
[6] Shattered Expectations

"To inherit my quirk, you need to ingest my DNA," All Might explained, his booming voice taking on a slightly awkward tone. "This is... well, it's the least gross way I could think of to do it."

I stared at the strand of hair, my mind racing. This was it. The power of One For All, the key to my ascension, quite literally within my grasp.

"Are you sure about this?" I asked, playing the part of the uncertain protégé. "It seems... unconventional."

All Might chuckled, his massive frame shaking slightly. "I know it's strange, young Midoriya, but trust me. This is how One For All is passed down. It's a quirk that can be transferred from one person to another, growing stronger with each generation."

I nodded slowly, reaching out to take the hair. Without further hesitation, I popped it into my mouth and swallowed. It was... unpleasant, to say the least.

"Excellent!" All Might boomed, clapping me on the back hard enough that I had to brace myself despite my enhanced strength. "Now, it will take a few hours for One For All to fully integrate into your system. You might not feel any different right away, but trust me, the power will come."

As he spoke, a familiar blue screen materialized before my eyes. A loading bar appeared, slowly filling up. All Might, oblivious to what I was seeing, continued his explanation.

"When it does manifest, be careful. One For All is an immense power, and your body will need time to adjust. Start small, focus on controlling the flow of energy through your body."

"Young Midoriya?" All Might's voice broke through my thoughts. "Are you alright? You look a bit dazed."

I blinked, forcing my attention back to the present. "Sorry, All Might. I guess I'm just... overwhelmed. This is all so much to take in."

He nodded sympathetically, deflating back to his true form with a puff of steam. "I understand, my boy. It's a big responsibility. But remember, I chose you for a reason. You have the heart of a true hero."

"Thank you, All Might," I said. "I won't let you down."

He smiled, pride shining in his sunken eyes. "I know you won't, young Midoriya. Now, why don't you head home and rest? We'll start your quirk training tomorrow."

I nodded, grabbing my shirt from where I'd left it on the sand. As I pulled it on, I couldn't help but marvel at how far I'd come. Ten months ago, I was a powerless nobody, trapped in a body that wasn't my own. Now, I stood on the precipice of true power, with not one but two quirks at my disposal.

"I'll see you tomorrow then, All Might," I said, shouldering my bag. "Same time?"

He gave me a thumbs up. "Bright and early, my boy! Plus Ultra!"

"Plus Ultra!"

The U.A. entrance exam was just a week away, and with One For All added to my arsenal, success was all but guaranteed.

But I couldn't get cocky. One For All was a powerful tool, yes, but it was also a potential weakness. If anyone discovered that I had All Might's quirk, it would raise far too many questions. I needed to be careful, to use this new power judiciously.

I arrived home to find Mom in the kitchen, humming as she prepared breakfast. The smell of miso soup and grilled fish filled the air, making my stomach growl despite the strand of hair still sitting uncomfortably in it.

"Izuku!" she called out, her face lighting up as she saw me. "How was your morning training? You're home earlier than usual."

"It was good, Mom. Sensei said I've made excellent progress. He's giving me the day off to rest before we start the final push for the entrance exam."

She beamed, pride shining in her eyes. "That's wonderful, sweetie! I'm so proud of you. Come, sit down and eat. You need to keep your strength up."

These past ten months had changed more than just my body. The woman I'd initially seen as nothing more than a pawn in my grand game had become... very important to me.

It was a weakness, I knew. A potential vulnerability. But as I watched her fuss over me, genuine love and concern in her every action, I couldn't bring myself to regret it. Perhaps having someone to protect, someone to fight for, could be a strength in its own way.

"Thanks, Mom," I said softly as she set a bowl of soup in front of me. "For everything."

She paused, surprise flickering across her face before melting into a warm smile. "Oh, Izuku. You don't need to thank me. I'm your mother. Supporting you is what I do."

I nodded, digging into my food to avoid having to respond. These moments of genuine emotion were still... uncomfortable.

As I ate, I felt a strange warmth spreading through my body. At first, I thought it was just the hot soup, but then I noticed the faint green sparks dancing across my skin.

One For All.

I quickly shoved my hands under the table, hoping Mom hadn't noticed. "Hey, Mom? I think I'm going to go lie down for a bit. I'm feeling kind of tired."

She looked at me with concern. "Are you alright, sweetie? You're not coming down with something, are you?"

I shook my head, forcing a reassuring smile. "No, no. Just tired from training. I'll be fine after a nap."

She nodded, though worry still creased her brow. "Alright. I'll save your breakfast for later if you don't finish it now."

I retreated to my room, closing the door behind me and leaning against it with a sigh of relief. That had been close. I needed to get this new quirk under control, and fast.

I sat on my bed, focusing inward. The familiar blue screen appeared:


Current Adaptations:

Enhanced Strength (Lv. 5) ↑

Accelerated Healing (Lv. 4)

Improved Stamina (Lv. 4)

Enhanced Reflexes (Lv. 3) ↑

Heightened Senses (Lv. 2) ↑

Mind-Body Synchronization (Lv. 2)

Heat Resistance (Lv. 2)

Cold Resistance (Lv. 2)

Kinetic Energy Absorption (Lv. 1)

One For All Sync: 3.2%

Evolution Progress: 68%

Next Potential Adaptation: Unknown

I closed my eyes, concentrating on the feeling of One For All flowing through me. It was like a river of power, raw and untamed. I tried to direct it, to channel it into my arm like All Might had described doing with his smashes.

Green lightning crackled along my skin, and I felt my muscles bulge slightly. It was exhilarating... and terrifying. This power could easily tear me apart if I wasn't careful.

I released the energy, letting it disperse back through my body. I'd need to practice, to learn how to control this new quirk without revealing its true nature. The last thing I needed was for someone to connect my sudden power boost to All Might's declining strength.

As I lay back on my bed, staring at the All Might posters that still adorned my walls (a remnant of the original Izuku that I'd kept as part of my cover), I couldn't help but smile. Everything was falling into place.

One For All was the final piece I needed. With it, I could rise to the top of the hero world, gaining the influence and authority I needed to reshape society. A world where someone like me could rule from the shadows, guiding humanity towards a better future whether they liked it or not.

The U.A. entrance exam was just the first step. From there, I'd climb the ranks, gather allies, position myself as the next Symbol of Peace. And all the while, I'd be laying the groundwork for my true ambitions.

The next morning, I stood on the beach beside All Might, the rising sun casting long shadows across the sand. My body thrummed with nervous energy, a mix of excitement and apprehension about what was to come.

All Might, in his true form, fixed me with a serious gaze. "Young Midoriya, can you feel One For All in your system?"

I nodded, feeling the unfamiliar power coursing through my veins. "Yes, I can. It's... intense."

"Good," All Might said, a hint of pride in his voice. "Now, I want you to try something. Look out to the ocean, clench your buttcheeks, and yell 'SMASH' with all your strength."

I blinked, sure I'd misheard. "I'm sorry, what? Clench my... are you sure about this?"

All Might nodded, pulling out his phone. "Trust me, my boy. This is how you channel One For All. Give it everything you've got!"

I shrugged, deciding to play along. I turned to face the ocean, took a deep breath, and did as instructed. I felt ridiculous, but as I yelled "SMASH!" I felt the power of One For All surge through me.

The result was... explosive.

A massive shockwave erupted from my fist, creating a giant fissure in the ocean. Water parted for what seemed like miles, the force of the punch creating a temporary canyon in the sea. The backlash was immediate and severe. Pain shot through my arm, and I could feel bones shattering from the recoil.

I staggered back, cradling my now useless right arm. "What the hell?" I gasped, genuinely shocked by the display of power.

All Might, who had transformed into his heroic form, let out a booming laugh. "Impressive, young Midoriya! That was far beyond what I expected for your first try!"

I stared at him, incredulous. "You expected this? My arm is wrecked!"

He nodded, his expression growing serious. "One For All is an immense power. It will take time for your body to fully adapt to it. But don't worry - I've arranged for someone to help with that."

Before I could ask what he meant, All Might scooped me up and took off running at incredible speed. The world blurred around us as he raced towards what I realized was U.A. University.

We arrived at the nurse's office in record time. An elderly woman I recognized as the famed hero Recovery Girl was waiting for us.

"Honestly, Toshinori," she scolded as All Might set me down. "Pushing the boy this hard already? You're as reckless as ever."

All Might had the grace to look sheepish. "My apologies, Recovery Girl. I may have underestimated the backlash."

Recovery Girl turned her attention to me, her eyes sharp behind her visor. "Well, let's see the damage, young man."

I held out my mangled arm, wincing at the sight. It was a mess of bruises and clearly broken bones. Recovery Girl clicked her tongue disapprovingly before leaning in and... kissing my arm?

To my amazement, I felt the bones knitting back together, the pain receding rapidly. Within moments, my arm was as good as new. But I felt an overwhelming wave of exhaustion. My eyelids grew heavy, and before I knew it, I was drifting off to sleep in one of the infirmary beds. Did accelerated healing and improved stamina counteract each other?

I'm not sure how long I was out, but I woke to the sound of unfamiliar voices. I yawned, stretching as I sat up and swung my legs over the side of the bed.

"Oh? There was someone else here too?" a female voice asked, curiosity evident in her tone.

I turned towards the sound and froze. Standing there was a girl unlike any I'd seen before. She was curvy, with fair skin that seemed to glow in the infirmary's harsh lighting. But it was her hair that caught my attention first - long, flowing locks of periwinkle that framed a face that could only be described as striking. Her royal blue eyes met mine, and I felt an unexpected jolt in my chest.

She tilted her head, a cascade of questions pouring from her lips before I could even process what was happening. "Who are you? How did you get injured? I haven't seen someone like you all year! Are you in General Studies? Or maybe Support?"

I blinked, momentarily thrown off balance by her rapid-fire interrogation. This wasn't part of the plan. No one was supposed to see me here, especially not a student who might remember me later.

I cleared my throat, buying myself a moment to think. "I'm Izuku Midoriya," I said, deciding that honesty was the best approach for now. "I'm not actually a student here... yet. I'm taking the entrance exam next week."

Her eyes widened, somehow becoming even more vibrant. "Really? But then how did you end up in the infirmary? And why are you here so early? Oh! Are you some kind of prodigy they're scouting early?"

"Nothing so impressive, I'm afraid. I was... training nearby, and had a bit of an accident. A teacher who was supervising brought me here to get patched up."

It wasn't entirely a lie, just a carefully edited version of the truth. I watched her face, curious to see how she'd react.

"Wow, that must have been some accident!" she exclaimed, moving closer to examine me. "You look fine now though. Recovery Girl is amazing, isn't she? I'm Nejire Hado, by the way! I'm a second-year in the hero course."

She thrust out her hand, and I took it without thinking.

"Nice to meet you, Nejire," I said. "The hero course, huh? That must be exciting."

She nodded eagerly, her hair and chest bouncing with the movement. "Oh, it is! There's so much to learn, and the teachers are incredible. Are you aiming for the hero course too, Izuku?"

"That's the plan. I've been working towards it for a long time."

Nejire's gaze sharpened, and I saw something in her expression change. It was subtle, but there was a flicker of recognition there - not of who I was, but of what I represented.

"I think you'll make it," she said, her voice softer now, more serious. "There's something about you, Izuku. Something... different."

For a moment, we just looked at each other, an unspoken understanding passing between us. Then Nejire's bright smile returned, breaking the spell.

"So, tell me all about your training! What kind of quirk do you have? How did you get hurt? Oh, and who was the teacher that brought you here? Was it Aizawa-sensei? He's always finding promising students!"

I laughed, holding up my hands in mock surrender. "Whoa, one question at a time! I'm not sure I'm supposed to talk about the details of my training, but as for my quirk..."

I paused, considering my words carefully. This was an opportunity, I realized. A chance to start building my reputation, to plant the seeds of the image I wanted to project.

"It's a strength enhancement quirk," I said, which wasn't entirely untrue. "But I'm still learning to control it. That's actually how I got hurt - I pushed it too far during training."

Nejire's eyes lit up with interest. "Ooh, a strength quirk! Those can be tricky to master, but they're so useful for hero work. Have you been working on techniques to minimize the drawback? Oh! Have you thought about support items that could help regulate your power output?"

"I... hadn't considered support items, actually. That's a good idea."

"I could introduce you to some of the Support Department students if you want!" Nejire offered enthusiastically. "They're always looking for hero course students to collaborate with on projects. Oh, but you're not a student yet... hmm, maybe after you pass the entrance exam?"

"I'd like that, assuming I pass the exam, of course."

Nejire waved her hand dismissively. "Oh, you'll pass. I can tell. You've got that look in your eyes, you know? The one that says you won't accept anything less than success."

I raised an eyebrow, stepping a bit closer. "You got all that just from looking at me?"

She nodded, a hint of pride in her smile as she looked up at me. "I'm good at reading people. It's part of why I want to be a hero - to understand others and help them in the best way possible."

"That's admirable," I said. "The world needs heroes like that."

Nejire's smile softened, and she opened her mouth to respond, but was cut off by the infirmary door opening.

Recovery Girl bustled in, her eyes widening slightly as she saw me up and about. "Well, well, young man. It seems you've recovered quite nicely."

She turned to Nejire, a hint of suspicion in her gaze. "And what are you doing here, Miss Hado?"

Nejire's smile didn't falter for a moment. "Oh, I was just dropping off some papers from Vlad King-sensei for you. I hope I'm not intruding!"

Recovery Girl's expression softened slightly. "No, no, it's fine. Thank you. But perhaps it's time for you to head back to class, hm?"

Nejire nodded, but not before turning back to me. "It was great meeting you, Izuku! Good luck with the entrance exam - though I'm sure you won't need it!"

As she bounced out of the room, I felt that odd sense of loss again. Shaking it off, I turned to Recovery Girl, who was watching me with a shrewd expression.

"How are you feeling, young Midoriya?" she asked, her tone professional but kind.

I flexed my previously injured arm, marveling at the lack of pain. "Much better, thank you. Your quirk is truly impressive."

She nodded, seemingly satisfied. "Good, good. Now, I believe it's time for you to head home. Your mother must be wondering where you are."
