
ch 65

Anna's POV:

"You heard what Huilen told us yesterday; so why are you still acting like someone killed your puppy?" I huffed when I saw Edward brooding while gazing out of the panorama window of our bedroom.

My husband slowly turned around to face me and looked at me as if I was crazy.

"You don't really expect me to be happy about the fact that you will haemorrhage while giving birth?" His voice was cold as ice and his eyes blazed at me in anger but underneath it all lay a deep and painful sadness and helplessness.

"That is why Carlisle came up with the idea of performing a C-section a few days before the actual x-day. If he is going to inject venom directly into my abdomen and tries to stop the bleeding inside my body until the venom works it should be alright." I repeated to him what Carlisle had told just a few hours ago.

"In theory." He tired to shoot my argument down.

"You are just impossible." I exclaimed and threw my hands in the air before I stormed out of our bedroom annoyed as hell with my husband.

I did get it that he was scared, terrified to death even but my patience had reached it's limits.

"He seems to be worried about you." I heard Nahuel's voice behind me while I was glaring out of the kitchen window while I was drinking my Coke.

"He is just being stubborn like a donkey." I grumped and cranked my neck to look at him.

He smiled softly at me, obviously deciding not to touch that matter any further before his face grew serious.

"How do you feel about the baby now that you know that you might….." he trailed off while he looked at my stomach.

I guided my hand down to my belly and tenderly stroked it a few times.

"I care deeply about baby Cullen."

"Baby Cullen?" He smiled puzzled at me.

"As long as we don't know what sex it has." I shrugged. "I never saw myself as the mom type nor did I particularly dreamed about having children but," I said and smiled down at my abdomen brushing my hand over it lovingly.

"It's Edward's child. A part of him. I'm looking forward to meet the little copy of my husband and I can't help but to fall in love with him or her because he or she is someone who Edward and I created."

"You love him, don't you? Your husband I mean." Nahuel asked me looking in the direction where Edward's and mine bedroom was.

"I do," I breathed out dreamingly before my voice grew annoyed, "even though I don't really like him right now." I added a little louder then necessary while I pouted and glared in the direction of my bedroom.

Nahuel laughed and shook his head.

I was hiding in Rosalie's and Emmett's part of the house for the rest of the day and Edward knew better then to trespass there especially with Rose being pissed at him as it was.

Neither Emmett nor Rose looked at me the entire time I was in their room what meant that Edward had no means to see me through their minds.

I knew that hiding from my husband was childish and immature and that it hurt him but I needed a timeout from his behaviour. I had been hoping that after meeting with Nahuel Edward would come around but unfortunately I had been wrong.

I needed to gather my thoughts and calm myself down before I faced him again or else our fighting would get even worse. Normally I was able to keep my cool when we argued but with those damn pregnancy hormones working against me I quickly found myself wanting to rip his head off of his shoulders.

"He is coming." Rose mumbled without looking up from her MacBook.

I didn't say anything but instead stared at the TV on which some mindless show was on that I wasn't even paying attention to.

There was a knock on the door that I ignored.

A few moments later there was another which was equally ignored by me.

"Do you want me to send him away?" Rose asked after the seventh knock.

I thought about her offer but waved it off.

"No," I sighed and switched the TV off. Sighing again got up from the couch and went to the door but didn't open it.

"What do you want?" I asked while I crossed my arms over my chest and glared at the wooden door with the rich, dark chocolate colour.

"I'm sorry, love. Please come out. I miss you." His broken voice travelled through the expensive wood standing between us.

I heard a light thud and I could imagine his forehead leaning against the cool surface of the door.

"And do you know what I miss?" I didn't give him the chance to answer. "My husband. The one I married. I've got enough of the crank he became."

"Love," his whisper was laced with pain.

"I know that you are scared, terrified even of the idea of losing me. I know that the situation is difficult but honestly I need you now more then ever and you are just leaving me in the lurch." I grumped out quietly and look down at the floor.

I heard a gasp from behind the door that swung open a second later.

"No, love! No!" He was chanting while he cupped my face in his hands and forced me to look at him.

His alarmed and panicked golden pools were ripped wide open and he was shaking his head furiously.

"Edward," I put my hands up to stop him from whatever he wanted to tell me and grabbed his arm as I stormed off into our bedroom.

The door of our bedroom fell shut as I sat down on your big comfy bed and pulled him down with me

"I worry about you and I can't turn that off Anna." He rushed out before I was able to say anything.

"I'm scared that something will go wrong and that I will lose you. I have come close to losing you way too many time already." I wanted to interrupt him but he was having non of it.

"And no matter how many times you tell me that it will be alright you can't know that. Something can always go wrong and you know that as well as I do. The future is unpredictable to a certain extend." Edward told me sternly and I bit my teeth together as I glared at him before he let out a long and heavy sigh.

"I can not live without you. And that is not some stupid, meaningless phrase, not just empty words," his voice grew desperate while he clutched my hand and pressed it over the place where his silent heart rested beneath.

"I'll go insane without you. The sheer thought of you being in any kind of danger sends me into a surreal world of terror and anguish. I am frantic. I am lost. I am desperate. I am…" His eyes were wild with need. He needed me to understand.

And I did.

"I know that you are scared and terrified and freaked out," I interrupted him.

"I know that after all the times I was in danger and you nearly lost me this situation is hell for you," his eyes brightened at my words with a careful gleam of hope.

"But," that one little word erased all the light, which had just gathered in, out of his eyes.

"But what?" He glared at me.

I took a moment, breathing in deeply and gathered my thoughts.

"For you this little one," I placed my free hand on my belly, "is a threat to my life. You are seeing it as a thing. Something that endangers my life."

"That is exactly what it is." He spat.

I licked my lips and swallowed hard.

"For me this little treasure growing inside of me is a part of you, a life we created together. Baby Cullen is not a thing for me or a threat but a little person that needs my care, our love" I took a brief break before I continued.

"Every time I think of the little one inside of me I see a boy or a girl with your hair colour and sparkling green eyes running around, a little copy of you smiling your beautiful crooked smile," tears leaked out of my eyes.

Damn hormones.

"How do you expect me to even think about killing our son or daughter? Because I know that every time you glare at my belly that is what you wish would happen. You want our little rug rat to disappear." I shook my head.

"Can you really do it? Can you really kill our son or our daughter? Can you really kill this little being that is a perfect mixture of the both of us?"

"Stop!" He screamed and jumped off the bed and away from me.

"Stop reminding me that this thing is a part of you! Stop making it out to be….." He thundered as he paced in front of me.

"Our child? A living person?" I threw in.

He stopped death in his tracks and looked with an unreadable expression on his face at me.

"But he or she is. And I love this child. In my minds eye I'm always seeing this little boy that is an exact duplicate of you and I can't wait to meet him."

I loved this child that was growing inside of me but that didn't mean I loved our baby more than I loved Edward. The reason why I loved this child so much was because it was Edward's.

"Anna," he groaned painfully before he ambled almost apathetically in front of me and let himself fall down on his knees.

His watery golden pools showed his conflict, pain and sorrow before he buried his head in my lap and his arms sneaked around my back.

My right hand almost immediately drove into his wild hair while I rubbed his back in comforting patterns with the other.

I knew how much I was scaring, hurting and torturing him with my decision to go through with the pregnancy but I also knew the good it would bring in the end. I had read about it in Breaking Dawn.

Seeing with his own eyes that he could create something so magical and innocent as a new life, set him free of his demons that had haunted him ever since he grasped that he no longer was human.

I had the feeling that being a father was what he needed to be truly content and to be able to completely come to terms with what he was.

Not a human, that he so wished to be, and not the monster he believed himself to be but a son, a brother, a friend, confident, a man, a lover, a husband, a mate and a loving father.

I knew that my presence in his life already caused great changes in him and turned his entire world upside down but I did believe that this little one that was growing under my heart was the one tiny puzzle piece that would make everything utterly perfect and let him come a full circle.

When one has children that puts an entirely new perspective into their life and I didn't want Edward to miss out on that.

This was why I fought for this new life in me despite the fact that it temporarily hurt the most important person in my life.

If only Edward could understand that…

"I'm scared to," I admitted after a while of silence. I had barely allowed myself to think those thoughts before.

But of course I was scared. I wanted this baby, I loved baby Cullen but that did not mean that I was ready to be a mom. And on the top of that I had never in my life needed my mom as much as I needed her now. I wished I had her guidance to show me the way and her embrace to secure me.

I loved Esme but it was not the same she couldn't tell the stories of when my mom was pregnant with me and my grandma knew I would be a girl and bought me my first doll shortly after mom told her she was expecting.

I knew all those stories by heart but I missed having them told to me. I missed my mom's warmth and her unique way to see the world.

I was also scared of the complications that could occur, of every possible way my last moments with a beating heart could go wrong.

Edward's head shot up instantly and he looked at me with wide eyes.

"I am scare of dying in child birth. I am worrying that the venom might not save me in time. The idea of having to leave you behind if things go wrong terrifies me."

"Then why are you going through with it?" He cried out.

Tears welled up in my eyes.

"Because I would be broken if I had to abort our child. I would not be able to hide the sadness and the pain I would feel about his or her death. You would blame yourself for my pain and in the end it would destroy both of us."

Edward stared at me for a long moment before he buried his face back in my lap and I continued to run my fingers through his silky mess.


Edward's POV:


I had no idea when or how but we found ourselves lying on our bed in each others arms. No one of us said a word and the only sounds that filled the space were our breaths and Anna's heart beat.

I was reflecting over everything that she had told me and all of the sudden I couldn't get the image of a little girl that looked like Anna out of my head.

The image of little chubby apple cheeks that flushed a wonderful pink while beautiful and so familiar hazel depths sparkled with happiness haunted me.

I knew how much it still hurt Esme to have lost her baby boy. I knew the pain and the regret that she had to live with each and every day. The one corner of her heart that only belonged to her first born would always hurt and be filled with sorrow and tears.

I didn't want that for Anna.

I had already nearly lost her so many times and the idea of having to go through such a situation once more was more then I could bear.

There was no me without her. If she died I would follow her and no one or anything would be able to keep me from doing so. I was incapable of continuing to exist after my mate would leave the surface of this planet. Never would I have the strength to wither away like Marcus did.

On some level the love I felt for my Anna was dark, twisted, sinister, extraordinarily unhealthy and highly possessive. It was that part of me, the monster that thirsted blood, that rejected what was inside of her. The monster knew that if she ceased to be, the man who loved her madly, insanely would be stopped at nothing to join her in the afterlife.

Anna's survival was essential for mine. In protecting her I was protecting myself.

I did not know a way to exist without loving her.

I did not know a way to exist without seeing her and knowing she was happy and well taken care of.

And the greatest gift that I could ever have been blessed with was receiving her love in return.

The though that I had been existing over a hundred years without her, without her love, was something abstract to me, such a concept had become unfathomable to me, obscure.

With Anna everything began and everything also ended with her. Anything else was far beyond the realm of possible.

But then there was now this image of this little girl that looked like my Anna burned into my brain.

A picture formed itself in my mind against my will. A picture with Anna and me and a little person that looked like a mix of the both of us. My heart soared at the brief picture before I banned it out of my mind.

This thing inside of my wife, my mate, ….this child….was a threat to her life but Anna loved it.

Was I really able to rip out my wife's heart, destroy part of her to safe her life?

Was I really able to see her hurt like Carlisle some times saw Esme, knowing that I was the reason she hurt?

This thing I had implanted inside of her was a curse.

No matter how I wished to be able to be rid of it I also knew that that would cause a damage that could never be reaped, a wound that would never heal.

In the end I was helpless and all I could do was to surrender to Anna's wish to keep it, the baby. Because I knew that no matter how often I looked for an answer to the problem that threatened to eliminate the reason of my existence I knew that one impasse or another would always await me at the end of such a line of thought.

One resolve remained though.

The one and only promise to her I would break if needed.

"We will be together no matter what happens." I told her while I was holding her firmly against my body while my hand was stroking up and down her back.

Her head snapped up and she looked puzzled at me.

"Edward…" her voice was filled with questions but I cut her off by pressing my mouth over hers.

I deepened the kiss instantly needing to taste her while I was ripping her clothes off her body. If we were on the path to our doom then I would make sure we made the most of the time we had left.


Anna's POV:


"You are going to have an ultra sound in two days?" Edward asked while he was brushing his cool fingers through my hair whereas I gazed out of the panorama window in our bedroom watching how the morning sun was illuminating the outside world.

"You know that, why do you ask?" I answered while tapping the fingertips of my right hand on his chest.

"Besides normally pregnant women get only two ultra sound for the entire pregnancy while Carlisle is doing one every month. And after we got to know that I am pregnant I had an ultra sound done ever four days."

"We already determinate that the baby is growing at human pace from the ultra sounds and from what Huilen told us." I gave him pointed look. In the past few hours before we went to bed he hadn't glared once at my belly and he really did try. I was curious how long he could keep that up.

He sighed, smiled and pressed a kiss on the top of my head before snuggling closer to me while we were lying in our bed.

"Can Alice see if it's going to be a boy or a girl?"

"No, love, something is blocking her. She only gets pieces and misty and blurry pictures." He answered with a sigh.

"Maybe my shield will go crazy while I give birth and am turning. Apollo can hide from Alice's vision thanks to his shield. Maybe that's what I will be doing unintentionally."

"You could be right," Edward nodded hesitantly after mulling the possibility over.

A few minutes later Edward put a kiss on my forehead and I knew what that kiss meant.

"You are getting up?" I pouted at him.

"Sorry love," he apologised sheepishly, "but the stock market in Asia opens up in a few. Jasper and Alice are already waiting for me."

"Well then have fun at your job." I teased.

"Silly girl," he chuckled before he stole a quick kiss from me, dressed and was out of our bedroom.

After Edward left I dressed as well and went into the kitchen to get a true blood.

"Good morning Esme," I greeted her when I saw her sitting on the kitchen counter. She had her MacBook in front of her and was working busily on it.

"Good morning sweetheart. How do you feel?" She smiled warmly at me.

"I'm fine. Thanks for asking." I answered and went over to the fridge.

"What are you doing?" I asked while I leaned back against the marble counter that was located in front of the huge window with the beautiful view of the lake.

"I'm creating a concept for the front and back yard. Only a green lawn is a bit boring."

"But the summer is nearly over….." Esme laughed.

"I know but I was thinking about the architecture of the garden where the path should be, about some walls to bring some delimitations into the garden and I was thinking about a pond. It could be fed with water by the little stream behind the house that is flowing into the lake….." Her eyes were glowing as she told me about her ideas.

"Can I help you with that? I used to help my grandpa in the garden sometimes."

"Of course you can, if you like to." Esme beamed at me.

"Great thanks," I hugged her, drank my true blood and ran to my room to find some clothes that were appreciated for the purpose.

I sure hoped that I would find my comfy sweats and my old sneakers because Alice would be in trouble if she threw them away.


We worked in the garden for a few hours. Esme allowed me only to do some simple tasks that didn't require much physical effort while she buzzed around like a lightening.

"I think we are done for today." Esme announced around moon.


"I need to go to town and buy some things. We can continue tomorrow." Esme answered while she was putting the spates away.

"Alright then I go and take a shower." I told her before I kicked my shoes off and went inside the house.

Once I was inside the shower I let the warm water fall down my body. It felt heavenly. All the knots and tensions in my back relaxed one by one.

While I was washing my hair a hilarious picture of Edward and his hair popped out in my mind. I wondered if I should run the idea by Alice. There was enough potential for a few different styles with that dark brown hair of his with the light bronze highlights in it.

I could picture it in my head. It would be a sight to behold Edward sitting in her pink bathroom chair while she was gushing and tugging on him. I wouldn't put it past her to try to put some make-up on his face, just like all male actors were always dolled up before going on screen.

Emmett and Jasper would never let him life that down. I could picture it in my head Emmett lying on the floor rolling in hysterics at Edward's sight while my dear husband grumped, scowled, boiled with anger and embarrassment and growled.

I giggled while washing the shampoo out of my hair. I was not being a nice wife. All the pregnancy hormones must have screwed with my brain a little. I shook my head in amusement.

When I finally massaged the conditioner into my hair I leaned against the cool tiles of the shower wall and sighed contently letting the water ran down my front.

I turned around and let the water wash the conditioner out of my hair. Cool fingers suddenly appeared on my hips and trailed down the outside of my thighs.

I gasped and jumped a little at the sudden difference in temperature. I braced my hands immediately against the tiles while I felt two hands tighten their hold on my hips.

I haven't even noticed when he entered the bathroom.

"Edward, don't scare me like that." I chastised lightly as I turned my head to look at him.

I didn't get to say another word because he bent his head down and placed his pouty lips against my own while pressing me into his body. His hands left their position on my hips and slid across my belly, locking me securely to him.

This wasn't a normal "I missed you" kiss but it was full of longing and desire.

"What's that about?" I laughed while his lips paid attention to the back of my neck.

"I missed you," he whispered while his lips trailed their way, with kisses, up from my neck to the sensitive flesh behind my ear.

"I couldn't hold myself back when I heard you step into the shower," he placed an open mouthed kiss on the side of my neck.

"You were moaning lightly when the warm water hit your skin. Your soft sounds made my insides prickle." My husband declared while raining kisses along the flesh of my shoulder.

"And then I heard you sighing contently while I imagined how each water drop would patter down on your gorgeous body," his hands slowly moved from my belly, stroking my wet skin as they made their way up to my breasts.

His thumbs tenderly stroked the underside of my breasts causing me to shudder lightly in pleasure and press my body a little more into his strong and muscular frame.

"And," I encouraged while I felt his well build pectoral muscles firmly against my shoulders. His at full attention standing length was pressed into the small of my back. I was moving slightly to cause him some delicious friction.

He groaned and I felt his body tremble lightly. He had trouble speaking apparently I caused him to lose his train of thought.

"You were saying," I smiled at my accomplishment.

My husband's hands were suddenly on my hips holding them still while he took a minute to collect himself.

"The stock market couldn't hold my interest with you gloriously naked under the water jet," he captured my earlobe with his lips, pulling gently making goose flesh arise on the upper half on my torso.

"Edward," I gasped, losing my hold on the tiles a little.

"You are not the only one who can play unfair my love." He growled into my ear.

"Hmm…..really?" I teased and pressed myself closer against him increasing the friction and pressure on his hardness.

His hands had long left my hips for the favour of my ladies.

He let out a shaky breath in respond and let his head fall on my shoulder.

While Edward was breathing heavily and his forehead was still placed against my skin his hands cradled my breasts. He slowly and carefully massaged "his best friends" how he liked to call them.

It was becoming harder to think straight as the wetness between my legs made itself painfully known. A satisfied low growl rumbled through Edward's massive chest.

I could feel him smile against my skin before his tongue darted out liking the water drops of my flesh, taking his sweet time to deliciously torture me with his tongue.

His fingers found my peaks and he started to squeeze them lightly, rolling them between his thumbs and his forefingers.

I moaned in respond while my body was on fire and I could feel my wetness trail down my thighs. Before I knew what was happening I was pressed with my back against the tiles and Edward's tongue was liking it's way up my tight.

"We don't want anything to go to waste, now do we?" I heard him nearly purr against the inside of my legs.

"No," I choked out. My voice was husky and filled with desire. My man had me worked up for him completely.

He pulled away from my thigh only a little and looked up at me from under his thick eyelashes. His normally golden shaded eyes were pitch black with lust.

"I want you." He rasped out.

"I figured that." A shaky breath escaped my lips.

He then placed a kiss over my sensitive bud of nerves causing me to whimper and tremble. I braced my hands against his board shoulders to have something to hold on to.

He was slowly kissing the inside of my thigh again, nibbling and liking my skin there before he grabbed my left leg and placed it over his shoulder to have better access to my centre.

"I never get tired of that beautiful sight." He murmured against my wetness, letting his cool breath sweep over my overheated flesh.

My right hand slammed against the tiles behind me and I let my head fall back against the shower wall while I bit down on my bottom lip, whimpering and trying to keep my balance.

The leg I was standing on was shaking while my breathing was uncontrolled and shallow. Edward placed his hands on my hips to steady me before placing a soft kiss on my heat.

"Edward." I moaned breathlessly.

I felt him smile against my delicate flesh before his tongue darted out and carefully touched my girly parts. It were quick, soft, teasing licks that made my toes curl in pleasure.

Gentle cries and silky moans were leaving my mouth while my fiancé was bringing me closer to the edge. I buried one hand in his rich dark hair. My nails scratched his scalp and he moaned against me, sending vibrations into my centre which caused me to cry out louder.

I felt one of his hands slowly slide down my hip over the outside of my thigh trailing over my flesh till his fingers caressed the inside of my thigh up to my heat. One of his long, skilful fingers circled my entrance until he had me panting desperately for breath and shiver with anticipation for what was coming next.

"Please," I whimpered, needing more.

"Please what, my love?" He teased not taking his mouth off me.

"I….I can't take it anymore." I pushed out while I could barely think straight. He was driving me mad and he knew it.

"Edw…," I started to stay just as he pushed his finger into me.

My breath caught before I let out a long moan. His finger curled inside me, rubbing against all the right places while his tongue assaulted my sensitive bud.

I was already worked up thoughtfully so it didn't take long before I felt the coil in the pit of my stomach ready to snap. I panted helplessly lost for words or coherent thoughts while my entire body was shaking with the pleasure that my husband was giving me.

He was gracing me with few mild pressured licks against my sensitive knob while his finger thrust in and out of me before going directly for my G-spot.

That was all it took and my orgasm exploded, rocking powerfully through my body, granting me sweet delicious release. I was sliding down the tiles not having the energy to hold myself up any longer but I never reached the ground.

My mind was still to hazy with the afterglow of my recent orgasm to fully notice it but Edward had placed me on the shower seat while his head was still buried between my legs licking my juice off.

When he was finished he lifted his head to look at me and licking his lips.

"Thank you for the treat." He murmured before standing up, lifting me off the seat, sitting down on it and placing me across his lap.

Against the outside of my thigh I felt his twitching hardness while I still struggled to catch my breath and to get my heart beat to slow down. Just then I noticed for the first time that the water wasn't running anymore Edward must have shut it off and that we were surrounded by steam that held the fragrance of my shampoo.

"Ti amo." He whispered while his lips brushed lightly against my temple.

I had no idea how he did it but when he talked Italian his voice sounded even richer and more velvet then usual. A slight shiver ran down my spine much to Edward's satisfaction.

His arms that build a cage around me tighten their grip on my body and he was running his fingertips softly and slowly down my arm, causing goose flesh appear on my skin.

"Saranghae." I grinned "Aishiteiru."

"Why didn't I know that you knew Korean and Japanese?" He raised an eyebrow at me.

I shrugged giggling.

"Tell me!" He nudged me lightly.

"You have to know everything don't you." I scowled playfully at him.

"Please." He pouted adorably.

"There is this show it's called "Boy's over Flowers". Originally it's a Manga but it was made into a film in Japanese, Korean and Mandarin. One day I found a video of the Japanese version on You tube and watched it. Then I found out about the other two versions of the series and watched them as well. Of course the videos came in with subtitles in English but that's how I caught a few words." Edward looked incredulously at me before chuckling and shaking his head.

"What?" Now it was my turn to pout.

"Se thelo." He said in a husky voice that was laced with desire and all playfulness was suddenly gone.

With my hand that was placed on his board, muscular chest I could feel his deep and irregular breathing. His hardness that was pressed against my thigh was twitching nearly rhythmically.

"Something tells me that didn't mean I love you." My own breathing was getting heavier as well.

"No, it means I want you," he murmured before his lips covered mine.

"Hmm….someone is demanding my attention." I laughed softly after we broke our kiss and I brushed my fingertips over the head of his length.

Edward sucked in a sharp breath, closed his eyes and let his head fall against the tiles. I used that opportunity to slid down from his lap and place myself in between his legs.

I grabbed his enormous twitching hardness, he was really and I mean really well-endowed, and lean in a little until Edward's head snapped forward.

"Love…" He moaned as I guided my hand up and down his length, holding him firmly while applying the pressure I knew he liked and caused him to thrust into my hand. Soon enough his eyes closed again, his head fell back against the titles behind him as he grunted.

I loved it that I could bring him just as much pleasure as he could me. He looked even more handsome then normal when he was caught in a passionate moment like this.

He thrust in my hand again and a small drop of liquid pooled at the tip of his manhood. I smiled and kissed the drop away what earned a low moan of pleasure in respond to my action.

He tasted like a lemon ice flavoured milkshake. I loved his taste and it sure was a Vampire thing. I couldn't help to wonder if he would still taste like lemon ice to me after I was turned.

I kissed his tip once again before my lips parted and he entered my mouth. I only took his swollen head in circling my tongue around his sensitive flesh after I closed my lips around him.

"Fuck…..Anna," he cursed

I giggled intentionally knowing full well what the vibrations I was sending into his hardness did to him.

"Oh ….Fuck." He cursed again while his hips lifted themselves off the seat a little.

"Love, I won't last long if you continue to tease me like this," he rasped in an almost painful sounding voice. His breath left his lips in shallow pants.

I took him out of my mouth and licked down his hardness feeling every vein on his gorgeous length while my tongue explored his manhood.

I kissed my way back up to his tip and wrapped my hand around his shaft before taking him into my mouth again. I pumped him while my tongue was circling the head of his masculinity.

"Love….please," he panted helplessly and I felt him twitch in my mouth before I released him out of my mouth with a popping sound.

"Fuck…Fuck," A few more, firm strokes and he was grunting as he came all over my chest. I didn't stop stroking him until he was finished.

Edward wore a lazy satisfied smile on his lips, gasping for air while I climbed back on his lap. His arms immediately encircled my body and he pressed me into his heavily rising and falling chest.

"Seems like someone needs a shower." Edward cooed after he regained his ability to speak again.

I looked down at my chest that was covered in milky, cool liquid.

"Seems like it." I confirmed.

"Since I'm the one who got you dirty in the first place," he chuckled and I kissed his pouty lips.

"I'll do it." He announced and stood up with me in his arms. I squealed amused while he stepped under the shower head and turned the water on.

I enjoyed the warm water that was softly hitting my body while Edward reached for the shower gel and squeezed some of it into his palm.

His hands touched my body and he spread the shower gel over my shoulders and down my arms. He wasn't saying a word and looked deep in concentration as if he would be solving a complicated mathematical problem.

It was adorable to watch him how his eyes would lit up when his hands made their way to my breasts which he apparently regarded as the dirtiest part of my body taking in consideration how much time he spend on cleaning and massaging them.

"I don't think you will get them any cleaner then they already are." I commented amused.

"I think I try to prove you wrong." He answered after a while not taking his eyes off his "best friends".

When he finally was finished with my chest he went down to my belly while I reached out for the shower gel.

"What are you doing?" He asked eyeing the plastic bottle in my hands.

"I just noticed that you also are in a desperate need of a shower." I answered smugly, squeezing some of the gel into my hand, placing the bottle back, rubbing the gel between my palms and then bracing then against his chest.

I loved it to run my hands over every perfectly cut muscle on his chest. I traced the lines of his pectoral muscles with my fingertips fascinated by the feel of him.

Our hands swept over every part of our bodies in soft sensual motions until we had washed every part of our significant others frame.

Edward shut the water off and I eyed his unruly hair.

"You are not quite done honey." I stated.

"Is there a part of my body that had been forgotten?" He asked raising one of his perfect eyebrows.

"Yep," I popped the "p", "your hair."

"You want to wash my hair?" He asked me incredulously.

"Yeah, so come on!" I grabbed his hand and dragged him to the shower seat. Of course I could only drag him because he allowed it. He was still way stronger then me.

I snatched the bottle with the shampoo on the way and sat down on the shower seat. I opened my legs and mentioned for him to sit down between them. He had seen me entirely naked so often by now that I had no problem anymore to give him a run for his money at any time.

His eyes were locked on my centre and I had to clap my hands together loudly to get his attention back.

"Sorry. What did you say?" He asked after he shook his head to clear his mind from the show I had just given him.

"Sit down." I pointed at the ground between my legs.

He looked like he rather liked the sight in front of him, what made me smile with glee and satisfaction, and like he didn't really want to turn his back on it but he complied of course.

He sat down between my legs and his shoulders touched with my thighs. I pressed my legs tighter together and slid my hands over his shoulders forward down his torso.

"I thought you said you wanted to wash my hair." He pointed out amused.

"Are you complaining?" I challenged.

"In no way."

"Good." I leaned my head forward and placed a kiss on his temple.

His hair was wet from our showering and I leaned him back into me.

"Relax." I told him while I took his shampoo and squeezed a little of it into my free hand.

Edward leaned back into me and I could feel his body starting to relax a little. I put the bottle away and rubbed the shampoo into my palms before my hands wove into his hair.

I began to massage his scalp while I rubbed the shampoo into his hair. Edward began to softly purr as I scratched my nails against his scalp.

"That feels good." He moaned relaxing completely into my touch.

"I know." I smiled and went on with my task.

I gave him a head a massage similar to the ones that I also have received often from the hair stylists Alice dragged me too. My favourite by far was Garren the man knew what he did when he took care of your hair.

Edward purred the entire time I was weaving my hands through his hair. He seemed so relaxed and free and I couldn't help but to sigh, wishing in vain that the issues we currently had could be simply washed away.

I was glad that I could give him this fleeing moment of pleasure and bliss where he could shut the outside world and all problems and issues away while I was always aware of what I was putting him through.

When I was done with the head massage I locked my hands from behind over his chest and kissed his cheek.

"Liked it?"

He cranked his neck to face, opened his eyes and looked dreamingly at me.

"That felt wonderful, love."

His lips captured mine in a tender and loving kiss before his body twisted around between my legs and his arms sneaked around my waist pulling me into his frame as suddenly he lifted me off the build-in shower seat, never letting his lips break away from mine.

I squealed against his mouth while he walked backwards with me in tow. One of his arms fell off my body for a moment and warm water was raining down on us in the next second.

He released my lips, threw his head back and let the water jet wash the shampoo out of his hair and down his delicious from as I shamelessly let my eyes roam over his muscular torso before his pitch black pools of lust focused on me.

I bit my bottom lip and felt my body tingle in anticipation. His lips were on mine again and he moaned into my mouth while his hands were on my hips pressing me further into him.

His rock hard member jerked against my stomach and I felt his fingertips slid down my hips to my cheeks before he cupped my lower curve, squeezing gently. My breath hitched and I pushed myself more into his chest as my kiss grew more demanding with the increasing desire that coursed through my veins.

His hands travelled further down to my thighs and with one quick movement he lifted me up. I squealed and laughed against the cocky smirk on his mouth while I automatically wrapped my legs around his waist, positioning my dripping heat against his pulsing manhood.


A strangled moan escaped him that I swallowed and before I knew it I was pressed with my back against the tiles. Edward's tongue was roaming inside my mouth, his hips were moving against mine, creating the friction we both craved but not enough while delicious little sounds left his throat that made my centre ach with need for him.

"Edward…..please," I begged in a breathless voice.

I wasn't caught in misery for long. My husband moved his hips again, guiding them down my wetness while I lifted my hips up, flexing the muscles in my bottom and my thighs, allowing his member to travel farther down than before right to my entrance and without any further help his stiff masculinity easily slipped inside of me since I was still drenched from my previous orgasm.

We both groaned in pleasure at the connection desperately holding to one another before he began to slowly pump in and out of me. His forehead was leaning against my shoulder as I heard his laboured breath that hit my bare skin. I threw my head back against the tiles and held onto his shoulder and back for dear life, rewarding his efforts with moans and cries of pleasure.

Soon we found a rhythm that we both liked and our pants and cries of ecstasy filled the shower booth as a mind blowing sensation was licking it's was from our centres through our entire bodies, numbing our minds with pleasure.

"I love you. I love you, so much," Edward was chanting huskily between the kisses he placed along my neck up to my yaw until his lips found mine again while he was thrusting into me with as much favour as he allowed himself.

I had to break our kiss to catch some needed oxygen while I could feel the coil in the pit of my belly wound tighter and tighter as I felt him growing a little bigger inside of me, signalling how close he was.


"I know," I moaned and closed my eyes when I felt one of his hands move between our bodies and his thumb found my aching bundle of nerves.

"Edward," I yelped when I saw the first few stars exploding in front of my eyes.

Words were lost on my husband at this point, only incoherent moans and groans left his lips as I felt his immense effort to hold back, waiting for me to come first. His face was buried in the crook of my neck as one of his hands worked on my sensitive spot while the other was braced against the tiles to my right.

He didn't have to wait long. When he applied a little more pressure against my aching knob and his member hit my g-spot I came apart in his arms, rhythmically clenching and pulsing around him as my orgasm rocked through my body.

One thrust later he let out a deep lust and relief filled moan as he was releasing inside of me, filling me with his cool liquid while his body shook in pleasure holding mine close to his.

We stayed under the spray wrapped around each other and still connected until our breathing and my heart beat returned back to normal.

"My legs are jelly," I breathed before a weak, little giggle escaped me. I was entirely spent.

Edward chuckled in respond and licked the spot behind my ear drawing a moan out of my chest.

"You are so bad," I playfully admonished him slapping his shoulder lightly as suddenly a yawn overtook me and I noticed how tired and exhausted I was. It nearly hadn't registered with me because I was so utterly content.

"Sleepy love?"

"Yeah," I yawned again.

"Did I wear you out?" He asked teasingly but I could see a triumphed gleam sparkle in his dark pools.

"Can't you tell?" I replied and the next thing I registered was that I was sitting on the counter in our bathroom with a fluffy white towel around me.

Edward was in front of me rubbing my hair dry with another towel. Once dry, I slowly combed my damp hair while I watched him drying himself off.

When I was finished Edward swept me off the ground and carried me to our bed. The covers were already thrown back and he placed me on the bed taking the towel off my body before joining me in bed equally nude.

"You are lucky I'm too tired to put panties on." I mumbled being half asleep already.

I normally slept at least with my panties on. I didn't really like the complete nude version though Edward greatly appreciated it. It was either lingerie out of the finest fabrics like silk or satin from Victoria Secrets or Agent Provocateur or nothing at all and if not he would sulk.

He was such a guy sometimes!

"I know." He chuckled, kissed my forehead and snuggled me into his side before throwing the covers over the two of us.

As every night before I fell asleep he took my left hand and brought it to his mouth kissing my ring finger with the engagement ring and wedding band on it.

"Sleep well my Anna." I heard his velvet voice say before sweet, peaceful and welcomed darkness overtook me.

I was nearly completely out when the loud ringing of my cell ripped me awake. I opened my eyes while I groaned and saw that Edward had already switched on the light on his nightstand and had my cell in his hand holding it out to me.

"Thanks," I mumbled as I reached for it, wondering briefly why in the world anyone would cal me this late.

"It's Charlie." Edward said having seen the name of the caller on the screen.

I offered him a brief smile before I opened my cell and pressed it to my ear.

"Hello Charlie." I greeted him as cheerfully as I could but received no answer in return instead I could hear shouting and crying in the background what immediately made me sit up and I was instantly wide awake. Edward looked alarmed at me with a tense expression on his face while he listened in.

I was about to ask what was going on when Charlie's panicked voice reached my ear.

"Anna, are you there?"

"Yes, Charlie what is going on?

"The Jake and the others got attacked!"
