
Otto Hightower, Aemond; Greens

AN: here we go. Not going to be a long chapter. Just FYI. I don't like these characters. Never have. So getting into their head, while easy, puts me in a bad headspace.

Therefore, we will get this done in as little words as possible 🥲


Red keep, Blackwater bay, 130 AC

(Otto POV)

Everything was going exactly as I had planned. Okay, maybe the realm on the brink of burning isn't what I had in mind.

But my oldest grandson sits the throne, and his brother rides the most fearsome mount outside of the cannibal. But no man would be fool enough to try and tame such a beast. For what kind of being eats it's own kind? Animal or not.

Moving on from thoughts of the wild, unnatural beasts my family has been trying to slowly erraticate since they made landfall on the shores of westeros. And if we can't erraticate them, we chose to have them for our own.

The second option worked perfectly after the first one successfully kept viserys from having a male heir. I do not know how the blacks queen made it through her birth, 'twas always a stubborn one,' I thought bitterly to myself as I recall the day I begged her on the steps of Dragonstone to stop this folly.

To follow the laws of gods and men set in precedent for thousands of years.

But her dammed uncle/husband had unleashed his infamous temper. Running almost any hope of resolution.

That hope was turned to ash when aemond arrived back at kings landing a kingslayer. this was further stopped when assassins killed my first great grandchild jaehaerys. Which then led to my foolish grandson murdering innocent men for the deeds of one.

In truth,I saw too much of Daemon's attitude in aemond and too much of viserys' foolishness In aegon. A sad fate. But one i brought upon myself. Now I can only steer aegon and try to placate aemond. Though I fear for both those paths success as the days go by. Thankfully, we also have cristin Cole, a foolish boy at heart, so easily wrapped around a womens finger. If not for his mind at war I would've dismissed him long ago. He looks at Alicent the way he looked at Rhaenyra. Unlike the foolish dragon however, my daughter knows better than to entertain such foolish ideas.

I'm broken out of my musings by the all too familiar sound of vhaegar returning after a successful campaign. As the last of the conquerors dragons, there are few who can match her.

As I look out the window however, the expected answer of sunfyre doesn't come. And seeing the dragon for true now I see she's alone. My mind races. What's happened?


Blackwater bay, 130 AC


As I see the red keep in the distance, my mind is aflame with rage. This unknown dragon seed. The gall of him to interfere with our plans. We would've surely won the war after defeating meleys. For there were no other experienced dragons in combat among the blacks save for the blood wyrm.

But now, this new one has entered the game. I'll have to get grandfather to scour the spy's for information on this dragon seed. Maybe I can kill my uncle before dealing with him.

From the sound the obsidian beast that ate my brother and his dragon, I'll surely need to fight him alone with no other riders in the vacinity. For the sound the beast made was unlike any I've ever heard. Not even vhaegar after chewing lucerys up made such a dominant sound that shook the bones of my chest.

There is one thing about this battle that is a plus though. Now, I will sit the iron throne. And with vhaegar at my beck and call, nobody, not even Otto Hightower, can tell me what to do anymore.

The last thing I need to ensure stays to plan is the trade agreement with the triarchy in exchange for sacking from driftmark to hull. Taking their pound of flesh back to their homes.

Such a thing matters not to me, only beating the blacks. Because now? It's my birthright i fight for.

AN:that's truly all I have for them. I'm sorry. Might do a few more in the future. But do not be expecting. A lot of appearances. The next one I do, I'll do a great summary of aemond arriving back and taking over the capital, ottos feelings about such a thing, and Alicent trying to get her daughter to act alive again.

Live long and prosper 🖖❤️
