
arrival at driftmark thoughts of singers

AN: here we go. Gonna meet daven while the others are preparing to face the court of Dragonstone.

Alyn worries about his stepmothers reaction to seeing him ride seasmoke

Corlys worries about the war and the safety of his family.

Leaf is thinking about Arthur

Daemon arrives in Dragonstone. Ready to give his family news they'll surely not be prepared for.

Sparta, Childrens keep, 130 AC


As I and my family make ready for the inevitable long night, I find myself thinking of the black dragon who helped us.

When I'd received visions from the gods of a dragon with fur I was confused. Never before had such a thing been seen. The mixture of ice and fire.

What an incredible thing it is to see with mine own eyes.

I myself helped create the problem we now have to stop. White walkers.

They were made after my people got tired of seeing their blood be spilled. For men are fickle creatures. Alwyss subject to change. Even those who follow our gods as their own.

Arthur is different. The gods say it so. For if they speak truth, and they have never lied to me and my people, he was born long long ago by human standards.

Then reborn amidst salt and smoke of the smoking sea. Ready to do the old gods bidding.

They had also shown me the things he went through in his homeland. Prejudice, neglect and outright abuse were every day occurrences.

This made it all the more incredible that the man was so compassionate. Everytime he saw someone in need of help he helped them. Whether they be the highest of lords or lowest of peasants he would help them.

Such a thing was not normal. As I've said, men are fickle and subject to change. But not Arthur Valhalla.

In truth? Many of the earthsingers who now inhabit the island only arrived after Arthur left. For they wished to see if I spoke favt or fiction about him.

This lead us to gather nearly 50 more of my people. A huge number in truth. For we sunk the stepstones with less.


My thoughts then drift to his prospective wife. A beautiful and kind girl at heart. Although, from the way she will come into her own on this journey will make her perfect for Arthur.

He will need a kind hand to guide him. But also a firm hand to slap the stubbornness from his head every once in awhile.

For the man is truly stuck in his ways. Secretive. Plotting.

Although I can understand given what he knows we must face, it doesn't ease my worry about the descendent of my first human friend, the builder.

Arthur and he are so much alike it's eerie.

But just like Brandon, I will help Arthur. For if we fail, it all comes crashing down.


Driftmark, spicetown, 130 AC


Seeing davos's face on his ancestor is almost too much for me to bear.

Dark black hair and pale blue eyes look back at my own ethereal grey and red in shock.

Behind me I can hear morgoth growl at the man. For while I want him to be a lord, he'll need some motivation.

He seems even more scared of my dragon. That is until he noticed frost over my right shoulder.

I broke the silence, (greetings. Long have I waited to speak to daven.) by the way he flinched my eyes had increased their glow.

After a minute of not speaking frost seems to get impatient. He lets out a deep rumbling growl.

This snapped him out of his daze. And he quickly said. (Please come in. My lord.)

I walk in and notice it's a pretty standard abode for the time I'm in. But I'm not here to admire his living conditions. I'm here with an offer.

(I was told by lord Corlys you gave him this.) I say setting the journal of my grandfather Down.

His eyes go moon wide as he looks into my own. 'That means he recognized my appearance. Good.'

He instantly tried to run for the door, forgetting completely about the head of morgoth who sat right outside said door.

After falling back in shock and moving away from the now stalking direwolf he doesn't stop until his back is up against the wall and frosts snarling face is inches from him.

AN: (Think Robb and Jamie Lannister Scene)

He speaks in a pleading voice. (Pppplease my Llord. Don't kill me.)

I maintain my cold noble demeanor. (And why should I not? You stole from my family. Then you stole from my wife's grandfather. What else could you offer me besides your life thief?)

He turns stark white and replied, (anything. There is no better smuggler than me. I have contacts the world over. I need only to know what you desire lord Valhalla.) 'ahh so he even read the book.

I put on a thinking face. One I keep for s few minutes to make him nervous before responding. (Very well. Follow me)

And with that daven started his new life. One of war and blood. Of happiness and joy. Of family and friends.



I was nervous. Incredibly so. For we were close to Dragonstone. Close to meeting Rhaenys, my stepmother. Rider of meleys.

I was more scared to meet her than daemon. For it's like my own version of the rogue and winter dragons meeting.

I decide to take my momf off it by choosing my robes for our time there. Born out of wedlock I may be, but I appreciate Arthur for not treating me like that.

He's treated me as a friend since joking at me when we first met and if Find myself thinning about ny future in Sparta.

What women would marry a bastard? Oh I'm no fool. I inherited my fathers looks. Which would make it easy to ensure a wife. But one of the right blood as Arthur said? I don't know how I'll keep to that.



I can see Alyns fears as we get closer to the meeting on Dragonstone with my family.

Gods i don't even want to imagine baela's reaction when she hears of what I've done. If rhaena's own reaction is anything to go by, i have a firey dragoness to tame when I get there.

But that will not stop the pride I'll feel when Alyn dismounts seasmokes back and makes all those want to be Valyrians envious.

I'm also excited to see Arthur's way of doing things within court. For I know not how he'll deal with the many lords who'll hound him.

Whether that be about his betrothal to Rhaena or his existence. Regardless. He will face trials there.

But they're ones im pacing around anticipating.



Seeing Dragonstone from above always calms my mind. And such a thing is severely needed. For I don't know what to do, how to handle myself seeing my little dragon growing up.

Not only is she growing up. But the way she looks at Arthur. How terrified she was when he wouldn't wake. It all showed me jisy how much dragon dreams have affected her.

The two feel linked. Bonded in a way I've never felt between two people. I'll need to ask Arthur about this when they arrive. But for now I must speak to my family. Maybe they can help me understand how to deal with such a huge change.
