
The Fallen

He eyed his next location on the screen of the ship with anticipation running through his body, Thor and Loki both told him of the masterful craftsmanship of the dwarves. 


It was essentially the size of a small country but the star in the centre of the small island floating in space was the source of the heat for the forge. 

Aerion looked in awe at the incredibly small but insanely influential piece of land as he landed in one of the only docking platforms on the island. 

Multiple 10 feet tall dwarves approached his ship with weapons drawn, his brow furrowed before he realised he should have probably called ahead. 

He opened the door with a woosh, his armour already on his body with his cloak flapping as he exited the ship. 

"My apologies for not letting you know of my plans to visit" he expressed his regret, he really didn't want to annoy the best smiths in the universe. 

One of the dwarves recognised him and dropped his weapon "My Prince" the young black haired man said as his companions also dropped their weapons.

Aerion bowed his head to the dwarves, he eyed the dwarf that recognised him and felt familiarity burgeoning as he watched the man shuffle foot to foot. 

"Ah! You're Gimbe?" Aerion asked the dwarf whose eyes widened as he nodded, the man was a regular visitor of Asgard. 

Aerion had seen him in multiple large feasts but had never spoken to the man. 

"Yes my Prince" the man said proudly as he eyed the armour covering his prince's body. "Have you come for smithing?" He asked.

Aerion nodded as his eyes wandered over to the star in the distance. 

Gimbe gestured for the God to follow him as he walked over to some old looking mine carts. The carts were huge to account for usually holding 2 giant dwarves so Aerion had plenty of space.

He climbed in and jolted as the cart took off quickly "So what are you wanting forged?" Gimbe asked as he turned to the Prince. 

Aerion wasn't really sure "Thor told me that Dwarves forged his arm braces to further his control over lightning?" He said to the dwarf who nodded.

"Yes that was Embri, masterful work" Gimbe said admiringly.

"Right, well I was wondering how I can conjure or summon your forged works?" He asked in reference to the fact that he conjures his armour.

"Oh that's simple, all we need to add is a few runes to fix that issue" Gimbe said as pulled an old coal stained notebook from his breast pocket and started to write it down. "So I assume you want forearm braces that enhance your control over fire?" He asked as he started to sketch a design. 

Aerion shook his head as his eyes wandered around the cave they were travelling through. "No, I was thinking more about upping the intensity of the fire? Also I would like them to be strong and potentially impact absorbing?." 

Gimbe suddenly ripped out a page of his notebook before starting fresh on another page, he started to script runes and connecting them masterfully as Aerion watched in slight fascination.

Runes were fickle things that not even Loki was totally confident in dabbling into. One mistake could cause a magical explosion that would more than likely turn you into a porcupine or a brick.

Magic was simply put, unpredictable when put into runes.

This dwarf was just tossing them down with ease and connecting runes that theoretically should not connect without dozens of separate conditions that would take Aerion days to calculate. 


They eventually arrived at a forge, they had passed dozens of larger and grander ones but ended up in Gimbe small personal forge. 

Gimbe seemed to be, well…low on the rank of dwarf smiths. 

The man was young at only 35, which was surprising when the man mentioned it. Due to runes usually taking centuries to master.

Aerion just hoped he had found a prodigy instead of a mad man who didn't know what he was doing. 

The man had sketched up a design that Aerion was happy with, the materials were already gathered and forging was ready to start.

"So payment" Aerion started as he stared at the dwarf, they were known to be extortionists that could make a rock hand over gold. 

It made sense, they were the best but he was prepared to take a rather large hit of his gold. 

A lot of his gold was from battles, there was surprisingly good money in pillaging war camps. The rest though was simply from his father as much as he didn't like to admit it. 

The dwarf turned to Aerion with a sudden glint in its eyes "I need a favour" the words seemed to echo around the surprisingly quiet forge. 

Soundproofing must be good.

But the favour was…well he thinks he would rather give the dwarf his gold then owe a dwarf he barely knew a favour.

"Listen, I already know what I will ask, I would not dare hold it over your head" the dwarf explained as its coal black eyes met with the burning yellow of Aerions eyes. 

"Speak of what you would wish first" Aerion voice was far more serious than the dwarf had gotten used to "Asking a Prince of Asgard for a favour is quite the request".

The dwarf nodded "I've heard of a planet" he almost whispered as the dwarf's eyes shifted around the room. "It's said to hold giants of fire" the whisper echoed around the room as if the words themselves held power. 

"What?" Aerion asked as his eyes narrowed on the man.

"The planet is rumoured to be inhabited by giants made of fire, the planet even holds a giant forge that can burn even stars" the dwarf explained excitedly. 

"Burn stars? That makes no sense" Aerion said as he eyed the dwarf he now suspected of being half mad. 

The dwarf nodded fervourishly "Just promise me, that if I make you these braces. You just check the rumours out, I even have a location" the dwarf said as his eyes furiously ran over Aerions stone cold face.

Aerion clenched his jaw as his eyes ran over the design on the sketchbook.

"I'll check out the planet after my birthday" he explained as his eyes ran over the now excited dwarf. 

"Of course my Prince, your birthday is soon correct?" The dwarf asked quickly.

Aerion nodded, the dwarf looked excited by the prospect and that he even accepted. 

"My Prince, give me but a few hours of your time and we will have these braces done" the Dwarf explained. 

"Of my time?" Aerion asked in confusion.

The dwarf nodded "Well, I need you to use your fire to help. It means the braces will enhance your fire specifically not just any flame" 

Aerion nodded, that…well he didn't know if it made sense. 


Aerion had sweat pouring down his face in rivulets, he sat down in an oversized chair that clearly wasn't built for someone of his stature. 

The dwarf suddenly plunged the hot braces in ice creating steam that quickly filled the room, not even a minute later the braces were done.

The dark metal forearm guards had ruby eyed snakes running down its length, runes covered the entirety of it and created quite the striking image. 

Gimbe handed the steaming braces over to Aerion who accepted them eagerly, ignoring the temperature he dissipated the armour he currently had on with a thought. 

He was back in his usual outfit, dragon leather belt, dark tunic and trousers with his cloak. 

He placed the braces over his forearms quickly and felt them click into place perfectly. The feeling of his magic draining to charge the runes was slightly strange but satisfying as the runes flashed with a dark red colour before returning to normal. 

His eyes flashed a dark red as his vision blurred, he didn't notice his pupils turn into slits for less than a second as he ran his hand down his face. 

He took a deep breath before he summoned the flame to his hand with a hiss, his snake who he's still yet to name was studying the darker than usual flame with curiosity. 

Gods, this was definitely worth it. 

He could feel the increase in potency as his flame roiled and cracked like a whip in his open palm, he then quickly closed his fist letting the flame die out. 

His eyes slid over to the wide eyed form of Gimbe who was muttering to himself. Aerion listened in on the man and his eyes narrowed in confusion at his words.

"-gine the sight, the God of Flame and The Fell God meet once more, I can-" 
