
King's Landing IV

[A/N: I am glad people are enjoying the story. I have been sitting on making a GoT/HoTD Fanfic for a while now and since Season 2 of HoTD has ended, I decided to do something about it. 

For me to do 10 chapters, excluding the author's note, is something even I was not thinking possible so soon. That just proves how badly I wanted to do this. 

A bit of a warning though, there is no guarantee that I will keep pumping out chapters like crazy. For now, we'll see how long it takes the story to reach 100k if it'll reach that far.

That doesn't mean I don't appreciate the current reads it has, it's been 2 days after all. It will reach 100k for sure and I'll look forward to that. 

Anyways, thank you for reading and Enjoy.]

(Rhaegon's POV)

"Narrowly avoiding a bout with Ser Gregor is not something I wished to hear this morrow, Ser Rhaegon." Ser Arthur said as we walked towards a courtyard, "It is foolish to deal with that man." 

I scoffed, "It is foolish for him not to apologize to me." 

"Wars have been waged due to foolish incidents such as these." He said

We were heading towards where Prince Oberyn wished to meet and discuss some matters, before King Rhaegar's announcement. I wanted to make it as quick as possible so I can go and stand through the boring announcement that everyone in the Realm looks forward to. For crying out loud, Dany is in Winterfell...she is fortunate enough to not be bored by this. 

I stopped and looked at him, "Tell me, Ser Arthur." I said, "Would you not expect him to apologize when he so crudely runs into you from behind? As a knight, a simple 'forgive me' is expected, but his manners are worse than Lord Tyrion's." 

Ser Arthur nodded, "I know, but his temperament is well known." he said, "A fight is best to be avoided." 

"Fuck him." I told him, "Next time he dares insult me, I'll cut him down and feed his corpse to my Dragon. And I don't just say to anyone. I have heard tales of his doings, this Mountain, I know that he is a terrible man. Rapist, murderer, and pillager. The fact Lord Tywin keeps him around is an insult to the crown." 

"Many things are an insult to the crown." I heard a voice say

I turned around to see a familiar Dornishman wearing a dark yellow attire, walking towards me as he was followed by a tall and beautiful woman with stunning and fierce features. 

"Prince Oberyn." I said, "It is good to see you." 

Oberyn reached me as he nodded, "I could say the same to you, Ser Rhaegon." He said, "You may just be the only person aside from the King that I look forward to seeing in the Capital." 

I shrugged, "Well, what can you do about it?" I said

He gestured to the woman who held onto his arm with a simple smile, "This here is my beloved. Ellaria Sand." He said, "I don't think you met." 

I nodded at the woman, "No, I don't think she was there during our duel." I said, "Sand, was it?" 

Ellaria chuckled, "You are the boy-knight who fought my Oberyn and lived?" She said as she eyed me up and down, "You are but a man, a tall and strong one at that." 

I smiled as I glanced at Ser Arthur, "You flatter me." I said, "I didn't think, however, that a Sand would be on the side of a Dornish Prince." 

"You should know, Ser Rhaegon, that bastards in our land are born from passion." Oberyn said as he smiled at her, "While they don't have the benefits as legitimate children, they are not shunned by our people." 

"Hm." I said looking at him

Oberyn looked at me and then at Ser Arthur, "What were you two speaking of?" He asked, "Something about Gregor Clegane?" 

I nodded, "The Mountain." I said as I leaned my hand on my sword, "He was...rude to me and dared act in a manner that....angered me...." 

"The Mountain is a vile man." Oberyn said with a frown, "I have a bone to pick with him. He once marched some of his men to Dorne, raided a village in the Marches, and raped many of our women." 

I frowned, "He did that?" I said, "That scum of the earth, I should cut him up." 

"I would like to speak with him." Oberyn said, "But alas, King Rhaegar and my own brother have asked me nicely to behave." 

"Yes, lover." Ellaria said as she patted his cheek, "We came in such joyous moods, did we not?" 

"That we did." He said with a smile, "But still, The Mountain is a fearsome warrior, how do you expect to cut him up? You think you can handle him?" 

I took a step back as I eyed him up and down, "What? You think he'll best me in battle?" I asked

He nodded, "I would imagine so." 

"I'm offended, Prince Oberyn." I said as I frowned again, "There are three living men in the Seven Kingdoms that I can for sure say are capable of defeating me in one-on-one combat. Care to guess who they are? I'll give you a hint, they wear white cloaks." 

I gestured to the Sword of The Morning who was silently standing behind me. I could tell Ser Arthur was sternly watching us, expecting for us to draw our weapons and "Play". 

"The Sword of The Morning, The Golden Lion, and Barristan The Bold." Oberyn said with a smile, "House Dayne is of Dorne, everyone knows that Ser Arthur here is the mightiest warrior in Westeros. But you insult me, Ser, do you not think I can't best you?" 

"We fought." I said, "You didn't win." 

"And neither did you." He said with a smile

"Exactly my point." I said with a chuckle, "The Mountain is no different. He'll fall to me should we fight." 

"You're young." Oberyn said as he looked around, "The realm doesn't need a reckless young lord trying to prove something that everyone already knows." 

"The realm...." I said taking a step forward, "Expects me to serve justice. Clegane is just one man of many that I have my eyes on. Sooner or later, they'll meet my blade.....or my dragon." 

"Heh." He said, "Speaking of Dragons.....my daughters have fallen in love with the beast...where is he, might I ask?" 

"The Dragonpit." I said, "Where they usually should be." 

"Ah, speaking of daughters...." Ellaria said, "Tell him." 

"Yes, I should, shouldn't I?" He said as he patted her cheek, "Ser Rhaegon, I have come to understand that....well, your Father wishes for you to get married, no?" 

"Apparently so..." I said with a frown, "He's made some discussions, without my knowledge. What of it?" 

"I know this will be....well...." He said, "Distasteful, but may I offer you the hands of my Daughters? The Sand Snakes." 

I raised an eyebrow, "Hm?" I said, "Come again? Daughters? As in more than one?" 

"You are of Targaryen blood, surely you can have more than one woman." He said with a chuckle, "I had a nephew with Targaryen blood, before the Dragonstone Tragedy, something I am still thoroughly investigating....You remind me of what he could have been." 

"I..." I said looking at Ser Arthur, "I don't know about that." 

"Obara, Tyene, and Nymeria." He said, "They are willing, you can have them if you wish. Of course, in exchange for your loyalty to Dorne and well, your Dragon's flames when needed." 

I chuckled and looked down, "Of course." I said, "Morghul is such a sought-after prize." 

"Not just Morghul." He said, "I want Ser Rhaegon, The Black Dragon. That is what my people call you. You who descended from the skies atop the Black Lord, wearing your shiny black armor with the sigil of the dragon and stag. He who challenged I, the Red Viper, to a duel and lived to tell the tale." 

I sighed and glanced at Ser Arthur once again.

His face said it all, it was a good offer but alas, not one that could be accepted. The Sand Snakes are fierce she-warriors from what I hear and considering who my mother is, I don't mind fierce women. But the thing is, they're Sands and Father would not approve of this. 

"I will consider the offer." I said before frowning yet again, "Wait was this the offer considered by my father? I was told House Martell was in the talks of marriage proposals." 

"Perhaps." Oberyn smiled, "It is a risky offer I am proposing. I would certainly not insult Lord Robert by offering bastards to his son. I hope three would compensate for that, however." 

"I hear they are formidable fighters, but alas, it is not up to me." I said, "I am still Heir to Storm's End." 

Oberyn chuckled, "I understand." He said before looking at Ellaria, "Let us go, my lover. King Rhaegar is about to make his long-awaited announcement, not like we don't know what it is." 

Ellaria smiled before she looked at me, "Yes." she said, "It was a pleasure to meet you, Ser Rhaegon." 

I nodded, "The pleasure was mine, Milady." I said

"I'm no Lady." She said with a chuckle, "But much appreciated." 

They then walked past us and made their way onwards. 

I sighed and looked at Ser Arthur, "Seriously?" 

"It is to be expected, Ser Rhaegon." He said, "Marriage proposals at your age? I was not fortunate to receive so many." 

"Oh yea?" I said, "What's so fortunate about this?" 

"Any wrong answer and it could cause a storm." 


"Lords and Ladies of Westeros!" King Rhaegar called as he stood in front of the Iron Throne, "I thank you for coming all this way to hear this quick but important announcement!" 

I was among the massive crowd of Lords and Ladies and Knights in the throne room attending the announcement, my hand on the handle of my sword. I was looking around to see if I saw Clegane anywhere in the crowd, but to my surprise, I didn't see the behemoth. Mayhaps Lord Tywin sent him away. 

Or worse. 

I then focused on Uncle, who was waving everyone down as they were cheering in response to what he had just said. Lord Tywin standing besides the throne as his Kingsguard stood in front of the steps, save for Ser Arthur, who stood next to the throne as well, opposite of Tywin. 

"Thank you, thank you." He said, "While not all of the expected Houses could make it today, I had sent word of the official decree. In a few months, my youngest sister, Princess Daenerys of House Targaryen, will be officially wed to the young Lord Robb of House Stark. She was promised to him ever since the quelling of the Greyjoy Rebellion, as thanks for Lord Eddard's efforts and triumphant battles."

I heard clapping all around me, many nobles murmuring in approval. They had already known it was inevitable for this to happen, they just wanted to hear it from Uncle's mouth. 

I saw as King Rhaegar placed his hand on the handle of his blade, the famed Dark Sister [A/N: I know Dark Sister was lost in canon, but this will be explained in coming chapters.Just a little fyi],

"My sister, born on the same night as the Dragonstone Tragedy....uhm...." He said before catching himself and looking away momentarily, "A terrible night.....but alas, it was her birth that gave hope to myself and to the Realm....I would like to thank House Martell of Dorne, for accepting my heartfelt apology for the incident and my failure to grant them the hand of my sister, Daenerys." 

I looked over across the room, seeing Prince Oberyn giving him an approving nod. Everyone on the room was silent, the ghosts of the fateful night still haunting everyone in this room. I, of course, know of what happened on that dreadful night, aside from Aunt Dany's birth. My cousins and their mother were killed in the assault. A horrible thing. It was just of my Grandfather to burn them all with his Dragon. 

"But House Stark has been loyal to the crown for years since the Conqueror." King Rhaegar said as he composed himself, "It was Cregan Stark who marched towards the Capital and kept his oath to Queen Rhaenyra, whom many call Usurper, and placed her son Aegon The Younger on the throne. Many have voiced their feelings on her, but it is from her blood that we derive from. It was his Oath that proved what House Stark is, a loyal and trustworthy House. It is because of his efforts during the River Dragon Rebellion, the Greyjoy Rebellion, and many incidents following it that I have decided to wed his son to my sister...a long awaited event.....I call it...." 

"The Union of Ice and Fire." 
