pride and glory.

Yet, never had he suffered so many defeats in the hand of that accused Grey Knight Primarch.

Not only is his existence the antithesis of everything Slaanesh stood for, he is also the only mortal in the universe that he could never corrupt. This wounded his pride as the Lord of Excess. As such, he sees the Grey Knight Primarch as a worthy opponent.

But after seeing Adam's past, he saw how pathetic Adam was. Slaanesh didn't even need to exert much to corrupt the current Adam that he felt insulted. More specifically, his pride was insulted. He, the Perfect Prince, was driven to the corner by this pathetic human which was again, the antithesis of him.

He did not know who Adam was or his origin. He simply didn't care. He didn't have the effort to care. He felt frustrated, angered and disappointed by what he saw.

The Adam he knew wouldn't run away like a dog with its tails tucked between its legs like this.

The Adam he knew wouldn't ever bow down to anything and stood against his opponent defiantly even if it's a certain death.

Not this pathetic Adam that only knew how to run with fear gripping his heart!

'Why bother with those useless details? What's important is that the current him is an advantage for us. Just corrupt him already would you, Slaanesh.'

"Shut up, Sodom."

'Suit yourself then. Don't say I didn't warn you. After all, even a cornered prey could bite if forced.'

After the voice faded away. Slaanesh snorted before walking out from the prayer hall to chase after her prey.


(3rd PoV)

After Adam ran out of the church, the street was empty as before and so was the city. But he didn't care. All he could think of is to run and run. He wanted to run back to the safe confines of his room.

But, in the midst of running. He couldn't help but think back at his weird dream and hallucinations from this morning.

"Could it be… those dreams were true?" Adam whispers to himself between gasps.

After seeing the face of the girl, he could recall a similar appearance from his dream although the girl had green eyes and liked to wear a red dress that oddly didn't cover much of her modesty below her crotch and wielding an oddly shaped red and black sword.

Before he could talk another step, a sudden head splitting headache assaulted him. Painful howls and grunts escaped his throat as floodgates that were withholding his memories suddenly tore open.

"Urgh… what happened?" Adam clutching his head with his right hand and his left hand using his knee as a crutch to stand up.

"I recall blacking out and then…" Adam paused when he felt his instinct flaring up, warning him of danger from his back.


Adam quickly turned around and saw Slaanesh staring at him silently with a mix of annoyance and dissatisfaction. But Slaanesh quickly broke his silence.

"It seems you have regained your memories." Slaanesh muttered.

When Adam gleams over his memories since being trapped in this illusion. He cannot comprehend Slaanesh's action.

He already knew that Slaanesh might have tried to use the illusion to find his weakness. But it seems that Slaanesh's action was counterintuitive to his goal. Perhaps his pride was wounded?

Slaanesh could have manipulated him and corrupted his mind when his memories were still being sealed. Yet, Slaanesh didn't do it and instead chased him down before speaking about his grievance caused by Adam and his crusade against the Chaos.

Even right now, Slaanesh doesn't look like he is trying to attack him. Instead, staring at him with disappointment and frustration. Not that he cares.

If Slaanesh isn't going to attack him. He would.

Now that Slaanesh is inside Adam's own mind. He held the advantage over Slaanesh. This is his mindscape after all, the domain and fortress of his soul that protects him from the influence of Chaos and Warp. It's not an exaggeration to say he is a god in his own mindscape.

With a single thought, lightning gathers in his palm and shoots out a bolt at Slaanesh who forms a shield out of purplish fog.

After blocking the attack, Slaanesh suddenly said,

"I will crush you and erase this shame and scar on my pride."

Adam did not reply and dashed forward with his lightning clad right arm tensed like a spring and released it upon reaching his desired distance to punch Slaanesh with his fist. However Slaanesh tried to dodge while gritting his teeth in anger. But tried as he could. He found his legs glued to the ground and unable to move as Adam's first hit with a powerful momentum enough to generate a powerful gust of wind sweeping their surroundings.

In a direct battle, Slaanesh is naturally weaker since his preferred method of combat is with ambush like an assassin and Adam capitalized on this weakness to suppress Slaanesh with a torrent of lightning clad fists and kicks.

But even with victory seemingly in his favor, Adam could not shrug off this odd feeling that something isn't right. This battle felt too easy which proved to be true moments later.

Fire suddenly appeared into existence around Slaanesh as his body twisted and morphed into a gigantic monster, the seven headed dragon, Sodom Beast. His presence brought upon an aura that warped his mindscape into Slaanesh's personal domain.

The fire that he created isn't any ordinary fire as Adam could feel the psychic flame trying to burn his soul into a husk. Burning away his emotions, desires and bonds. Meanwhile the domain Slaanesh brought into existence tried to corrupt his mind from within.

Indeed that fighting in his mindscape gives him advantages but a double edged sword that also leaves his mind vulnerable to his opponent since they don't need to bypass his mind anymore as they are inside his mind.

Withholding nothing, Adam also went all out as a bright aura clad his body like a god descending into the mortal world. His aura clashed against Slaanesh's aura and purified it at a mere contact.

Slaanesh controlled the seven heads and released an earth shattering roar that demolished several blocks of the city with mere shockwaves before lifting its talon and swiping it at Adam who flinched at the devastating roar, sending him crashing through a dozen buildings.

But Adam is barely done as he climbed out from the rubbles with a grunt and gathered his psychic power in his right palm with an intense focus.

Immediately, the Titansword appeared to his summon.

Adam poured his psychic power crazily into the Titansword which cackles madly with berserk energy before Adam dashed and vanished like a blur.

Slaanesh senses grave danger and immediately assumes a defensive stance while warily scanning his surroundings when Adam suddenly appeared above him, floating and making a wide arched slash downwards which unleash the berserk energy into a massive arc of energy slash intent to cleave Slaanesh's monstrous form in twain. But Adam's assault didn't stop there as he fell barreling down with his sword cleaving apart two heads that were trying to stop his slash arc, showing blood like rain all over him as Adam landed on the asphalt road with an indented crater below his feet.

A pained shriek from Slaanesh happened this time as opposed to last time when he injured the Sodom's Beast. This Sodom's Beast in front of him is the real Slaanesh that morphed into the Beast using his [Self Modification] skill to gain an edge over the battle. But in truth, his transformation only made it much easier for Adam to injure him with such a massive body.

After all, Slaanesh is no expert when it comes to battle. He is just someone that drowns himself in pleasure, debauchery and excess. If Adam were to face a true warrior like Khorne, he would have to push his ability to the limit to even secure a victory. But this is not the Warrior God, Khorne. It's Prince of Pleasure, Slaanesh.

When the sword arc finally landed and split the beast into a perfect half. A terrible pained roar escaped the Beast's maws before its monstrous form melted away into a humanoid form. Slaanesh's true form.

A form with close resemblance to the Aeldari race that is androgynous with a blend of ethereal beauty and twisted grotesqueness, purplish pink skin with dark crown of twisted horn on his head.

Adam stood before the Chaos God of Excess. His eyes held neither animosity or hatred. It was apathy and indifference. To him this is just another enemy to kill, another duty to fulfill. There's no pride or joy in his eyes as he is about to secure the achievement to slay a Chaos God.

Looking at his kills filled Slaanesh with much anger and frustration. As the Chaos God that embodies lust, pride and indulgence. To stare in the eyes of a person who lacked all. Made him unable to contain his frustration. There is no lust in the way Adam fights, no pride in his achievement when Adam defeated him or indulgence at his victory.

This filled Slaanesh with hollowness. Like a feeling of unbearable hunger that gnawed at his very soul. It gives rise to the deep desire and purpose to paint Adam in his color, with lust, pride and indulgence that he lacked.

This intense desire persisted even in his moment of death as Adam drove his sword into Slaanesh's heart, burning his body alight with his purifying fire intent to extinguish his every last essence before his consciousness turned dark.



Slaanesh knew he had died. He did not believe in the concept of afterlife. Heck, he never even thought of it until the last moment of his life.

"Hey, it's rude to ignore someone when they are talking to you."

Well, apparently afterlife exists even for Chaos God. At least, that is the case for him.

When Slaanesh opened his eyes, he came face to face with a black furry creature poking at his face with its paw.

"Finally awake." The creature grumbles.

"What are you?" Slaanesh wondered about the creature before him that didn't seem simple at all as he could even sense anything from it. Or rather, the creature's existence was too massive he couldn't even comprehend.

"Me? I'm your friendly neighborhood 12th Dimensional Eldritch God posing as a talking black cat that wonder the multiverse to find toy– *cough* willing contractors to fulfill their wish in exchange for their soul. Although, I primarily prefer cute girls. But that wouldn't be a problem for long." The self proclaimed friendly neighborhood 12th Dimensional Eldritch God posing as a talking black cat, said with a wide Cheshire grin.

"Now, let's get down to business. Shall we?" The cat said but didn't wait for Slaanesh's answer before continuing on his own.

"Now, as I said. My primary vic– *cough* contractors would be cute girls. But you will be one of the few exceptions. Wanna know why?"

Slaanesh was hesitant to answer but it couldn't hurt to know as he nodded his head.

"It's simple, my slave driver boss, the Author demanded of you. As simple as that." The cat grinned wider. Wide enough that Slaanesh could feel like he is going to be devoured whole. "How does it feel to be at the whim of a higher existence than you?"

Ignoring Slaanesh's existential crisis, the cat continues.

"Well, remember your dying wish to paint Adam with lust, pride and indulgence? You are now offered the exact chance by the Author. Well, if you ignore the minor details that you will basically be turned into his willing companion(slave) that obeys his every order to the last words. This is exactly what you wished for right?"

Slaanesh nod hesitantly as his head felt muddled when the cat gleaned past some 'minor' details he swore was important.

"Good. Since you had confirmed the details of our contract. Do you wish to establish our pact?"

"Nod if you agree. Nod if you disagree."

Slaanesh immediately nodded after hearing the first part but paused when he heard the second part. He wasn't even given an option to disagree!

"Good. Good. With our pact established. It's time to change you into a much more desirable form. Not to be rude considering my own true form. But I doubt your current form would be pleasant for anyone to look at." The cat waved his paw before Slaanesh felt his body change although he didn't know what or how it was changed.

"Now that everything is done. Imma give you some advice as my parting words. I'm doing Adam a favor this way too." The cat said with a tired sigh as his previous enthusiasm evaporated away.

"You see. The Author had been complaining to me, ME! About his inability to write any seggs scene with how dense and prude Adam was in a relationship. It didn't help that he was a hopeless virgin that never experienced any romance in his past life.Trying to progress it normally might take centuries before he would naturally get laid with any of his lovers considering he only went past the kissing and holding hand stage after ten thousand years had passed." The cat grumbles.

"So, if you are trying to get laid with him. Expecting him to make the first move is like expecting the sun to rise from the west. The best choice you have is to make the first move yourself. Cook the rice first, everything else can be discussed later. Got it? Capiche? Good." The cat massages his brow while Slaanesh nodding her head while taking note of the advice given. "Well, I doubt you would have trouble with the idea of getting laid with him since you are the god born from the space elves fornicating too hard after all. Sex is definitely second nature for you."

"Anyway, off you go." The cat flick his paw again.

A portal appears behind Slaanesh before she is sucked into the portal and vanishes from the void while the cat rolls up his imaginary sleeve to look at his imaginary watch.

"Would you look at that, just in time for dinner? Hopefully Kuroka isn't angry anymore… Heh, who am I kidding. She'd will probably skin me alive when I bring back those three…" It said before opening a portal for himself and also left.


(AN: Slaanesh's new appearance, Queen Draco loli and adult form but instead of red and gold color scheme, it's purple and pink.

Yeah, I'm too lazy to design an OC one after pumping out three chapters in a day. It is what it is.)

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