
Girl Talk

Allison entered the girls' sauna, a swathe of steam billowing out as she opened the door. She found Zephyr already inside, lounging on a wooden bench, her bare skin glistening with a light sheen of perspiration.

Zephyr smiled at the sight of her friend. "Hey, Alli. Come and join me. It's been a while since we had some girl time."

Allison obliged, shedding her robe and hanging it on a hook. She sat down, her long brown hair falling over her shoulders, the heat causing a few tendrils to curl. "Commander Stone is certainly putting us through our paces."

"Mmm." Zephyr closed her eyes, savouring the warmth. "It's definitely taking some getting used to. Especially with all the other distractions around here."

Allison nodded, understanding all too well the temptations that lurked within the Fortress of Justice. Her encounters with Bullseye were never far from her mind. "It's not easy being a sidekick, is it?"

"Not when there are so many fit heroes running around." Zephyr sighed contentedly, her hand unconsciously drifting to her neck, where a faint love bite was starting to bruise. "I mean, don't get me wrong, I love Jetstream, but I can't deny the appeal of a bit of variety."

Allison bit her lip, her curiosity getting the better of her. "So, Zoe... I've been meaning to ask..."

"Ask me anything, Alli," Zephyr said, her eyes still closed. "We're partners, remember?"

Allison paused, choosing her words carefully. "What's it like... you know... being intimate with someone who has powers?"

Zephyr's eyes snapped open, a mischievous glint shining through the haze of sweat and steam. "Oh, Alli, you have no idea."

"Enlighten me, then." Allison leaned forward, her interest piqued. "I mean, Mark is great, but it's not like he can do anything special in the bedroom."

Zephyr's smile widened, her vivid green eyes sparkling with excitement. "Well, imagine if he could control the wind, like I can. Or move things with his mind, like you. The possibilities are endless."

"Give me an example," Allison pressed, intrigued by the notion.

Zephyr's cheeks flushed a delicate pink. "Okay, so when Jetstream and I are... you know... in the moment, he can use his super-speed to drive me wild."

"How so?" Allison asked, leaning closer, keen for details.

"He can do things with his tongue that would make your toes curl," Zephyr whispered, her eyes flashing with a combination of lust and amusement. "The boy knows how to use his powers to his advantage, let's just say that."

Allison swallowed, her mouth suddenly dry as images flashed through her mind—images of Bullseye and his kinetic powers. "Wow. I guess that's one benefit of being a superhero."

"It certainly adds a whole new dimension to things," Zephyr said, a faraway look in her eye as she recalled some of her more memorable encounters with Jetstream. "And don't even get me started on what it's like flying while doing it."

Allison's eyes widened at the thought. "Okay, now I'm jealous."

Zephyr laughed, a playful, music sound that bounced off the wooden walls of the sauna. "Don't be, Alli. I'm sure Mark has his own unique skills."

"Not quite as exciting as superpowers," Allison admitted, a hint of longing in her voice. "But I guess it's the thought that counts."

"Exactly," Zephyr agreed, reaching over to pat her friend's hand. "And who knows, maybe one day you'll find a superhero of your own who can give you the super-powered experience you crave. I won't judge you."

"That's just it, though." Allison couldn't hide the note of frustration in her voice. "I think I might have already found someone. Someone who makes me feel things I've never experienced before."

Zephyr's eyes widened, and she sat up straighter, all traces of relaxation gone. "What? Who? When?"

"Remember Bullseye?" Allison's cheeks flushed as she spoke. "The flirty archer I told you about the other day?"

Zephyr nodded. "The one who's been chasing you since the day you arrived? What about him?"

Allison paused, gathering her thoughts, unsure of how to explain the complex mix of emotions swirling within her. "It's hard to explain, but there's something about him that gets to me. Every time I'm around him, I feel this pull, this desire I can't quite control."

"Go on," Zephyr prompted, recognising the torn expression on her friend's face.

Allison took a deep breath, the steam clouding around her as she gathered her courage. "Yesterday, we were alone in an alleyway, having just taken down a villain together. He pulled me close and kissed me passionately. But it wasn't just any kiss. He used his powers to enhance the sensation, to make the touch of his lips and hands feel electric."

"Oh my." Zephyr hung on to every word.

"I've never felt anything like it," Allison confessed, her eyes glazing over with the memory. "It was like my entire body was on fire, every nerve ending buzzing with pleasure. But just when I thought I couldn't take any more, he stopped, leaving me wanting more."

"Teasing you, was he?" Zephyr asked, "How mean."

Allison nodded, her lips curling into a frustrated pout. "He said something about teaching me how to really use my powers, and then he walked away, leaving me standing there, trembling with desire."

"The cheek of it!" Zephyr exclaimed, sitting up straighter. "What a way to leave you hanging."

"Tell me about it," Allison groaned, resting her head against the wall, the wood feeling cool against her heated skin. "And the worst part? I keep thinking about it. Fantasising about what it would be like to be with him again, to feel that rush of pleasure."

Zephyr's expression softened, understanding the turmoil her friend was experiencing. "It's only natural, Alli. You're human, after all. And this place, the Fortress of Justice, it brings out something primal in all of us."

"But what about Mark?" Allison asked, the guilt finally breaking through the haze of desire. "I love him, but this whole superhero business is making me question everything."

"Love is complicated," Zephyr said, reaching out to squeeze Allison's hand. "And this life we've chosen is anything but ordinary. But you'll figure it out, Alli. Trust your heart, and your powers, and everything will fall into place. Plus, what Mark doesn't know can't hurt him."

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