
Nikolai and Nikita - The Sun and Moon of the show

Inside the luxurious booth, quite many people began to gather. The ones from the same class as Nikolai and Nikita, with most being working-class families, the style and looks seemed quite similar with copied looks of expensive brands and knockoffs. 

However, some rose during the years since everyone met last. 

Jin Soo-Hyun, a person Nikolai didn't mind. A tall male with a skinny frame and dark brown hair just above his eyes. Although he wasn't ugly, his looks weren't amazing. 

However, he was a quiet and observant man who carried a lot of weight during their time in school, serving as the class rep and vice-president of the student council for two years consecutively; now, he works as a financial strategist for the Faust family. 

He sat at a table with Hana Lee, a beautiful girl with wavy brown hair, and as back in the past, she brought a book with her. Normally present at the many events Jin Soo-Hyun would, she became his fiancée as if by nature.

Then with them was the broad-shouldered Daewon Kang, with short, shaved hair like a military buzz cut, who was quite disciplined coming from a military family like Ryan Seong.

He was a man of few words, but he would always act when required.

These three were part of the group of Ryan, Nikita and Nikolai and sat at the worst table near the door because of this. 

"Darling, do you think it's because of Nikolai that we are sat at this table, although we were friends? You have risen so high with your skill; why doesn't Daiki acknowledge that?" Hana asked her fiancée in a soft voice.

"Hana, you can't blame Nikolai—Daiki only targeted him because of how handsome Nikolai was back then, even if you have a small crush on him. Don't be judgemental just because we earn a good wage. Remember, humility is the source of success."

"Darling, forgive me... I just didn't want to be shunned by our friends. You know how they get with these things. It's Nikolai and Nikita's first time coming... What if there is trouble? Look, he's groping Mari for all to see."

"Don't worry, Nikolai isn't the type of guy to hold a meaningless grudge. The moment she chose money, he cried for an entire night. Nikolai was done. That's the kind of guy he is. I admired him then and still do."

"You and Hana really suit each other," Daewon muttered while sipping a glass of iced water and looking towards the door. 

There were two more name cards on their table marked with the number [4], Nikita and Nikolai. 


On the table labelled [3], quite a few familiar faces were sitting. 

Miyuki Tanaka sat in the head seat; her family, originally from the J-Empire in the past, emigrated to S-Kingdom and formed a medium-sized company. 

Now a subsidiary of the Scarlet group, however, they kept their status. 

She was a short girl with delicate features and long, silky black hair down to her hips. In the past, Miyuki was shy but incredibly kind-hearted. 

"I wonder if Nikolai-kun will arrive without any issues. He used to work several jobs to make ends meet. Should we call him to see if he's alright?"

"You don't need to worry; I am sure he's fine. Since it's the first time he has accepted. He'll probably book the night off; I mean, a cleaner or dishwasher doesn't have that much trouble, right?" 

The male spoke with an arrogant and insulting tone because he was Haruto Suzuki, an average man with neat black hair and organised in life. He now worked directly for Daiki as one of his underlings and subordinates.

"Oi Oi, you just say that because you hate Nikolai and work for Daiki, man." A female voice mocked him with her lips curling into a smile.

Despite being female, she was taller than Haruto and with glossy black hair down to her neck in a messy bob. Aiko Nakamura was a strong-willed and independent girl, not afraid of the rich members of the class, nor did she flock with the others to judge them. 

She just enjoyed a challenge, being the two-time taekwondo women's national champion.

"Tsk, Aiko, don't get cocky because you are a little strong. If your training ground loses its sponsors, do you think you'd last a second in this world?"

"Heh~ even if you wanted to try. They wouldn't desert me for some loser who is a glorified secretary for Daiki!"


"Ah... you two, please don't fight. Okay? Let's calm down." Miyuki tried to calm them all down, but Aiko's foot shot out underneath the table, almost smashing into Haruto's balls.

"Listen here, you little cuckold. If you dare call me that word again, I'll crush your balls! I mean, you let Daiki rail your wife, so don't act tough with me!"

"Why you, just you wait. I'll tell Daiki to have you fired from the company for sure!"

"You wish. I don't even work there. I just train and compete, and my company is a subsidiary of the Scarlet Group, not Daiki's corrupt family! I've even shared meals with their heiress and CEO Selene!"

"Tsk, damn it all...!" Haruto seemed to have given up as he started downing the free champagne.


"Ahem! Everyone, may I have your attention?" A beautiful voice sounded over the speakers as the class queen and number one girlfriend of the year began to speak. Mari Yamamoto, the one responsible for the class becoming fractured in their last year together, almost caused Nikolai to become expelled because of false accusations against him.

"Thank you, everyone, for joining us. I am honoured to be standing up here before you all. This is the first time we are all present together after leaving school and entering the adult world. Tonight, it seems all those who refused in the past will be coming! From the beautiful Euh-Ji Park and her brother Min-Jae! to Nikita Fenrir and, of course... Nikolai Volkov!"

"Nikolai..." A murmur ran through the crowd as everyone glanced at the empty seats of the tables.

"Ah... that rapist?"

"The beast is coming?!"

Despite the rumours being proven false, many of the people who disliked him still called him hurtful and disgusting rumours.

"I would also like to give a special welcome to my husband, Daiki, for helping me with the preparations!"

'What husband... you're just a slut that warms my bed.' Daiki thought to himself while laughing amongst the other people who supported him and now worked at his company.

'That bastard, how does he think he got such a beauty to sleep with him? If not for his father being so powerful and connected, I would have never allowed him to touch me.' Mari complained in her heart while glaring at Aiko, who drank a mug of beer and seemed to hate Mari to the bones.

"I know everyone is probably excited about the food, so I'll make this quick. Thank you for your support and tonight we have MANY surprises and games to play, so please look forward to them!" Mari bowed elegantly while everyone applauded, the majority being Daiki's followers.

The next moment, the doors suddenly opened, and the attention of the room, because of being focused on Mari, all turned to the doorway.

"No way...?!"

"Is that... Him!"

"So handsome... wait... that suit, is it real?"


Daiki looked towards the door and bit his lower lip in anger. The look on his opponent's face was one of boredom as he held a beautiful, short woman by the waist, wearing a stunning white dress from this summer's fashion show.

A dress yet to be released to the public!

Which meant it was a genuine product worth over $15,000

"Ah, Jin Soo! Hana, Daewon, you guys look so old now!" The male's deep voice caused the room to vibrate; several women who held hidden crushes were now set ablaze after seeing how he matured.

"You damn...!" Jin Soo-Hyun Stood up with his finger pointing at the man. "I am happy to see you. It's been too long!"

"Well, I'm here now. Worship me, and I might forgive you." The male shrugged, his lips curling into a devilishly charming smile.

I wanted to give a face to people who would be showing up in the future, and during this reunion mini-arc, giving a sense of what kind of feeling their class was in the past.


TheDragonSlayercreators' thoughts